Date Night

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(Y/n) sat in class bored out of his mind as he scratched his and Wednesday's initials into the table with his claws.

"Vandalism mister (l/n)?" Wednesday whispered with a small smirk as she watched the boy. "I'm glad to see the bad influence I have on you"

"Love you too sweetie" (y/n) whispered back without looking up.

(Y/n) was about to say more when he noticed the teacher looking at the two, as if wanting them to be quiet. This of course did not silence (y/n). "I was thinking we could go on our first date tonight"

"Does the last time we went out not count?" Wednesday tilted her head a bit.

"I meant our first date as boyfriend and girlfriend"

Wednesday nodded in understanding. "And what would you have us do?"

"I was thinking something cute," Wednesday frowned. "Wholesome," Wednesday's frown deepened. "Something such as... a picnic late at night in the town graveyard?"

Wednesday went back to her usual emotionless face. "It's a date" she spoke before looking back towards the front of the class.


The couple lay their blanket down on a random grave. Wednesday sat on the blanket as (y/n) did the same. She looked at the gravestone and smirked. "She was our age when she died" she spoke before turning to (y/n).

"That's a nice thought" (y/n) grimaced as he opened up the picnic basket. "I didn't realize how creepy it would be here"

"I assumed that was the driving factor behind your decision to come here" Wednesday replied as she turned once more and leaned against the gravestone.

"It was but still..." (y/n) shivered as he pulled a bottle of water from the basket. He uncapped it before drinking some.

Wednesday stared at the boy before extending an arm to him. "If you get to scared we can leave"

"No. I'll be fine" (y/n) took the girls hand and she quickly pulled him over to her and into her lap.

They sat like that for a moment before (y/n) finally spoke again. "You're so tiny. How am I not crushing you?"

"You are" Wednesday spoke as she wrapped her arms around the boy's midsection. "It's a particularly satisfying feeling"

"You're weird" (y/n) spoke but leaned back into the girl. "I will be doing this more often"

"I would not be opposed to that" Wednesday spoke as she kissed the boys neck. "Now hand me my dinner"

"As you wish" (y/n) nodded as he grabbed the basket and reached into it. He grabbed Wednesday's food, some sort of sandwich, and held it over his shoulder so she could take a bite. "What's in that?"

Wednesday finished chewing before answering. "The flesh and blood of my enemies"

(Y/n) rolled his eyes. "Fine. Don't tell me" Wednesday took another bite.

Soon enough Wednesday had finished her food and (y/n) had began on his. Wednesday kept her arms around the boys stomach as she held him. After a moment (y/n) spoke as he swallowed what was in his mouth. "I keep thinking the girl who's grave we're on is gonna come back and kill us for this"

"Let her try" Wednesday smirked as she tightened her arms around the boy. "I know enough about the dark arts to take down a dead girl"

"Could have just replied with, don't worry I'll protect you, would have been more reassuring" (y/n) replied as he glanced around again before taking another bite. "I mean I set you up for it perfectly"

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