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"Hi beautiful, would you mind if I ask for your phone number? You look so pretty. I have never met someone like you."

Build is sitting alone in the bar waiting for Bible to get their drink. It's their last day of honeymoon before heading back to Bangkok tomorrow and tonight they planned to spend their time in the most popular club in Phuket, listening to soulful music and enjoying their moments together.

Yesterday they spent the whole day sightseeing around Phuket. Bible brought him to the museums and waterfalls to explore how beautiful Phuket was. The sceneries captivated their eyes but being around each other excite them more. Build couldn't believe he's now having a husband who treasure him so much and will never take him for granted. Bible is the best gift for him after losing everyone he loves these whole years. He really wishes their love will grow stronger as days passed and nothing can ever break them apart.


Ever since he steps into the club, he noticed several wild eyes already focusing on him. Build is uncomfortable especially when Bible is around and he witnessed that. He doesn't want his husband to pick fights with anyone in the club.

"I'm sorry I'm not interested. I have a partner."

He rejects the offer, clearly uneasy with the flirty move. He's going to ask Bible to go back to their hotel if staying here only to trigger those thirsty stares and feed on their lewd imagination towards him.

"Don't lie, baby, someone like you would never want to be tied that easily. I've met hundreds of them but no one is as young, beautiful and sexy as you. Play with me and I would give you anything you want. Let's go beautiful."

The man smirks, offering him his name card and flexing his title and power. He bravely runs his hand on Build's arms down to his fingers trying to feel how soft the skin is.

"Hey, don't touch me!"

Build yanks his hands away, irritated with the harassment. He's sure not going to stay here any longer.

"Come on sweetheart I can be your sugar daddy and we can have fun together."

The old man continuously flirts. Unabashed.

Build wants to laugh, he doesn't need someone's money when he can earn everything by himself, plus he has his own personal sugar daddy a.k.a Bible already.

"Urgh no, tha-."

"But his daddy is here already?"

Bible interrupts them, quickly intercepting the man and Build, protecting his husband behind him.

"Who are you and what are you doing with my husband?"

He scoffs. He walks to Build with their drinks and ends up seeing how uncomfortable his husband is to be cornered with a stinky old geezer who can't stop raking his eyes up and down his husband's body. Bible can feel his blood boiling.

The older man stands up, hands up in the air.

"Woah woah, chill young man. That's your man? Well... so pretty, I hope you keep him well or it will be your biggest loss."

He smacks his lips, winking at Build who is still behind Bible.

Bible snaps, how rude this man is to flirt with him openly in front of his own husband, he raises his hand high almost smacking the face when Build back hugs him.

"No Bible, stop. Don't do this here. Let's go back okay? Come on."

Build whispers softly, persuading him to control his anger. He doesn't want to ruin their day with this kind of problem.

"Don't let me see you again or you'll be done with me."

He pushes the man away and brings Build out of the club. Bits of anger still linger in his mind. If with him around, too many eyes already thirsting over Build, what would happen if Build was alone?

He feels his overprotective instincts geared up.

The drive to the hotel is unexpectedly silent since Bible is still mad over the old man. He hates how Build is openly exposed to such moves and dirty tactics that may harm him.

"Ben, are you still mad?"

Build asks him. Bible has been quiet since they arrived at the hotel.

"I just don't like the way they were looking at you as if they wanted to pounce at you on the spot. That was disgusting. Some people are super uncivilised. I hate them."

Bible hastily slips off his nightshirt and sits down on their bed, suddenly feeling so hot. The whole scene spoiled his mood and if it were not for Build he would already punch the old man to teach him lessons.

Build is standing in front of their bed, the night is still early but Bible looks so troubled now. His face is in a frown, his breath uneven, it doesn't match his smokey abs sexily flashing bared on Build. 

Bible is gonna ruin him, Build thought.

His husband is so hot. Build can already feel his face red from Bible's exposed upper body. Wondering if he should reveal his surprise gift now?

Build goes inside the bathroom and changes his cloth. Should he do this? But his heart flutters so badly, the intensity makes his stomach churns.

Is it okay?

Will Bible love the gift?

Once he gets ready, he gulps down a whole can of beer to ease the tension. At least being a little intoxicated makes his mind a bit foggy he won't feel that nervous to face Bible.

He steps out of the bathroom, feet cold stepping bared on the floor. His fingers fiddled on the hem of his cloth, suddenly feeling out of breath.

Bible didn't notice his presence as he is too absorbed with rage and bitterness.


His husband doesn't hear it.

"Bible Wichapas Sumettikul, can you look at me, babe."

Using the softest and sultry voice he had ever practised for, he calls for Bible to pay him some attention, standing dauntless in the middle of their dimmed room.



Thank you for reading ^^

What do you think Build does? Why Bible screamed for his name.

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