The Rave'N

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The kiss was an accident and the two separated almost as soon as it had happened. "I vote we never speak of this" (y/n) spoke with a red face.

"Agreed" Enid replied just as red faced as she looked away.

Out of the corner of his eye (y/n) quickly noticed Wednesday staring at them. "Ah shit" he muttered causing Enid to quickly turn and look where the boy was looking. Enid's face quickly turned pale when she saw her best friend.


By the time Enid had turned around Wednesday was walking back towards the door. She needed to think, to figure out why she was feeling the way she was. Thing had had the good sense to quickly leave.

Things did not go as planned. Someone must have spiked the punch because some drunk student accidentally fell backwards and almost landed on Wednesday. She jumped back so as not to get crushed but as a result of that she stumbled into two people dancing behind her. None of this helped to calm her down.

Before Wednesday could even process she was quickly pulled into a dance with the drunk asshole from before. He quickly grabbed her hand and they were dancing. Well he was at least, that was until Wednesday kicked him in the stomach and he fell to the ground.

The people in the surrounding area were just about the only ones who noticed. Wednesday once again turned towards the door and began walking only to find her way blocked once again.


"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" Enid muttered as she paced nervously. She had known how Wednesday felt so why the hell hadn't she just encouraged (y/n) to ask her out? And why the hell did she kiss him?

(Y/n) watched as Wednesday turned away from the exit to the room. He could tell by her face that the girl was ready to kill the next person who annoyed her. "She turned me down, I don't see why she's so upset" the boy then remembered that Wednesday had seen the kiss. "Oh. Right"

They watched as Wednesday searched for a more easily accessible exit. There was none near where she was. She spotted (y/n) and Enid looking at her before beginning to walk towards them. (Y/n) looked up at the sky and closed his eyes before holding his hands together and near his chest. "I'm not normally a praying man, but if you're up there please save me Superman"

Surprisingly Wednesday walked straight past them and just began dancing as surfin bird came on the speakers. It was the type of dance that caught everyone's attention. One nobody would ever forget.

(Needed to get this in. It's worth everyone watching)


Against their own better judgement both (y/n) and Enid had attempted to talk to Wednesday during the dance, unfortunately she just ignored them and kept dancing.

By the middle of the night neither (y/n) nor Enid had much of a desire to dance. The music was loud as ever but the two sat in silence against the wall.

"My best friend is never going to talk to me again" Enid was the first to speak after another few minutes. She sighed as she held her face in her hands. "I would have preferred it if she just cut my hand off and then we were good again"

"I would have preferred that too" (y/n) stood up. "I'm going to go back to my room"

"Go ahead. I think I'll turn in too"


Wednesday watched from a distance with what was almost a smile as the miserable looking boy walked off and left the even more miserable looking Enid sitting on the floor.

Wednesday was glad she hadn't given into her desire to skin the two alive but she was even more glad to see the guilt that the two had seemingly adapted since the event that had started all of this. Logically Wednesday knew she couldn't ignore them forever but she was sure as hell going to try.

Wednesday watched Enid sit miserably until the girl noticed Wednesday looking. They locked eyes for a moment before Enid looked away, probably unable to handle the guilt. Wednesday couldn't help the smile that formed on her face this time. Enid's misery was absolutely delightful and she'd savior it for as long as she possibly could.


By the time that Wednesday had gotten back to the dorm Enid had been long asleep. She quickly changed into her pajamas, making sure not to look at Enid, she didn't know how it would make her feel to do so. Sure she enjoyed seeing her upset but in her sleep Enid never looked anything less than happy.

Once she was done Wednesday walked to her bed, unfortunately the floor creaked below her causing Enid to wake and suddenly sit up. "Wednesday?" She asked sleepily.

Wednesday didn't reply she just walked over to her bed and lay down, her hands crossed over her chest like a corpse.

Enid looked over across the room and remembered what she had done as soon as she saw Wednesday. She frowned and hugged one of her pillows as she watched Wednesday's unmoving body. "I'm really sorry Wednesday"

Wednesday rolled her eyes before closing them. Enid wasn't sorry yet, but she would be. Enid was a social creature, take away that aspect of her life and she'd be miserable. Absolutely miserable.

Word count: 911

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