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After the incident, Build stops. He stops trying. He stops initiating. He stops waiting for Bible's attention towards him, he stops preparing food for Bible not that the man ever appreciate his efforts, he stops talking to him and he stops to care. It hurts him so much to bear the hit and slap when he did not know what was his mistake. Bible Wichapas does not deserve to touch him or at worst, hit him. His body is not Bible's punching bag.

If Bible can play the game, why can't he?

By now, he already knows who is Bible's lover. Us Nititorn is a beautiful and famous actor in Thailand. The man is called the national sweetheart in their country because he is so beautiful, sexy, talented and full of charms. Everyone is falling for Us Nititorn and they are lucky to have each other as partners as what people said.

Build does not care, he thinks he does not care but he cannot help to feel slight envy whenever their dating news was out in the articles or when the hot and famous couple was caught by the media having a date together.

'Meet national boyfriends, Us Nititorn and Bible Wichapas'

'Born Soulmate; Us Nititorn - Bible Wichapas and their secrets for a longlasting and eternal love'

'Us Nititorn - Bible Wichapas, planning to get married soon?'

and all those cheesy headlines Build read from those dating articles. He feels like throwing up reading the sweet lines and praises for the couple.

That's my husband you're talking about. Build mumbles alone.

My hot-tempered husband.

He hushes and closes the tabs showing the articles. He is not sure if his parents-in-law know about this, he hopes they don't know but not that Bible cares even when they are aware of it. They know well how Bible has always been against this marriage and all these media attacks are possible to be one of his rebellious acts towards his parents.

Build is walking back from his office late at night, hearts feeling giddy after being able to meet all those beautiful eyes and listening to the sweetest voices of the children in his childcare. At least having to meet them makes he forget his own problems with Bible. Build has always been fond towards children, it has always been his dream to have his own children one day and to shower them with love and care. He is too focused on daydreaming while searching for the keys in his bag when he accidentally stumbles into something or, yes it's someone. He stumbles into someone before him.


Build almost trips down to the floor if not for the stranger grabbing his waist to balance him. Their eyes met before Build quickly detaches himself from the hold and standing straight, feeling slightly guilty for colliding with a stranger.

"I'm sorry, I am lo-"

"hey, we meet again"

the stranger says excitedly, he looks at Build up and down accessing him as if they have met before this.

"I'm sorry but urmm I don't know you"

Build sincerely says trying hard to remember if he knows this man with a gentle smile in front of him. He looks familiar but Build cannot process his mind if he has ever met him before this. The smile is too wide and honest, so innocent he thought.

"Oh yes, I forgot I haven't introduced myself. I'm Jeff, Jeff Satur, Bible Wichapas's friend. I was the one who brought you to the hospital before."

He smoothly said, offering his hand not noticing the uncomfortable expression on Build's face.

So Jeff, Bible's friend was the one who saved him that day? Why Bible did not mention anything to him so he can thank him?

If anyone asks Build, he does not want to get involved with any of Bible's friends or his acquaintances, he does not want to meddle in his husband's privacy as what he had been asked to. But this man in front of him is the one who brought him to the hospital so Build is not that heartless to just ignore this person. He accepts the handshake that the other has offered to him, smiling.

"I'm. Build. Build Jakapan, I'm sorry I don't know you were there in the hospital. Thank you for.. for that time."

He stutters honestly not wanting to remember the day.

Jeff met a lot of people being in this entertainment industry, from actors to singers, from idols to models, name anyone who doesn't know him. But now he cannot look away from this one beauty in front of him. Jeff is captivated by the heart-shaped smile. If before this he saw beautiful Build in his weak and fragile state, Build who is in front of him now is an elegant, confident and sophisticated man. Godly beautiful. Build is smart in styling himself, with a white turtleneck underneath his long coral-blue coat and tight-fitting black pants, he just looks so ethereal. This starry night makes his appearance looks more otherworldly.

Bible is blind for not appreciating this man he thought.

"By the way, since you helped me and I really appreciate that, I wonder if it is okay for me to treat you to dinner, I know it's quite late now but if you don't mind? late dinner on me?"

Jeff is too occupied in appreciating the other's beauty that he cannot catch the honest offer from the man.

Build looks at the person in front of him while smiling awkwardly. It's fine right? He actually prefers to stay out longer if he can if going home only means to be alone and stressed. Who knows if he can befriend Jeff too since the guy looks so kind and gentle.

".. but if you're busy, it's okay. It's somehow rude for asking this suddenly, I'm so sorry. Perhaps, later I can treat yo-"

"Oh, treating me?"

Jeff finally catches it before nodding enthusiastically at Build.

"Yes, no problem. You don't have to treat me for helping you actually but it's okay, I have time now, let's go"

Jeff nods, gladly accepts the offer and they walk to the restaurant near them side by side, starting to talk about a variety of things.

Surprisingly, their synergy matches well together.

There is no problem having a new friend and it's also not a problem if the friend is Build Jakapan right?


Just don't mind me making everyone in this book head over heels for Build cause my biubiu deserves to be loved and admired by all ngeee.

Hope this book suits to your liking, I've clearly stated that it's a cliche arranged marriage but all of this book is written based on my own idea. The first version (BTS universe) of this book is written in 2019 and if there is similar in plot or character, please know that I've no whatsoever intention of duplicating or copying others' hard works. This is a newly remade for BBB universe since I like them so much.

Thank you for supporting this. I appreciate all of your comments. ^^

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