The Blood

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(Y/n) (l/n) stood against the wall covered in blood as he watched the events in front of him. The police had entered the house and quickly taped off Courtney's room so nobody could enter but them, that was to be expected of course.

The aforementioned blonde was sitting, freshly showered so as not to be covered in blood, with her head against a table as she talked to the psychologist the police had brought along with them, an officer sat along with them taking notes on the story from her perspective, they had already done this with (y/n).

Mike and Buddy had managed to sleep through the whole ordeal although they were now up and staying in Mike's room. Courtney's parents were answering police questions.

It was clear this was a case of self defense so it had been made clear already that (y/n) was in no sort of legal trouble for his actions, although he had already assumed as much.

Soon enough Courtney had excused herself from what she was doing and made her way over to (y/n). "You should really shower" she motioned to the blood covering him with a concerned look.

"That would make sense wouldn't it?" The boy spoke quietly as he nodded.

"Come on" she grabbed the boy by the arm much like he had done to her after the whole ordeal before pulling him towards the bathroom. "In you go"

"Can you-"

"I'll get you a change of clothes. Don't worry about it" she nodded and pushed the boy into the room before closing the door behind him.


(Y/n) (l/n) lay in bed, covered in blood yet completely clean, fresh from the shower as he stared up at the ceiling from where he was sleeping on the floor. He had given up his bed to Courtney since it was her home to begin with and her room last he checked was still stained with the blood that had also stained him.

"I killed someone" the boy whispered to himself still in disbelief as he stared at his hands and thought of the blood that he was still faintly able to see stains of.

"What else could you have done?" Courtney whispered back from the bed.

"I don't regret saving you Courtney" (y/n) quickly spoke, he knew she was thinking it and he wanted her to know he didn't. "But I-" he shook his head gently. "The blood won't come off" he whispered again causing Courtney to sit up and look at him with sympathy. He held up his hands as he looked at them. "No matter what I do, it just stays there"

Courtney didn't know what to say. She stared at the boy for a minute before getting out of bed and sat down beside him where he lay. "You-"

"And I'm not even upset I killed someone" the boys words caught Courtney off guard since he was obviously upset. "I killed him and it felt right" he wiped his hands a bit as if trying to wipe the blood off.

"And that's what you're upset about? That you weren't upset?" Courtney asked as she looked down at the boy. He just nodded. "(Y/n) I haven't been in your situation but I'm sure I wouldn't have regretted killing to save you if the roles were reversed" the boy quickly looked up at her. "In fact I'd probably feel the same way you are now"

"Yeah... we are kinda similar" (y/n) replied with a nod causing Courtney to smile slightly.

"We are" Courtney agreed with a nod as she placed her hand on his shoulder. "And I'm gonna say the same thing to you that I think you'd say to me. It'll be okay"

(Y/n) was silent for a moment. "That's pretty simple"

"Yet effective" Courtney patted his shoulder. "Also we aren't great at comforting people" they both laughed a bit at that. They also both tended to underestimate themselves. "Look, I know this feeling is hard and it'll take some time to get through but the fact that you're even feeling this way now shows that you are not a bad person. It'll be okay" she smiled down at the boy one last time before standing up and walking back to the bed.

(Y/n) smiled to himself after that. "Thank you Courtney" he whispered and although she didn't reply he knew she heard him.

The boy looked at his hands one more time. The blood would never come off, not fully, but perhaps in time he could learn to live with bloody hands. For now however he'd do his best to get through this and he'd hope to god that all this murder business was now behind them. He didn't know how much more he could handle.

Word count: 844

(This chapter is a bit short because I thought stretching it out more would weaken it. And given the previous is over my usual amount I figure that balances it out. Thoughts on this chapter?)

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