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(Our new cover is courtesy of the wonderfully talented @Aikon_MJ5 ! I can't believe the amount of fan art and memes this book has gotten and I can't wait to receive any more you all may have for me! Love you guys)

(Y/n) slowly picked up the voodoo doll from inside his night table as Wednesday Addams slept to the side of him in his bed. He gently tickled the dolls sides causing the real girls eyes to shoot open. "I do not appreciate being tickled, whether directly or indirectly"

(Y/n) pouted. "I was hoping you were ticklish" he gently put the doll back in his drawer before closing it and laying back beside Wednesday. "It's Sunday. Which means no class, which in turn means cuddles"

"Not necessarily" Wednesday responded before trying to sit up only to be pulled back down so her head was laying on (y/n)'s chest.

"I'm not letting you go unless you have a good reason. I'm stronger than you and it's time I benefit from that" the boy kissed the top of Wednesday's head as he rested one hand on her clothed stomach and the other on her thigh.

Wednesday rolled her eyes but leaned back into the boys body not bothering to resist, it's not like she really wanted to. "Atta girl" (y/n) smiled as he closed his eyes and relaxed. "You're the best"

Wednesday closed her own eyes a moment later and crossed her arms over her chest as she felt the boys hands against her body. She let out a minuscule smile before falling back asleep.


Wednesday was woken by the sounds of knocking on the door. She instantly felt that one of the sleeping boys hands had slipped under her sweater and rested on her stomach. She grimaced before grabbing the limb gently and pulling it away and to the boys side. She removed his other hand from her thigh before replacing herself with his body pillow of her before silently and gently standing up to walk to the door.

Once the door was opened Wednesday looked up to see the face of Enid. "I came of tell you the heating is off while it's being fixed... How are your legs not freezing off?" Enid asked as she shivered and looked down at Wednesday's bare legs.

"I enjoy the cold" Wednesday replied as she crossed her arms. "If I had it my way the air conditioning would be on"

"Then why are you wearing that sweater?" Enid asked as she poked at Wednesday's chest.

"Because I am not going to go around mostly naked like some common trollop" Wednesday pushed Enid's hand away.

"Fair enough" Enid shrugged as she kept shivering. "Can I come in?"

Wednesday stared at Enid for a moment before backing up and closing the door in her face. She could hear Enid huff from the other side before walking away.

Wednesday walked over to her bag and pulled out a change of clothes, putting them down on the desk, before pulling her sweater off and draping it over the chair.

The girl suddenly went still as she heard a yawn behind her. "You have an annoying tendency to wake up at the worst times"

"I'd say the best" (y/n) yawned once more as he looked at the half naked girl facing away from him. "I don't think I've ever seen you without a shirt or sweater with long sleeves"

"You haven't" Wednesday replied as she quickly grabbed her bra and put it on. "And you won't again for some time" she glanced back at the boy, confirming her suspicions that he was staring. She grabbed her clothes before walking towards the closet to finish changing out of the boys view.

"Come cuddle me! It's freezing in here. We need to conserve body heat"

Wednesday stopped walking and glanced towards the boy. "I'm enjoying the cold"

"But I'm not" (y/n) pouted as he held his arms out to Wednesday. "Come on hon. You know I'll just come drag you over here again"

Wednesday rolled her eyes but walked back to the desk and set down her clothes before walking back over to the boy. "At least-" before she could say it the boy moved the body pillow and rested his head on it. Wednesday lay down beside the boy who in turn put his arms around her waist and pulled her close. The entire time she was painfully aware of how little she was wearing and wished she had grabbed her sweater again.

"Comfy?" (Y/n) asked as he rested his head against Wednesday's.

"Not particularly" Wednesday answered as she closed her eyes. "How long do you plan on making me stay here with you?"

"I don't know" (y/n) shrugged, frowning as he finally noticed the faint hint of discomfort in the girls voice. "What's wrong sweetheart?"

"I'm mostly naked. What do you think is wrong?" Wednesday pulled away and looked at the ceiling.

"Oh" (y/n) frowned before quickly pulling off his shirt and holding it out to Wednesday. "Here" he spoke as he covered his chest.

"Thank you" Wednesday nodded her appreciation before grabbing the shirt and sitting up to put it on.

"No problem. Just don't look between my neck and my legs" He quickly pulled the blanket up.

Wednesday nodded before laying back down beside the boy and putting her head against his. She ran her hand over his stomach causing the boy to involuntarily shudder before leaving it to rest on his chest. "As you wish. However I should make it known to you that you have nothing to be ashamed of. Unless of course it's for the same reasons I was in which case I understand"

"Thanks sweetheart" (y/n) leaned forward a bit, kissing Wednesday's lips before pulling back and once again resting his forehead against hers.

Wednesday just nodded as she stared into her boyfriends eyes.

Word count: 1001

(Favorite part of the chapter?)

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