A Day Out

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"-truth, justice, and the American way" the class clapped as the presentation ended. (Y/n) walked back to his seat and sat down besides Wednesday.

"Nicely spoken" Wednesday said as she turned her head to look at the boy.

"Thanks. I hate speaking in front of other people" the boy shuddered. "I also suck at speech writing. That last part was just stolen from Superman"

"I'm aware" Wednesday replied with a nod. "I watched you write it"

"Oh yeah" (y/n) nodded as the bell rang and class ended.

"Should I assume you will be following me to my room?" Wednesday asked as she stood up.

"Not today" (y/n) shrugged causing Wednesday's usually emotionless face to almost turn to a frown. "Enid wanted me to meet her in town"

"Why's that?" Wednesday asked as she watched the boy get up and put his stuff back in his bag.

"She wouldn't say" (y/n) shrugged. "But I think she just misses the old times. Just her and me. All three of us is fun but it's different, she isn't usually my center of attention any more"

Wednesday considered it for a moment before nodding. "That does seem like something which would cause Enid to seek some time alone with you" Wednesday grabbed her bag. She spoke one more time before heading to the door. "If you enjoy yourself with her more than you do with me I will rip her hair out"

"Well that's nice" (y/n) shook his head as he himself headed out the door.


"(Y/n)!" Enid waved the boy over to her table. She was sitting in some cafe the boy had never seen before called 'the weather vane'.

"Good afternoon pup" (y/n) walked over to Enid and rustled her hair causing her to pout before he sat down across from her. "What's up?"

Enid tried and half succeeded to fix her hair as she spoke. "Wednesday's birthday is in a few days so I thought we could come up with ideas for it"

"Does she celebrate her birthday?" (Y/n) asked with a confused look.

"Not really" Enid shook her head. "Which is why we need to, then she has no choice"

"You couldn't have given me a month or so warning?" (Y/n) crossed his arms.

"I thought thing would have told you. He was the one who told me" Enid shrugged before sipping her coffee. "I got you a hot chocolate" she slid the drink over to the boy and he quickly grabbed it before drinking.

"Yummy" the boy nodded as he lowered the cup back to the table. "Thanks pup"

"I know what you like" Enid nodded before sipping her coffee again. "So I was thinking we could go gift shopping together! I figured you wouldn't have a present yet. I knitted her a pair of cute mittens!" She quickly pulled said mittens from her pocket. "See? Cute!"

(Y/n) nodded as he looked down at the black mittens. He didn't mention how Wednesday may not appreciate cute. "The skull and crossbones on the palms are a good touch"

"Thanks" Enid smiled widely. "Your birthday present is gonna be even better"

(Y/n)'s head quickly perked up. "What are you getting me?" He asked excitedly as he sipped his drink. 

"You'll have to wait and see" Enid smiled even wider. "You're gonna love it!" She put the mittens back in her pockets.

(Y/n) pouted at the thought of waiting. Enid knew he was bad at that. This was deliberate torture.

"Ready to go?" Enid asked as she stood up.

"Yeah. Yeah let's go find Wednesday a present" (y/n) stood up as well as he sipped his hot chocolate again.

After a while of walking around town the pair had entered some creepy antique shop. "I don't like this" (y/n) whispered causing Enid to nod in agreement.

"Neither do I. But you have to admit this is exactly the type of stuff Wednesday would like" Enid grabbed the boys arm to reassure herself as they looked around.

"Oh ew" (y/n) covered his mouth as he looked at a taxidermied rabbit. "I'm done. Let's get out of here. I'll just order her something online"

Enid nodded and the two quickly walked to the door and left.

"I think I'm just gonna get her a new ribbon for her typewriter" (y/n) spoke as the two walked down the street a minute later.

"She already has a bunch of spares" Enid shook her head.

"Well I'll come up with something" (y/n) shrugged as he looked over at Enid. "Maybe a voodoo doll?"

Enid gave the boy a confused look. "Of who?"

"I don't know" (y/n) shrugged. "You?" Enid quickly shook her head. "What about Xavier? I don't like him and he does have that pedophile look to him"

"When did you get so rude?" Enid crossed her arms as she walked alongside (y/n).

"I don't like him" (y/n) repeated slowly. "If I was forced between killing him and someone else I'd kill him twice"

Enid shook her head. "Alright, let's just move onto the next topic"

"Right... other topics..." (y/n) was silent for a moment before shrugging. "That's all I've got. You got anything you want to say?"

"Not really" Enid shrugged. "Want to head to the park? Play some frisbee?"

"Sounds good to me" (y/n) nodded and Enid sped up as she walked towards the park, prompting (y/n) to follow after her.


Enid slept in her bed as Wednesday did the same in her own with her arms crossed over her chest. She had already been asleep when (y/n) and Enid had returned so he left back to his room so as not to accidentally wake her.

Wednesday was not under her blankets since it was surprisingly a warmer night than they had had in a while. She wore her large black and white striped sweatshirt and shorts which were barely visible seeing as they were mostly covered by the aforementioned sweatshirt.

Thing slowly made his way out from under the girls bed. He gently took Enid's phone with him, careful not to damage it as he made his way to the desk.

Once atop the desk the hand made his way over to the wall and quickly seemed to defy gravity as he climbed up it. He held out the phone and aimed it at Wednesday making sure he got the perfect angle. He had promised Enid that he would get it perfect, and he intended to keep that promise.

Word count: 1117

(Favorite part of the chapter?)

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