May; Plans

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(Any of the artists here feel like drawing a cover for my upcoming Phineas and Ferb book?)

Wednesday woke up to the familiar feeling of her boyfriends arms wrapped around her waist. Not so long ago she would have laughed at the idea that she would ever have something like this but now she didn't understand how she had lived without it for so long. Not that she'd ever tell the boy any of that. His ego was big enough already.

"Wake up" she spoke as she turned in the boys arms so that she was face to face with him.

He groaned. "There's no school today" he groaned as he tried to verify in his head that it was indeed Sunday. "Let me sleep"

That response was quickly met with Wednesday leaning towards his neck and gently biting it, this in turn caused the boy to yelp and jump away and out of the bed. "What the hell?!"

"I told you to wake up" Wednesday replied as she sat up before also getting out of bed.

"You suck" the boy groaned as he rubbed his neck.

"Perhaps once we get more physical" Wednesday shook her head as she walked over to the boys closet and opened it.

"No need to get dressed. We don't have plans today" (y/n) grabbed Wednesday's hand as he pulled the underwear clad girl into his chest and roughly held her there so she couldn't move away.

"Fine" Wednesday huffed even though she loved this. "Carry me"

"You got it" the boy quickly put one of his hands on Wednesdays rear and held her up as she wrapped her bare legs around his waist.

"My legs are around you, you can let go of me now" Wednesday spoke after another moment of this.

"I can but I won't" (y/n) spoke as he noticed Wednesday glance at his neck. "And I promise you Wednesday Friday Addams if you bite my neck again I will muzzle you!" He quickly realized that she may be into that so he added "and the muzzle will be pink!"

Wednesday huffed at that last part and lay her head against the boys neck. "I hate you"

"You love me" (y/n) corrected her as he smacked her butt causing her to jump a bit before leaning back against him again.


"These last couple months have been pretty uneventful Huh?" Courtney asked the other two in the room as she filed her nails.

"Yep" Enid nodded as she threw a ball up over and over while laying beside Courtney on her bed.

"Speak for yourself" (y/n) replied as he did his homework at Courtney's desk. "... although I suppose it has gotten a bit more dull"

"Maybe we should do something?" Courtney asked as she looked to the boy. "These are our last few months in this school after all"

"Maybe" (y/n) shrugged. "But what would we do?"

Courtney quickly grabbed the ball from Enid's hands and threw it. "Fetch!"

Enid looked like she was going to argue that she wasn't actually a dog but by the time she began talking (y/n) was by the side of the bed holding the ball. He dropped it into Courtney's hand.

"Good boy" she reached up and pat his chest before taking the ball back and handing it back to Enid. "I guess we'll figure out what to do later"


"Give me your money" (y/n) held out his hand and Wednesday quickly dropped a solid gold coin into it. "Thanks!" He quickly replied before slipping it into his pocket.

"What exactly do you need that for?" Wednesday asked as she took the boys hand and held it.

"The girls and I were talking a couple days ago about doing something. We finally decided on going to some fancy restaurant Courtney was talking about and then seeing a movie. I'm going to take this to the bank and see if they'll exchange it for cash"

Wednesday nodded, although she was unsure if she'd enjoy the movie or not. "Just make sure it's something I'll enjoy"

"I'm going to be there so you'll love it" Wednesday had trouble stifling her laugh as the boy pulled her closer and kissed her gently. "Understood?"

"Mhm" Wednesday nodded slowly even though she knew she shouldn't be reenforcing this behavior.


Enid laughed loudly causing a good amount of people to glance over at their table.

"Anyways yeah that ended badly" (y/n) shook his head. He was quick to change the subject before Enid could laugh at him again. "So what are you all planning to do once we're out of school?"

"College" Courtney was the first to reply. "I've got a cheerleading scholarship to Princeton"

"And it's well earned" Enid bumped her shoulder against Courtney's.

"Very well earned" (y/n) agreed. Wednesday just nodded. "Enid?"

Enid hesitated for a second before replying. "Gap year. I'm gonna try college but- well we'll see how it goes"

"Yeah you didn't strike me as the college type" (y/n) replied with a shrug.

"What about you?" Enid quickly asked as she looked at (y/n) and then at Wednesday. "I assume you'll be staying close to each other?"

Wednesday and (y/n) glanced at each other before the boy turned back to Enid and nodded. "We're actually gonna rent a place by Wednesday's family... together" he couldn't help the large smile that entered his face after that last word.

The two blondes were also quick to smile. "That's great!" Courtney spoke to loudly. "That means we'll be close to each other too!"

"And Enid you're welcome to stay with us for your gap year if you so wish" they all quickly turned to Wednesday after hearing her speak.

"Really?!" Enid's squeal once again caused others to turn and look at them.

"Really" (y/n) replied with a nod. He hadn't expected Wednesday to offer it but he wasn't going to give her any opportunity to take it back.

Word count: 1024

(If you couldn't tell from the last couple of chapters, every chapter until the graduation will be about a different month)

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