March; School Starts Up Again

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"I don't think I'm ready for this" (y/n) sighed as he subconsciously rubbed his hand as if washing it.

"Relax. The worst that can happen is you make a complete fool of yourself" Wednesday replied to the boy as she grabbed his hands roughly.

"That doesn't really help me, Muffin" (y/n) sighed as he tried and failed to pull his hand away from Wednesday.

"I don't care what helps. You are going into class with me whether you like it or not" she pushed the door open before pulling her boyfriend inside with her.

"You're mean. I hate you"

"You love me"


"Mr. (Y/n). Wake up" the boys head quickly shot at the sound of his name. "Falling asleep the first day back doesn't give a great impression"

"Right. Sorry" (y/n) blinked a few times as he tried to remember what class he was even in. "Won't happen again"

"Good. Now would you mind explaining how to do the problem on the board?"

(Y/n) quickly looked at the board and frowned. "Math... well there are numbers... and letters too... that's all I've got"

The teacher frowned and rolled her eyes before turning back to the board and proceeding to explain everything.

"I'm so going to fail this class" (y/n) rubbed his eyes as he whispered to himself.

"Well if you studied with me and Wednesday instead of spending half your time laying in bed or sleeping then you wouldn't be in that situation" Courtney spoke from the seat beside him.

"I killed a man for you. I'm going to lay around in bed a lot Courtney, stop trying to push me out of this phase"

"You need to see a therapist" Courtney spoke one last time before sighing and not talking to him again for the rest of the class.

The rest of the classes that day went about the same


School had been going on for about a week at this point and (y/n)'s schedule was slowly starting to consist of less laying in bed while feeling sorry for himself. He still couldn't really bring himself to care about school again though.

"(Y/n)?" His head shot up again. Wednesday was talking to him. "You're not paying attention"

"What's the point?"

Wednesday looked down at her textbook. "We're studying, without paying attention there is no point"

"Right" he slowly nodded before rubbing his eyes and yawning. "I think I'm gonna go"

Wednesday glanced at Courtney who just shrugged. "Incentivize!" she spoke as the boy stood up.

Wednesday quickly grabbed (y/n)'s arm causing him to look down at her. "Mind moving your hand?"

"Yes" Wednesday said simply. "You do realize that if you fail all your classes you'll be held back?"

(Y/n) was silent for a moment. "This is private school, it's expensive. They don't hold people back because parents would be furious if they have to pay for an extra year" he tried to pull his arm away.

Wednesday wasn't sure if that was true or not so she switched tactics. "Sit down and pay attention and I'll..." she glanced at Courtney who mimed something sexual. (Y/n) raised an eyebrow, curious as to what Wednesday would say. "Not that. I'll..."

"She'll wear pink!" Courtney quickly smirked, knowing due to their talks that the boy liked seeing Wednesday out of character. "And I'll pick out her clothes so she looks good"

Wednesday glared at Courtney. "Deal" she quickly turned to see (y/n) sitting back down across from her.

"Damn you Courtney" Wednesday muttered, knowing she was stuck doing this now.

"You're welcome" Courtney smirked as she nudged Wednesday with her shoulder. "Now help your boyfriend Study. I'm going to stare at you and try to figure out what to dress you in"


"I absolutely despise you and Courtney as well as everything about the two of you" Wednesday spoke as (y/n), with his arm around her shoulder, walked down the hall with her. She of course was being forced to wear all pink, much to her chagrin. Courtney had forced her into clothes that were a bit to revealing for her tastes but she had also hidden Wednesday's usual clothes so she'd just have to live with that.

"You look adorable" (y/n) replied simply.

"I'm not supposed to look adorable" she huffed as the boy just pulled her closer. "I'm a psychopath, not a Barbie"

"You always look adorable, Muffin" (y/n) replied causing her to glare at him. "And I think the Barbie look is good on you"

"Of course you do" Wednesday rolled her eyes as she tried and failed to pull away from the boy. "You're a freak"

"Well that's just ironic coming from you" (y/n) replied as they entered the cafeteria to get dinner. People gave Wednesdays strange looks but one glare from her caused anyone she looked at to quickly turn back to their previous position.

Once the two had their food they were quick to sit at their usual table which happened to be empty at the moment aside from Enid who was quick to pull out her phone and take tons of pictures of the colorful duo sitting across from her.

Wednesday quickly snatched Enid's phone causing the girl to glare at her. "You'll get this back when I get my clothes back from Courtney" she spoke as she put the phone in (y/n)'s left pocket.

"I don't think I've ever seen your arms" Enid spoke as she slowly reached across the table and poked Wednesdays arm. "You're so pale and squishy"

"That's what I said the first time I saw her arms too!" (Y/n) laughed a bit before biting into his toast.

"You two are morons" Wednesday slapped Enid's hand away from her before stealing her boyfriends food from his hands and biting into it.

Word count: 1009

(Wednesday in revealing pink clothing is a great concept. Artists feel free to use the idea. Just send me anything you draw of it)

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