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Bible's heart blooms to see Build playing with a little kid on the beach. He sits down on the small mat they brought along, exhausted after walking by the beach the whole morning.

Build wanted to try surfing on the beach and he allowed him, relief to see his husband looks so excited and free. He had to coax him with food as Build was sulking because Bible refused to try along with him. Luckily he didn't question him much after that.

He planned to bring Build to the beach on the evening after they arrived but his husband was not feeling that well, blaming it on his airsickness or gastritis. He is glad Build is completely fine now.

< 1 day before >

Build couldn't consume anything before their flight or he will throw up. His stomach was not feeling good for the past few days. He felt guilty for making Bible worried but he couldn't help but only sleep throughout their flight.

Bible was already feeling bad for not bringing him somewhere out of Thailand but Build doesn't mind. Going to Phuket is one of his dream goals too since he's never been there since he was younger. His honeymoon in Phuket especially with Bible is more special for him. As long as he has Bible, he's fine with it.

"How is your headache?"

Bible asked him once they have arrived at the airport. He nodded signalling that he can manage the dizziness.

Bible brought him to their rented car and made sure Build was fully comfortable before driving him off. He wanted to bring Build as soon as possible to their hotel since Build refused to go to the hospital. He didn't want his husband to get sicker.

"I'm sorry Ben, I don't take care of my body well. I don't want to ruin this honeymoon."

Build pouted at his husband, keeping on watching him from the side. Bible smiled, hands locking on Build, softly caressing it.

"Don't worry, no one wants to get sick right? After all, I'm here I can always take care of you my lil kitty. Let's go to our hotel then I want you to eat, sleep and rest okay? We can start our activities tomorrow."

Bible noticed how Build was losing his appetite this past few weeks but he said he was fine. He remembered the time he had a panic attack and wondered if it started from that day. Build still refused to tell him the reason for the attack but he didn't want to force his husband or it will trigger his emotions more.

He kissed Build's knuckles and intertwined their hands while driving carefully. Build was already sleeping beside him. He looked tired and drowsy.


"Yes mom, we arrived this morning. Don't worry I will take care of Build. Tell dad I miss him. Love you too. Bye."

He hung up the call from Mrs. Sumettikul. Build was knocked off after he ate a few spoons of porridge and his medicine. Bible took care of him the whole night, rubbing medicated oil on his stomach and massaging his body hoping that his husband would feel better tomorrow.

< present >

"Bible look, the kids are so cute right?"

Build runs to Bible with wild touches of laughter on his face. He looks so content and happy. Maybe because he manages a childcare centre or because he has soft spot for them but he really loves kids. They are so adorable and cute, his heart always feels light whenever they are around.

"Come sit down and eat something. I don't want you to get dizzy again."

Bible asks him to sit down beside him before his husband joins him and drinks his juice.

"I eat already~~ naa. Don't worry naa~~, please. Look, I even tried surfing just now. You see how I did it right?"

Build blinks fast at Bible, pouting cutely to convince him. Bible wants to kiss him right now right there. Too whipped over his husband's cuteness.

Build really knows how to control his heart.

"So where are we going next? Wait you promised me food just now. Can we go eat seafood? I'm craving it now, can we? Can we?."

He pulls Bible's hand to get up, can't wait to try varieties of seafood that are only available in Phuket. Bible doesn't realise he's only staring at his husband who's now listing types of meals that he wanted to eat, unnoticed.

He's too immersed in Build's beauty and gentleness that he couldn't focus on anything else aside from his husband, even Build's voice is muffled in his mind.

"...then we can try Khao Tom Hoy Nangrom? you see the one with the oysters and garlicky rice soup. Ahh... I'm already hungry-."

Build stops talking. His husband is not listening to him. He pinches the veiny arms, annoyed that he's talking alone since just now.

"Yah Bible Wichapas! You are not listening, aren't you?"

"Ouch, Biubiu..."

Bible rubs the place where Build pinched him. Build shakes his head. How come this Bible Wichapas Sumettikul ignored everything he said? He feels like talking to a rock.

"Okay baby, come on let's go eat what you want okay? After that, it's my turn to eat what I want. I'm very hungry for you teerak."

He says, suddenly attacking Build's ear shell making the younger man instantly flush. His ears turn red in seconds listening to Bible's flirts.

You won't be able to sleep tonight, Build Jakapan Sumettikul.


Thank you for reading ^^

I cut the honeymoon chapter into a few parts which is why there will be several chapter(s) with shorter updates compared to other parts.

Really appreciate you guys^^

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