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Wednesday Addams didn't miss small changes. The slight rises in anger, the smell of nervous sweat, getting a bit quieter, these things seemed to be afflicting both her roommate and her tormentor. Enid and (y/n).

Enid Wednesday believed she understood. She was nervous because next weekend her family would once again be coming up for the schools family weekend. Could that be the same thing (y/n) was worried about? Granted Wednesday didn't know much of the boys home life but she had deduced that it wasn't the happiest.

Wednesday was pulled from her thoughts when she was picked up from behind and pulled into a hug. "I don't care if I tolerate you, keep hugging me and I'll slit your throat" Wednesday tried to reach for her knife but her arms were trapped on her sides.

"Bonsoir to you as well mademoiselle Addams" (y/n) dropped the girl back onto her feet and backed up a bit as she turned to look at him.

"Monsieur (l/n) " Wednesday nodded as she stared unblinkingly at him. "I didn't see you today after class"

"I was wondering about that too" Enid added in from her bed without looking up from her phone.

"I'm here now" (y/n) replied with a shrug.

"Where were you?" Wednesday crossed her arms as she stared at the boy to make him uncomfortable. It didn't work.

"I decided to clean my room" (y/n) replied with a shrug.

Enid sniffed as Wednesday continued staring at the boy. "Smells like he's telling the truth"

"Looks like it too" Wednesday nodded before uncrossing her arms. "Preparing for when your family is coming?"

"Yes ma'am" (y/n) nodded in response with a bit of a frown.

So they were in fact coming. That was good to have confirmation of.

(Y/n) walked over to Wednesday's bed and sat down. "Did I say you could do that?"

"Did I say I care?" The response came so fast that the boy didn't even have time to think about it beforehand. Enid watched the boy with wide eyes as he looked at Wednesday hoping she wouldn't kill him for saying that.

It took a moment but finally Wednesday walked up to the boy and stared down at him. "You're learning. Good" she sat down behind the boy. He thought he was in the clear until he was quickly smacked, albeit not to roughly, across his cheek. "However nobody sits on my bed without first asking permission. No matter how bad at boundaries you are"

"Got it" (y/n) nodded as he rubbed his cheek. "So what about you two? Your families coming?"

"Unfortunately" Enid sighed causing (y/n) to huff in annoyance. He didn't like the idea of having to avoid his best friend for a weekend.

"As are mine" Wednesday replied with a nod. "No doubt they will ask to many questions and prove to be more of a nuisance than a blessing"

"Don't listen to her. She loves them" Enid waved off Wednesday's words causing (y/n) to look to her and Wednesday to glare at her. "No matter how kooky they are their family may just be the most functional of any in the school"

"The Addams family" (y/n) nodded as he looked back to the girl sitting besides them. "They looking forward to the trip?"

"They are" Wednesday nodded in response. "It isn't often we leave New Jersey and my parents did come here. So my parents are excited to reminisce while my brother is interested in the change of scenery"

"Jersey" (y/n) nodded in response. "Sounds about right for your family if they're anything like you"

"Unfortunately it's reputation is largely exaggerated" Wednesday sounded disappointed. "Although it is not without its charms" she then quickly changed the subject. "What about you?"

"What about me?" (Y/n) asked as he stared back at Wednesday.

"What of your family?"

"Let's not-" Enid was cut off by a glare from Wednesday.

"Enid's right. I don't want to-" Wednesday's glare silenced him as well. "Look you'll see next weekend okay?"

"Tell me everything" Wednesday crossed her arms.

"Look there's nothing to tell" (y/n) spoke as he repositioned himself and lay his head on Wednesday's lap. "I've got brothers and parents. I don't like them" he reached up but Wednesday intercepted his hand before it could touch her.

"Are they going to be an issue? Will I need to dispose of them?" Wednesday ran her hand though the boys hair gently. Enid was of course taken aback by the offer that had been made but (y/n) looked to be seriously considering it.

"Not yet. Maybe I'll change my mind when they arrive. I could use a safe or a vault of some sort. My mom sometimes takes my money so she can buy stuff without my dad realizing" Wednesday nodded before calling for Thing.

The hand quickly crawled out from under Wednesday bed where he had been fixing a squeaky floorboard. "Pull out the safe" the hand quickly pulled out said safe, it was large enough to keep a severed torso in. "You are more than welcome to keep any valuable objects in here while your family is here"

Thing quickly climbed onto the bed and held out a paper with a combination written on it, probably the one for the safe. "Thanks Thing" the hand gave him a thumbs up before going back down and pushing the safe back into its place under the bed. (Y/n) slipped the paper into his pocket before looking back up into Wednesday's eyes as she continued running her hand through his hair. "Thanks Wednesday"

Wednesday just nodded in response as she looked down at the boy's head in her lap and stared back into his eyes before whispering "If anyone gets that combination other than you, I will personally make the next weeks of your life the worst sort of hell your feeble brain could ever imagine. Understood?"

"Understood" (y/n) replied without so much as a moment of hesitation. "Can I?" He reached up towards Wednesday's face. She sighed but nodded before the boy quickly poked her cheek. "Boop"

Word count: 1064

(We've got our first fan art! Go check out the original creator @Aikon_MJ5 . If anyone else feels like sending me anything I'd be happy to post it in this book!)

 If anyone else feels like sending me anything I'd be happy to post it in this book!)

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