Baby's First Torture

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(This is a very strange chapter which I am going to attribute to the medicine I'm on which is making me tired and prone to strange writing ideas)

"Ow!" (Y/n) yelped as he fell to the ground after being tripped. He rubbed his head and looked up to see Wednesday pulling out her knife while glaring daggers at the werewolf girl who tripped him and was currently walking away. "It's not worth it"

Wednesday glanced down at her boyfriend. "I have been waiting for somebody to make an example of. This is the first chance I've gotten so I will be taking it. Nobody will bother you again"

(Y/n) sighed as he watched Wednesday walk off and disappear from his line of sight. He knew now that he couldn't stop Wednesday, the only thing he could do was pray she wouldn't be expelled for whatever she was about to do... he could also watch, the idea fascinated him so he quickly stood up and followed after Wednesday's scent.

For a tiny girl Wednesday moved very quickly. By the time (y/n) had found her they were in a empty classroom and the girl had a knife to the bullies throat as she pushed her against the wall. He decided to try one more time to get Wednesday to stop, he didn't really care if she did though, he liked the idea of a girl who would fight for him. "If you get expelled you know you'll have to head back to Jersey"

"I am more than capable of covering my tracks" Wednesday replied as she pushed the knife into the girls neck just far enough to draw a bit of blood, she needed to make sure she wouldn't try anything. "And she won't talk" Wednesday ran a hand down the side of the girls face causing her to almost shutter. "Not if she wants to keep her life. You won't talk will you?"

"N-no! I won't!" The girl replied quickly.

"Good" Wednesday replied before looking to (y/n). "Gloves" she held out the arm not holding onto her knife. "I don't want to leave fingerprints"

"Right" (y/n) quickly pulled his gloves from his pocket and put them on before pulling Wednesday's gloves from his other pocket and giving them to her.

"I would have thought you would have tried harder to convince me not to do this" Wednesday spoke as she pulled the knife away from the girls throat. The girl tried to run but Wednesday kicked her in the shin causing her to fall to the ground in pain. She put the gloves on.

"This wolf has been bugging me for months. I say let her suffer" Wednesday smirked upon hearing those words before standing on the tips of her toes and planting a short kiss on the boys lips.

"Lock the door" (y/n) was quick to do what she said. "Grab her and hold her still"

The werewolf looked up at (y/n) with a look of fear which he had to admit did feel good to see from her. "I don't know if I want to be super involved"

"You are already an accessory to the crime, may as well go all in" Wednesday replied as she kicked the wolf in the stomach causing her to howl in pain. "I'm doing this for you. When we're done with her nobody who would bully you will have the nerve to so much as touch you any more"

"I know but this is more your thing, not mine. If you need someone to smack someone around then fine, but I don't want to torture someone. That's what you're for" Wednesday stared at the boy before nodding to indicate that she understood.

"We'll fix that attitude of your eventually" Wednesday stared up at the boy. "But for now I suppose I could do all the work today"

(Y/n) nodded before walking over to a nearby desk and sitting down on it. He watched as Wednesday grabbed the bully by the hair and pulled it causing her to quickly stand up to avoid any pain.


(Y/n) and Wednesday walked back to the boys dorm hand in hand.

Wednesday had definitely known what she had been doing. She had made the bully take her shirt off so that the most severe wounds and cuts wouldn't be able to be seen by the staff. The rest of the damage she had done to the girl could easily be explained to any teachers or staff who asked with any sort of an excuse ranging from car crash to trampled by an elephant.

"What did you think of your first time witnessing a torture?" Wednesday asked as she looked up at her boyfriend. She wouldn't admit it but she had been a bit concerned that she might have scared the boy away, obviously that didn't seem to be the case but it still worried her.

"You took it easier on her than I had expected" (y/n) replied sounding a bit disappointed, that tone elicited a small smile from the girl. Of course he would think that, she now realized she had been silly to worry.

"I wasn't sure how you would react" Wednesday replied as they reached the boys door and quickly entered. "You seemed hesitant at the beginning"

"I was but I don't know if I've ever seen you enjoy yourself like that. It was kinda hot" (Y/n) closed the door behind them before quickly grabbing Wednesday and hoisting her up so he was carrying her in his arms.

Wednesday looked at the boy with wide eyes. This sort of reaction was the last she was expecting. He had never held her like this before and she was surprised to find she kind of liked it. "This is a side of you I've rarely if ever seen before"

"Yeah. I like it" he kissed Wednesday on the forehead before walking over to the bed and sitting down on it, having Wednesday sit in his lap facing him.

Wednesday stared at the boy before kissing him softly. "You're over excited. Let's get you to bed" she got out of the boys lap causing him to pout. Wednesday grabbed the boys uniform jacket before pulling it off of him. "Next time I torture someone I'm going to make you wait outside" she walked over to the boys dresser and pulled out some of his pajamas. She brought them to the boy. "By the time I'm out of the closet and changed I expect you to be dressed and calm. Understood?"

(Y/n) huffed but nodded. "Good" Wednesday ran a hand through his hair before pulling it back and walking towards the closet.

Word count: 1133

(Favorite part of the chapter?)

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