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Build loves kids. He really loves kids he knows he will attach to them fast. That is why now, he already got all of the kids cheering for him while playing their last game which is a dodgeball game.

And as cliche, as it is, Build is left with Bible in one team facing 4 people, 2 kids and 2 staff from the opponent team. The kids from the opponent team are all fierce with determination wishing to defeat both of them and win the game.

They successfully dodge the ball from all corners and laugh out loud having to run away fast from the attacks. It's been so long since he enjoys playing like this, leaving away his problems and stress.

"Attack!!!" The kids scream.

Build and Bible are attacked left and right blaming it on the kids' spirits to win. The ball is in the hand of one staff who is quite big when he accidentally throws it fast directly towards Build and the other is too slow to dodge the upcoming attack.

Oh no!

He throws his hands up trying to shield his head when Bible quickly steps in front of him, both arms to the side and blocking Build's small body before he hears, the loud smack of the ball right on Bible's back.

Their eyes meet. Build hears nothing but his own heart beating crazily fast and wonders if it's from the running or the emotions he's having now. Too loud. Too much beating. His eyes are still on Bible. Did everyone else go quiet or did they leave him alone with Bible. Why everything is so silent? Why the time seems like it stops? The ticking clock is faint it leaves them with the falling ball bouncing hard on the cemented court.

Thud. Thud. Thud.

Match his own heart's sounds. They are frozen in front of each other, eyes staring right at the other, minds empty. Hearts thumping. Build is blinking fast, his hands gripping tight on Bible's front shirt. Bible's arms still shielding him.

Bible can't see anything else but his beautiful husband in front of him. His own heart betrays him pounding loudly, muffling all of the other sounds. Build's mouth is gaping small, cheeks flushed, eyes glinted with glows and worries. Bible can feel his grips, fisting tight on his shirt, creasing the thin fabric. He feels like enveloping the tiny hands onto his own.

What kind of feeling is this?

"Beeeeeeep" the long whistle sounds stop them from the demeanour. Build lets go of Bible's shirt, his hand sweating. He didn't realise he holds it hard. Bible sees the loosened grips, he wishes it's still there. He suddenly misses the touch. It shouldn't be like this.

The game is eventually stopped since Bible got hurt.

"Uh," Bible stretches his back. Arms trying to reach his back wanted to soothe the pain away.

"Oh my god! Are you okay?"

Build asks him. Hands unconsciously grabbing back Bible's arms. Eyes crinkled with worries. He walks behind him and rubs Bible's back causing him to shift from the shock.


Bible unintentionally shouts, feeling the pain shooting right into his veins. His back muscle feels sore and stiff. He suddenly tensed feeling the soft touch of Build's hand rubbing on his back. It's soothing though.

"I'm sorry it must hurt so much." Build keeps whispering sorry while softly massaging the now swollen back.

"Oh no, it's starting to swell. Come quick" he pulls Bible's hand to sit him down in the nearest chair. The staff who threw the ball ran at them feeling Apologetic.

"I'm sorry sir, I didn't mean it."

"Hey, it's okay. At least the kids are alright. Don't worry I'm fine." Bible says to bear the pain.

"What fine?"

Build cuts in. Slightly angry with the situation. What if the one who was hit by the ball is their kids? The pain would be so bad, they were just playing around but they should be careful about the possible injuries.

"You should not use your whole energy into this, what if the kids got hurt? Please consider every possibility. Be careful. Safety first. Remember okay"

he firmly reprimands him and the staff nods, walking away understanding over his mistake. He got too worked up playing the game just now he lost control.

Bible is stunned. He saw another version of Build Jakapan today. A strict and stern Build and he can't lie that he likes it.

Apo runs to them bringing first aid and a cold pad.

"Hey Ben, are you okay?" A new voice is heard. 

Build somehow familiar with the voice.

Mile takes over from Build making him surprised to see his presence. Mile just arrived at the event and he saw the incident before quickly rushing to Bible.


The cold pad Build pressed on Bible's back falls from his hand before Apo grabs it fast. Face full of shock.

Both Bible and Apo are confused with the situation. How does Mile know Build?

"I'm sorry I have to go"

Build runs away from them heart beeping fast. His eyes brimming with tears. His chest is heavy. His ears are muffled by those voices screaming his name, those hurtful memories flashing back in his mind. This is why he wanted to avoid Chiang Mai. Wanted to avoid anyone who can easily remind him back to his pain. And why out of everyone it's Mile. Tears are already flooding down his cheeks and legs running fast doesn't care where he's going.


Bible shouts for his husband, cannot decipher what is happening but Build running away with tears and shock makes him nervous. He looks at Mile standing still beside them. Apo nudges his husband wanting to know what's going on.

"Babe, Mile what happened? How did you know Build? Why is he running away?"

Apo questions but his husband stiffened, his eyes only keeping on Bible, head shaking left and right. What kind of twisted fate is this? How many souls are left to get hurt again? He doesn't want this. He doesn't want to be a part of this. 

The one secret he kept is heavy enough that he buried it in his heart. Never wanted to let it out again.

"P'Mile, what happened?.....why?"


Why? What do you think happened? Trying to make a fluff scene but I'm not that romantic I can't write it. Thank you for your support^^

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