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"Baby...wait where are you going?"

Build has just gotten up walking to the sink to do the dishes after he deliciously ate the white radish soup he specifically requested from his mother. Now he's always craving it despite he couldn't even smell it before. Doctor Ping was right, the difficult period when he has terrible morning sickness has gone now it left him with his big growing tummy and his several kilos of weight gain. It's getting difficult to walk.

"I'm just going to the sink, Biben."

Bible grabs the bowl from him and quickly puts it into the sink before he brings Build to sit down. Now he is almost nine months, Bible never allowed him to touch anything in their house and Build is super bored.

"I can do it for you. Just tell me okay? I don't want you to get hurt or something."

"Nah, there you go again. I'm strong enough. Don't treat me like this, please. It's our own house. I'm safe here."

After the incident with Us in the mall, Bible becomes more overprotective towards him. He didn't allow Build to go out alone. If it's not with Bible, their mother or Apo would always accompany Build. Bible also fully works from home or he would become so anxious about his husband's condition.

"Biu, we have discussed this right? I don't want anything to happen to you or our baby."

Bible can sense the discomfort on Build's face. Perhaps feeling trapped in his own house but he can't help it. He loves his family so much.

"But you can't treat me like I'm so fragile Ben. I still can take care of myself, I know what is my limit and I know when to ask for help. Don't be like this please."

Build tries to persuade his husband. Honestly, he doesn't want to be treated like a weak person. Maybe it's his nature not to trouble others and he is used to be so independent, that is why with Bible being super overprotective towards him, it feels like he loses his freedom.

Bible remains silent. He is aware enough of how independent Build is. Even before their marriage works, he fell for one outspoken, brave and sassy Build. Jeff told him that the company always monitor Us and the actor seems to be quiet nowadays but he wonders if he should be relaxed now.

"Okay how about you allow me to cook? I don't want to keep troubling mom to cook for us and you don't have to buy food. It'll be a waste of money."

"You know I can afford"

"Better to spend it on our baby"

"I can cook for you"

"I cook better than you. Plus you love my cooking. Don't you miss it boo?"

He blinks his eyes, cheeks puffing out, mouth jutting out, already pouting small. He knows It's Bible's weakness.


"Benben pleaseee..."

Bible knows he will never win when Build used his cuteness as the main weapon but what if his husband got hurt from cooking? What if his fingers got cut while preparing the food or his fingers burned from the hot stove? Bible couldn't contain his anxiety over any possibilities that may hurt Build.

He looks at Build who has never stopped pouting since just now. His heart melts. He knows he can't control him forever. Maybe he should be calmer a little bit.

"Okay...but you can only cook when I'm around. That's it. No objection. No question."

Bible can see how the clear eyes glinted with glows when he said that. Build's hands clapped excitedly like a seal in the ocean. His smile is wide, maybe already imagining the kind of dishes he wanted to cook for them.

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