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violence, blood


Build's words are cut off when a harsh slap is felt on his cheeks, Bible slaps him hard when he is still laying on the couch, unprepared, eyes unfocused trying to decipher the situation. What is real now he can feel the sting on his left cheek. Hot and burning. 

"I know you're useless but I don't expect you to tattle everything to mom. Why? You were that bored living alone with me ignoring you that you're exposing us to her now?!! Who do you think you are?!!"

Bible is exasperated, his heart is beating fast. Mrs. Sumettikul called him on his way back getting so mad at him for not being at home with Build when she visited him. He had to spend more than an hour listening to his mom nagging at him for not taking care of Build till the said man is getting skinnier now. She advised him to give more attention to Build and loves him more. 

Bible is utterly mad right now, the man who is in front of him now really makes him annoyed. How dare he told his mom about the way he treated him, does he think Bible is much afraid of his parents? 

He's gonna give him a lesson for that.

Staggeringly, Build stands up from the couch holding his red cheeks, the slap was super hard on his soft cheeks. He is so confused as to why Bible is super angry at him now, what did he do?

"Why are you doing this?"

he asks Bible in a mix of alarm and anger, never once did his parents use violence on him, how come his husband resorted to that? He chokes up, gulping the fears that are slowly building up in his body. He can see the flaming wrath in Bible's eyes, tattling on mom? what does he mean? He did not share anything with their mom let alone badmouth Bible behind his back. No matter how much Bible hates him, he still respects his husband.

"I don't under-"

PANG!! Another slap. 

Build is utterly surprised, what is happening?

"Don't understand?" Bible cackles.

"Don't you try to pretend you don't know anything, you're quite an actor right Build? You think you can buy me with your acting huh?"

Bible is like a possessed man right now, he hates seeing the face, the face that ruined his plan, ruined his freedom, wrecked his dream to marry his first love and took away the normal life he used to have before, he hates Build Jakapan, he fucking hates him.

He grabs Build's hands and pushes him down the floor, this time the guy is not able to prevent his fall when everything is so sudden and rushed. Build falls on the marble floor, his knees scratches deep on the marble floor. His hands that are covering his face start to swell from the harsh push. Tears are flooding down his red cheeks, blood is tricking down his mouth after he accidentally bites on it due to the sudden slap. Build feels helpless. He is cowering his body in a fetal position trying to prevent more hits and attacks from Bible. The man is now towering above him with eyes irritatedly bored on him. He grabs Build's chin and grates his teeth hard before pulling the hair harshly. Fuming. 

"hey listen Build, listen because I will not repeat myself anymore. I don't want you to meet my mom or my dad, you are not their son. Don't you ever dare to ever meet them behind my back or you'll see how much more I can do to you! You think all this time I'm quiet you can act all mighty behind me? You're kidding me. Dare to open your mouth about this once more and you're done!"

Bible pushes his face away and walks out of the house, leaving Build with tears and blood all over his face, hands and legs. No matter how much he thought Bible hates him, this isn't it. Bible doesn't have the right to touch him or his body. Build lies down on the floor weakly, trying to gain his breath and calm down. His swollen body cannot cover how much pain he felt in his broken heart. 

Why is this happening to him?

"Love, help me..help me please"

he slowly whispers before passing out on the cold floor. Shaking and alone. 


Bible Sumettikul and his temper..he loses his control whenever he sees Build.

Thank you for reading, don't hate me this is only fictional^^

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