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"Oh darling" Wednesday stood as she ran her hand through the hair of the boy who was laying still in his bed. "Is it dreadful? Is it inhuman? Is it torture?"

"Yes. Now shut up, you're just making me feel worse" (y/n) groaned as he turned so he was facing the wall.

"I wish I could go through this with you" Wednesday spoke as she sat down on the bed. "Unfortunately my immune system is much to advanced to allow me to catch something as unsophisticated as a virus"

"I'd gladly switch places with you" (y/n) groaned as he closed his eyes.

"No need" Wednesday shook her head. "I'm more than happy just to watch you suffer"

(Y/n) groaned as he pulled the blanket and tried to get warmer. "Either shut up and leave or get into bed" he spoke as he shivered.

Wednesday stared at the boy for a moment before slowly getting into bed behind him. (Y/n) turned and cuddled into the girl as she began running her hand through his hair. "Better?"

"Better" (y/n) nodded as he nuzzled his head into her neck. "Hug me?"

Wednesday sighed but did as he requested. "I could so easily kill you in this position"

"But you won't" (y/n) smiled to himself. "And that's just one of the ways I know what we have is special"

"Don't get arrogant. My attack could come at any moment" she kissed the top of the boys head and tightened her arms around him.

(Y/n) shivered a bit, he wasn't sure if it was due to his sickness or his ever so arousing fear of the little goth girl.


(Y/n) wasn't sure when he had fallen asleep, all he knew was he was upset to find that Wednesday had at some point left the room. She had probably gone to class.

(Y/n) stumbled out of bed and groaned. He looked out the window and spoke. "God if you're out there, screw you" suddenly the boy heard the door open and he quickly turned around causing him to get dizzy and fall to the ground.

"You look like hell" Enid frowned as she walked over to the boy.

"And I'd advise staying away unless you want to feel this way" Enid backed back up to the door. "Where's Wednesday?"

"What, no love for me?" Enid pouted but the boy just coughed, spreading his germs. Enid backed away again. "She went to classes and now she's in town picking up stuff you may need. Advil, Tums, saltines, Gatorade, stuff like that"

The boy looked like he was about to puke so Enid grabbed a garbage can and walked it over to him. He quickly took it and she backed up before turning as she heard him throw up. "The girl with the strongest immune system and the boy with the weakest. You two were meant for each other"

"Aw" (y/n) coughed as he put the trash can down. "I'm just surprised I lasted this long here before getting sick"

"Hang in there" Enid nodded as she looked anywhere but the garbage can. "I'm going. Have fun" she quickly turned and closed the door after walking out.

(Y/n) slowly stood up and grabbed the garbage can before walking back to bed. He fell down and groaned as he almost instantly fell back asleep.


Somehow Wednesday seemed to know the boy was awake before he himself did. "You have a fever. One hundred and one point six" those were not pleasant first words to hear upon waking up.

He opened his eyes and was met with the wonderful sight of two Wednesday's standing over his bed. Unfortunately his vision went back to normal after another moment. "A kiss could make it better"

Wednesday frowned. "You have vomit breath. Go kiss a mirror"

"Oh. Right" (y/n) groaned as he tried and failed to sit up. "I'll brush my teeth once I can be sure doing so won't cause me to throw up more"

"A wise decision" Wednesday nodded before holding up a plastic bag. "I've brought supplies"

"Anything that'll make me feel better?" Wednesday nodded before opening the bag.

"Water or Gatorade?"

"Gatorade. I could use the electrolytes" the girl nodded before putting the bottle besides the boy.

Wednesday pulled out a container of Tums and put it besides the boy. "For the acid reflux" she then pulled out some Advil and mucinex. "For the fever and sinuses. I assume you can swallow pills?"

"If not you at least get to watch me choke" (y/n) groaned as he grabbed the drink and opened it. He poured some into his mouth before Wednesday handed him the pills and he quickly swallowed them alongside the drink. He then quickly ate a couple of the Tums.

"You should start feeling the results in half an hour" Wednesday put the bag down on the floor before sitting down on the bed beside the boy.

"Thanks hon" (y/n) nodded as he started feeling dizzy again. "If I could sit up without getting super dizzy I'd hug you"

"If you could do that I wouldn't have needed to go into town" Wednesday replied as she ran her hand through the boys hair once more.

"Good point" (y/n) replied as he closed his eyes once again. "You're great"

"I will not argue that" Wednesday replied as she looked down at the boy. "On average how long would you say you remain ill after being infected?"

"It's random" (y/n) shrugged as he looked up at her. "Sometimes a day, more often a lot longer" he groaned at the idea of how long this could last. Will you stay with me? At least the nights"

"Every night?" Wednesday didn't seem to thrilled at the idea but the boy nodded. "We shall see. I'm sure Thing will enjoy getting my bed until I inevitably get sick of your sickness and decide to go back"

"Good enough" (y/n) replied as he once again began drifting off.

Word count: 1029

(And yet one more from the wonderfully talented @mayaelsherwood !)

(And yet one more from the wonderfully talented @mayaelsherwood !)

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