Very Productive Writing Time

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(I simply refuse to write for Xavier. I will however write (y/n) insulting him)

Wednesday heard the door open before she could turn around but she could still guess who it was. "Hello (y/n)" she spoke before turning to see the aforementioned boy.

"Hello Wednesday" (y/n) spoke as he walked up to the girl. "Enid claims you're jealous"

"I'm gonna flay that girl alive" Wednesday whispered before looking back up at the boy. "And what if I was"

"Well I don't see why you would be" (y/n) replied. "You have no right to control who I hang out with just as I have no right to tell you who to hang out with"

"I didn't try to" Wednesday retaliated.

"No, but you did try to shoot her" (y/n) replied as he crossed his arms. "I never tried to shoot Xavier, although god knows if I was to shoot anyone it'd be him"

"I don't-"

"No! No excuses Wednesday. You can't try to kill my friends! Even if we were officially dating that's a no no!" Enid's words from the last chapter played through Wednesday's head telling her to ask the boy that big question.

"I don't see why I should be forced to watch you and that trollop-"

"First off nobody has used the word trollop in three hundred years. Secondly like I said before I don't kill Xavier if I ever see you hanging around with him, and everyone knows he likes you"

Wednesday stared at the boy for another minute before finally speaking again. "I dislike how much sense you are making right now. Do what you please. If I learn of your relationship with this girl advancing I'll rip your eyes out as well as hers before making you eat them"

(Y/n) nodded in understanding. "Fair enough. It's a deal" the two stood there awkwardly for a moment. "Speaking of advancing relationships do you have anything you'd like to ask me?"

Wednesday stared at the boy before answering. "I don't know what you mean"

(Y/n) frowned. "I think you do"

"What you think is irrelevant when you have nothing to back it up" Wednesday replied as she crossed her arms. "Do you have something to ask me?"

"I already told you I won't be the one asking this time" (y/n) replied as he looked down at Wednesday. "You owe me after the last time"

"I owe you nothing" Wednesday replied as she glared at (y/n).

"Whatever... want to do something?" (Y/n) walked over to Wednesday's bed and sat down.

"Not at the moment" Wednesday replied as she walked back to her desk and sat down in her chair.

"Oh okay" (y/n) nodded as he stared at Wednesday as she began typing on her typewriter. "Are you mad?"

"Don't be silly. I'm as emotionless as ever" Wednesday spoke without looking up from her typewriter.

"Whatever you say hon" (y/n) shook his head as he kept watching her.

They sat in silence save for the sound of the typewriter for ten minutes before (y/n) finally spoke again. "Is this just going to be the rest of our day?"

"Of course not" Wednesday replied. "I'll get off my typewriter in forty five minutes"

"And then?" (Y/n) asked but he was only met with a shrug from Wednesday. "So other than the typewriter this is in fact how our day is going to be?"

"Could be" Wednesday replied simply as she continued typing. "If you don't like it go see Courtney"

"Who would have thought Wednesday Addams could get so jealous" (y/n) shook his head before walking over to the girl. He sat down on her desk and grabbed her face to make her look up at him. "I'm always gonna have friends. But you're the one I want to be with. Got it?"

Wednesday stared at the boy for a minute before nodding. "Now do you have something you'd like to say to me?" (Y/n) asked as he motioned for her to talk.

Wednesday once again just stared at the boy as she began talking. "I will not apologize to you or the blonde, I will not admit to any wrongdoings, and I most certainly will not be the one to ask you to be my boyfriend"

(Y/n) frowned before getting an idea. He was quick to mutter these words quietly enough he knew Wednesday wouldn't hear him. "Hot chick who loves me and wants me to be her boyfriend says what?"

"What was that?" Wednesday asked as she stared at the boy.

"Aw I love you too!" (Y/n) quickly grabbed the girl and pulled her out of her seat and into a hug. "And yes I will be your boyfriend"

"Excuse me?" Wednesday asked with wide eyes as she tried to pull away from the hug.

"I said a bunch of things about you loving me and wanting me as a boyfriend and you said what. Now we're dating" (y/n) quickly kissed the girls cheek.

"You know well that is not what I meant" Wednesday spoke as she managed to get out of the hug.

"Are you breaking up with me?" (Y/n) asked as he looked the girl over. Wednesday was silent. "That's what I thought. Love you too Hon"

Wednesday rolled her eyes but sat back down in her seat. "There's something fitting about being tricked into asking you to be my boyfriend"

"I guessed you'd see it that way" (y/n) replied with a shrug. "It was also the only way I could see us becoming boyfriend and girlfriend before we get married"

"As opposed to after we get married?" Wednesday gave the boy a confused look.

"As opposed to not at all. We're both to proud to ask the other normally" Wednesday nodded in agreement.

"Agreed" Wednesday spoke before going back to her typing. "Now be silent. I still have to finish my writing time"

Word count: 1002

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