The Addams Family

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(Y/n) (l/n) sighed as he sat alone on the floor near Wednesday's bed. He pulled out her safe before putting in the combination and opening it. He quickly put in his wallet, computer, and his watch. He usually only had his wallet but better safe than sorry when it came to his family. He closed it and slid the safe back under the bed.

"You ready?" (Y/n) turned his head quickly and noticed Enid laying with her head only just peaking out of her blankets. He must have been deep in thought not to have noticed her.

"Not at all" he hissed a bit at the thought of the visiting day. "What about you?"

"Ready to see my dad. Everyone else? No way" Enid spoke as she slipped out of bed and slid her phone into her pocket. "Not ready to leave you alone with them either"

(Y/n) smiled sadly. "I'll be lucky if I survive the weekend" he shrugged before standing up and stretching.

"Yeah" Enid sighed before walking towards the door. "Although worst comes to worse you can hang with Wednesday. And I'm sure her offer to kill them is still open"

"It's gonna take some strength not to accept that" (y/n) sighed as he slid his hands into his pockets and followed Enid miserably. She closed the door behind them before heading down.


Soon enough (y/n) and Enid had split up before entering the quad. Enid was making her way over to his family and (y/n) was praying to god for someone to distract him. He walked into the quad and instantly heard his name. "Thank you god" he whispered before quickly turning to see Wednesday walking towards him.

"Come with me. My mother and father are requesting to meet you" (y/n) gave her a confused look. "They asked if I had made any new friends"

"Aw and I'm your friend?" Wednesday glared at the boy before nodding. "I knew you liked me"

"I tolerate you" Wednesday quickly lied to the boy. "And I'm trying to buy you as much time as possible"

"I appreciate that" (y/n) grabbed Wednesday by the shoulders pulling her to him before kissing the girls forehead. "Thank you"

Wednesday looked stuck between deciding on whether or not to punch the boy in the stomach. She decided to be merciful. "If my parents saw this I'll never hear the end of it. If that is the case I will hold you personally responsible"

"Fair enough" (y/n) nodded before looking around. He instantly knew which ones were Wednesday's family. "Shall we ma petite cherie?"

Wednesday nodded. "Oui. And if you call me that in front of them I will cut off a body part of yours" she began walking and (y/n) quickly followed.

"I feel like I'm the only one trying with the cutesy names" (y/n) sighed as they approached the family.

"You are" Wednesday confirmed as they reached her family. "Mother, father, Pugsley, this is (y/n)"

"You all have an even more horrifying aura than Wednesday's stories make you out to" the boy smiled at the three

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"You all have an even more horrifying aura than Wednesday's stories make you out to" the boy smiled at the three. "I felt it the moment I saw you"

Wednesday's mother, Morticia, smiled at her father, Gomez, who in turn smiled back before they turned back to (y/n). "I can see why our Wednesday seems to have taken a liking towards you"

"I have not-" Wednesday began but was cut off by her father.

"Of course not my little death trap" he nodded patronizingly. "However it is nice to see you have someone who knows how to speak to you properly" Wednesday had to hold in a sigh as she shook her head.

(Y/n) smiled at that. "Little death trap. That's perfect for you" Wednesday quickly glared at the boy and he held his hands up. "Don't worry I won't call you that"

"How did you two become close?" Wednesday's mother asked causing both students to turn back to her.

"Extortion" Wednesday replied causing both her parents to smile widely and her brother to smile although not as wide. "He's a werecat. He needed someone to help keep him safe from the wolves and in exchange for that and my friendship he offered to get my novels published"

Gomez nodded in approval as he looked (y/n) over. "And are you close to fulfilling that promise?"

"The books are starting the printing phase now" (y/n) nodded in response. "Should be out by the beginning of the next school year. Perhaps sooner if I can get them to expedite it"

"Good. Wednesday has been trying to get them published for years but other publishers have found it... difficult to understand her unique perspective" Morticia spoke as she glanced at Wednesday who just stared back at her with her usual look.

"Oh I know" (y/n) nodded in response before changing the subject. "So do you all have big plans for today?"

"Quite" Morticia with a nod. "We of course will be spending a good portion of the day with Wednesday. Later however she will be taking her brother fishing" Wednesday held up what looked to be a hand grenade as if that were proof of this statement.

"Hm. Fun" (y/n) nodded in approval.

"And what about you?" Gomez asked as he glanced around. "Is your family here?"

"I haven't bothered to look for them yet" (y/n) replied with a shrug.

"I take it you don't get along then?" Morticia asked.

"Statistically speaking the likelihood is high that (y/n) will ask me to kill them before the end of the weekend" Wednesday nodded in confirmation.

(Y/n) was about to respond when he heard a voice that made his body burn with anger calling towards him. "Neville!"

"Of course she can't even yell for her right child" (y/n) spoke through his teeth. He took a deep breath and let it out. "If you'll excuse me" he quickly turned around and started walking towards his family.

Word count: 1029

(More fan art! This one was sent to me a while ago I just never saw it. Sorry about that)

 Sorry about that)

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