Making Friends

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Wednesday Addams was typing away on her typewriter when Enid and (y/n) came walking in. She ignored them as they walked over to Enid's bed and sat down.

(Y/n) was quick to try and interact with Wednesday much to her distaste. "What're you writing?"

Wednesday didn't reply as she kept writing. "She takes an hour a day to write her murder mystery novels" Enid explained as she turned to look at Wednesday as well.

"Oh? Can I read some? I could use some good reading material"

"No. You'll need to wait for it to come out just like everyone else" Wednesday replied as she suddenly stopped typing. Her writing hour was over.

"And when's that?" (Y/n) asked as his excitement seemed to grow.

"When she can finally get someone to publish it" Enid spoke causing Wednesday to turn and glare at her. "Everyone she's shown it to recommended she get psychiatric help"

"Now I need to read it" (y/n) smiled widely causing Wednesday to roll her eyes. "I may be able to help you with getting it published"

Wednesday quickly gave the boy all of her attention. "If you're messing with me I'll cut your tail off the next time you transform" she grabbed a knife that was on her desk and held it up.

"She's not kidding" Enid whispered.

"I wouldn't mess with you like this" (y/n) spoke as he stood up. And walked over to Wednesday's side of the room. "I need as many friends around here as I can get. I'm a werecat in a school where a fifth of the population is werewolves" he stood in front of Wednesday and she stood up as to not seem small although she failed at that. "You be my friend and I'll show your first book to my cousin. He's a publisher" she placed the knife back on the desk.

Wednesday almost cracked a smile. "Fine. I don't look forward to becoming your friend, however, do know that I hold some low level of respect for the means in which you've decided to achieve your goals"

"Thank you" (y/n) smiled down at Wednesday causing her to grimace. "I think we'll make great friends"

"Only if we had access to a lab" Wednesday responded matter of factly. She sat back down in her seat before opening one of the desk drawers and pulling out a sealed box. "There's a copy of my first novel in here" she spoke as she held it up. "Read it or don't. I couldn't care less. Just make sure you follow through on your promise"

"I will. You have full permission to cut me open if I don't" Wednesday accidentally let out a quick smirk at the idea before quickly returning to her neutral face.

"I will hold you to that" Wednesday spoke as she turned away from the boy and stood up once again. She walked over to her bed before leaning over and pulling the case with her cello out from under it. She walked towards the window before pushing it open and walking outside.

"Bye" (y/n) called after her even though he knew he wouldn't get a response.

"That was interesting to watch" Enid spoke for the first time in a while causing (y/n) to turn to her again. "Yeah, hi. I'm still here"

"No need to get jealous pup" (y/n) sat back down beside her and ruffled her hair causing her to laugh and try to push his hand away.


"And this is your dorm" Enid spoke as she motioned to the door they were walking towards. "Your bags have already been brought in"

"Do I have a roommate?" (Y/n) asked, half excited at the possibility of making another new friend, hopefully one he wouldn't need to bribe, and half annoyed at the idea of sharing a room, he had enough of that as a kid.

"Nope" Enid shook her head. "Sorry"

"Ah it's fine" (y/n) shrugged as he twisted the doorknob and opened the room. "I get along better with girls anyways. And I've shared a room with other guys before, it's no fun"

"Oh I know" Enid shivered at the memories of her brothers as the two walked inside. "That's why I was so excited to share with a girl once Wednesday transferred in. I was hoping for someone a bit more like me though"

"Nah" (y/n) shook his head with a smile as he closed the door behind them. He walked over to the desk and placed the box with Wednesday's book down. "You little lady are one of a kind" he walked back to Enid and booped her on the nose before looking around. "I didn't realize how big these dorms are" he spoke in amazement. "It's bigger than the room my brothers and I grew up in"

"Yeah you've told me" Enid shook her head as (y/n) walked over to the window and opened it. The sounds of Wednesday's cello playing soon could be heard from outside the girls dorms.

"She's good" (y/n) smiled as he looked out over the view. "Is she single?"

"Are you suicidal?" Enid quickly turned the boy around and looked at him with wide eyes.

"That's not what I meant" (y/n) shook his head. "I'm just curious if there's been anyone crazy enough to try. She's to dark for me"

"Sure" Enid rolled her eyes before answering his question. "There was one. First boy she kissed, he turned out to be a monster she had been investigating. It didn't work out"

"That must have been a fun time to be her friend" (y/n) laughed as he walked over to the bed and sat down.

"Actually wasn't as bad as you would think" Enid shrugged in response. "Just do me a favor" (y/n) nodded. "If you and her hookup don't do it in our room" (y/n) grabbed a pillow and threw it at her head causing her to fall back on her ass.

She sat there for a moment before beginning to laugh which caused (y/n) to do the same.

Word count: 1030

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