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Enid watched (y/n) from across the cafeteria table as the boy ate his cereal with a very Wednesday look on his face and all black clothes. Between the fact that it was late for breakfast and that some kids had been pulled out of the school after the latest murder the room was mostly empty. "You okay (y/n)?" Enid asked causing the boy to look over at her. "Did Wednesday hurt your feelings or something?"

"What would make you suggest such a thing?" (Y/n) asked with the same monotone expression.

"Well I know how she is and... well... come on. Look at you. You look like you just came from a very casual funeral" Enid was about to add something else when she quickly heard a laugh.

"(Y/n)!" Wednesday Addams jumped onto the boys back causing him to role his eyes. "How come you left without me sweetie?" She pouted. "I don't like waking up alone" she kissed the boys cheek as he tried to push her off of him.

"What the hell is happening here?" Enid watched in amazement as Wednesday got off the boy and sat in his lap facing him. "Wait are you wearing my sweater?!" Enid asked in amazement as she just then realized that Wednesday was wearing her pink sweater.

The boy rolled his eyes as Wednesday wrapped her arms around him and pulled him into a kiss. Enid quickly pulled out her phone and discreetly started recording just in case this was somehow not a dream.

(Y/n) pulled away from the kiss causing Wednesday to pout again before reaching for his face. (Y/n) quickly slapped her hand away but that only seemed to double the girl's resolve. She shot her hand up at twice the speed and quickly grabbed the boys cheek as she began giggling. "You are so cute!" She mushed his cheek around as (y/n) looked to Enid for help but she just shrugged as she kept recording.

"Enough of this" (y/n) stood up but Wednesday quickly clung to him like a koala with her arms wrapped around his neck and her legs around his waist. "Seriously?"

"I'm yours" she kissed the boys neck since she couldn't reach his face. "Kiss me babe?"

"No" (y/n) replied causing Wednesday to pout once again and lean her head against the boys neck. "Wednesday Addams get off of me this instant"

"No" Wednesday replied quickly as she tightened her hold on the boy. "I'm staying here and you can't stop me" just as she said that (y/n) grabbed Wednesday by the back of the sweater and quickly pulled her off of him and held her up in the air. "Okay. I guess you can stop me"

Enid was to in shock to even realize that her sweater was now getting stretched out as (y/n) held Wednesday away as she kept trying to get out of his grip and hug him again. "Enid. Take your roommate or I will be forced to use violence"

Enid quickly stopped recording and ran over to them before wrapping both her arms around Wednesday and taking her from the boy. "Well at least someone hugs me" Wednesday rolled her eyes as they watched the boy walk out of the room.

"Wednesday... what the hell is going on?" Enid asked calmly as she placed the girl down on the ground.

Wednesday stared longingly in the direction (y/n) had gone off before Enid asked her question again. "Hm?" She turned back to Enid. "(Y/n) accidentally dropped a potion, don't worry though, everything is fine!" she waved off Enid's concern before quickly running out of the room and after (y/n).

"I need to call Courtney" Enid quickly pulled out her phone and started calling her friend.


"(Y/n)!" The boy sighed as suddenly he was tackled to the ground in the middle of their room. "I missed you" she kissed the boy on the lips as she lay on top of him.

"You're smothering me with your adoration" (y/n) spoke as he pushed her so she was no longer kissing him.

"You love it" Wednesday replied as she grabbed the boys hand to stop him from pushing her away. She held it in her hand and smiled at him. He didn't reply so Wednesday assumed she was right. "I knew it"

"Get off of me" (y/n) spoke quietly causing Wednesday to pout. "I don't appreciate being forced to lay on the ground. While I'm enjoying the pain it's causing my back it is still undignified"

"Oh. Okay" Wednesday quickly stood up and offered the boy her hand. He took it and she pulled him up. "You're not going to just ditch me again right?"

"We'll see" (y/n) replied as he wiped the dirt off his clothing. "But next time you tackle me I will spay you"

Wednesday frowned as she hugged herself. "So that's what that threat feels like. I don't like it"

"While I rather enjoyed saying it. Perhaps once we're back to normal I will continue to threaten you"

Wednesday frowned. "I don't like that... but I probably will later" she quickly changed subjects. "Hand me your phone"

(Y/n) gave the girl a confused look but did as she said. "Why?"

"I feel like listening to music!" Wednesday smiled as she unlocked the phone and scrolled to the music app. "And if our personalities are all mixed up I probably like your crappy music!"

(Y/n) rolled his eyes but didn't try to stop the girl as she clicked on a Roll Over Beethoven by The Beatles. "I don't like this" (y/n) frowned as he watched Wednesday begin to dance. "I should like this but I'm hating it. Is this how you feel when I listen to music?"

"Come dance with me" Wednesday smiled as she began dancing.

"No way" (y/n) crossed his arms. "Even when I'm normal I don't do that. You're acting more like Enid than me now"

The boy was of course ignored by Wednesday as she grabbed his arm and pulled her over to him. "You do now!" She laughed as she danced and glared at (y/n) until he reluctantly joined in.


"Oh my god" Courtney giggled as she and Enid watched the couple from outside the dorms slightly open window. "This is amazing"

"Agreed" Enid whispered as she kept recording as Wednesday started singing along to the song. "She's actually for a great singing voice"

Courtney nodded in agreement. "Should we call Wednesday's mom? She'd probably know how to fix them right?"

"I mean... I don't want to worry them but... maybe if they aren't back to their normal selves by tomorrow?" Courtney nodded in agreement as they continued to watch Wednesday dance and sing. (Y/n) was trying to walk away but Wednesday grabbed his arm again and pulled him back to her

"This is amazing" Courtney giggled again and covered her mouth. "I can't believe we're seeing Wednesday Addams sing and dance to a Beatles song"

"Neither can I" Enid nodded in agreement. "We should get out of here before they spot us" she spoke that last part but neither of them moved as they kept watching.

Word count: 1229

(I loved this. Thanks for the suggestion. Favorite part of the chapter?)

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