Abyssinia Enid

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(Anyone know what the title is a reference to? I doubt it but figured I'd ask anyways)

"This is ridiculous" (y/n) huffed as he lay with his head in Enid's lap while she ran her hand through his hair. "What am I going to do without you here pup?"

"I'm still here" Wednesday spoke from where she was typing at her desk but they ignored her.

"You'll get by just fine kitten" Enid rubbed the top of the boys head. "We can still talk every day" she spoke as she held up her phone as if to prove her point.

"I hate talking on the phone" (y/n) huffed as he leaned into her touch.

"Well you'll learn to love it" Enid assured the boy as she gave him a sad look. "And I'll be back whenever all this murder stuff is over"

"And perhaps you'll see her sooner if they do in fact close the school" Wednesday added in.

(Y/n) quickly looked at Wednesday. "And what'll we do if the school closes? It's hardly a quick commute from here to New Jersey! And it would be even farther if I decided to go back home! We'd be in different time zones!"

"You two will be fine" Enid assured the boy as she once again ran her hand through his hair. "Tell him Wednesday"

The girl glanced over in their direction and spoke. "Although it is less than practical, a long distance relationship is not as doomed to fail as modern media would suggest it to be"

(Y/n) whimpered and flipped himself over so his face was buried in Enid's lap. "I think he's trying to suffocate himself" he could hear Enid speak to Wednesday.

"He'll have to try much harder than that" Wednesday replied before speaking to the boy. "Now stop being a child. We have nothing to suggest that we won't be together for the rest of the year so have fun with Enid before she leaves tonight"

"Right!" (Y/n)'s head quickly perked up and he looked at Enid. "What do you want to do for your last day here?"

"How about we go into town?" Enid suggested as she glanced over at Wednesday hoping she'd join them.

"Sounds good to me!" (Y/n) smiled as he got up and took Enid's hand to pull her to her feet and off the bed. "You coming Wednesday?"

Wednesday glanced back over to the two before nodding. "I suppose so. I'll continue my writing once Enid is gone" (y/n) frowned at the words but nodded.

"Let's get out of here" Enid squeezed the boys hand as she lead the way out of the room while Wednesday stood and grabbed everyone's coats so they wouldn't end up coming back for them once they realized it was cold outside.


"Come on" Enid frowned as she watched the boy across from her just stare into his hot chocolate. "Drink. You like this stuff" the boy didn't respond which prompted her to huff and cross her arms. "Do you really want our last day together to be miserable for me?" (Y/n) shook his head and lifted his drink to his lips before taking a sip. "Good boy"

Wednesday held back a smile as she watched. She took a bit of comfort from how upset the boy could become and even more comfort at the idea of how any separation from her may affect the boy.

(Y/n) stared silently at one of the marshmallows floating in his drink before taking another sip. "Maybe I should go back home if the school closes"

The two gals quickly looked at him with wide eyes. "What?" They both asked sounding surprised.

"I mean my mom is gone and I can handle my brothers for a semester... or two... I still wouldn't be anywhere near Wednesday but at least I'd be able to hang out with you" he looked up at Enid only for the girl to reach across the table and ruffle his hair.

"Absolutely not" (y/n) gave her a confused look. "I won't let you get tormented by them for that long. You are going to stay in town, you're going to stay with Courtney and you two are going to become just as good friends as you and I, or Wednesday and I, are. You get me?"

(Y/n) sighed and put his cup down. "Fine, but you need to come visit during what's supposed to be winter break if the school is still closed at that point"

Enid raised an eyebrow. "You know how much it costs to fly from here to California right?" (Y/n) crossed his arms. "Fine... we'll see what happens"

"Good" (y/n) nodded. He reached down for his drink only to find it gone. He quickly turned his head to see that Wednesday had taken a sip and judging by the look on her face hadn't liked it.

"Don't put your cup so close to mine again" she placed it back down closer to (y/n) than it had been before before picking back up her own coffee.

"Love you too, Muffin" (y/n) leaned over and kissed Wednesday's forehead.

"Aw! Muffin!" Enid squealed, drawing a bit of attention. "That's perfect"

"No it isn't" Wednesday quickly replied.

"Yeah, it is" (y/n) nodded at Enid. "I think I'm going to stick with it"


"You totally should" Enid continued the trend of ignoring Wednesday as she smiled, happy to see the boys mind back on more positive things.


Enid ran a hand through (y/n)'s hair as she glanced at the phone sitting in her other. They had gotten back a couple of hours ago, right after it got dark. Wednesday was currently typing away while (y/n) had been sleeping with his head on Enid's lap for about the last hour. She was awaiting the text saying her ride to the airport was outside.

"Wednesday?" The girl's head shot up as her typewriter went silent. "You'll miss me too right? This whole day was really about (y/n) and me and you never really-"

"I shall" Wednesday replied without looking at Enid. "Although I will admit my life seems to have shifted from being focused on our friendship to being about my relationship with (y/n) that does not lessen what we have" Wednesday seemed to consider her next words as she turned her head to look at Enid. "You are... my best friend. I would not give that up easily, not again"

Enid smiled widely at Wednesday as she slowly lifted (y/n)'s head off of her and placed it on the bed. "Stand up" she spoke as she did it herself. "Hug time" Wednesday scowled but she did indeed stand.

The two hugged. Contrary to what Wednesday's would ever admit to Enid it was indeed pleasant. "I-" Enid went silent as she felt her phone vibrate in her hand. She let out a sigh before finishing her thought. "Love you Weds. being your roommate, after the first semester or so, made me finally feel like I belong somewhere. Thank you for that. Thank you for making me feel loved"

Wednesday was silent for a moment. "Thank you for exactly the same" she replied as they pulled away from the hug.

Enid glanced at her phone to confirm the notification she had gotten was indeed the text she had been dreading. She wiped away a stray tear before looking at Wednesday who just nodded. Enid walked over to (y/n) and kissed the boys forehead before grabbing her bag and leaving.

Word count: 1288

(Favorite part of the chapter? Least favorite? Compliments on my genius?)

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