Wednesday's Child Is Full Of Woe

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"Monday's child is fair of face,
Tuesday's child is full of grace,
Wednesday's child is full of woe,
Thursday's child has far to go,
Friday's child is loving and giving,
Saturday's child must work for a living,
The child born on the Sabbath day
Is bonny and blithe, and good and gay."

Wednesday Addams read the poem that had given her her name one last time before slamming the book shut. "Whoever wrote that poem must have wanted to scare people. There's no other reason for only one day to be tolerable" she placed the book on her desk before standing up. "I can see why my mother likes it so much"

Wednesday's roommate Enid Sinclair pursed her lips and thought about what the dark dressed girl had said

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Wednesday's roommate Enid Sinclair pursed her lips and thought about what the dark dressed girl had said. "I don't think you really grasped the point of the poem" she was met with a glare from Wednesday and she quickly held her hands up. "But everyone has the right to their own opinions!"

 "But everyone has the right to their own opinions!"

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Wednesday sighed upon hearing that. "Not in a perfect world" was all she said before walking towards the window. "Although what fun would a perfect world be?"

"You're just a barrel of laughs today huh?" Enid rolled her eyes before hearing her phone ding. "Ooh!" She quickly picked it up and looked at the notification. "OMG!"

Wednesday turned to look at her roommate but had to hold back the urge to puke at the sight of the extremely wide smile on Enid's face. "The Child born on the Sabbath day" she didn't hide her contempt as she rolled her eyes. "What's causing your face to look like that?"

"Like what?" Enid's smile faded as she looked up at Wednesday. "Did I forget some of my makeup?!" She quickly felt around her face. Wednesday took some comfort at once again scaring the girl without even trying.

"You're smiling" Wednesday frowned as she explained. "Even wider than you usually smile. It's... concerning"

"Aw!" Enid's smile widened. "Wednesday Addams is concerned about me!"

Wednesday's frown became a more annoyed one. "Not at all. I'm concerned that you're about to rope me into something that will be tedious, stupid, and full of the color pink"

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