Last Day Of Freedom

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"Let go of me" Wednesday Addams struggled to break free of her boyfriends arms as he held her and forced her to watch a movie with him and Enid.

"Never" (y/n) replied as he sighed. "How many times are we going to go through this? We both know you secretly like this"

Wednesday was silent for a moment. "I enjoy this back and forth we do"

"You're weird" Enid muttered before shushing the two.

Wednesday huffed as she cuddled up to her boyfriend. "This movie is terrible" (y/n) and Enid both shushed her that time.


(Y/n) dropped onto his bed and sighed. Wednesday and Enid were fun but recently social interaction seemed to be much more exhausting no matter who he was hanging out with.

He lay still for about half an hour until just as he was about to fall asleep the door opened and he opened his eyes. "Mph" was the only sound that came out of him as he smiled at Wednesday.

"In bed already?" Wednesday asked as she closed the door behind her and pulled her sweater off as she walked towards her dresser to grab her pajamas.

"I'm tired" (y/n) muttered as he turned over and buried his face in his pillow. "Be silent"

Wednesday gave him a confused look, not that he could see it in the position he was in. "You wish for me to be silent?" She watched the boy nod as she finished getting into her pajamas. "I find that contradictory to everything I know about you"

(Y/n)'s response was to muffled to hear as Wednesday walked over to the bed and lay down beside her boyfriend. She grabbed his hair and pulled his head up. "Ow!" He yelped as he hit the girl so she let go of him. "That hurt" he turned around so he was looking at her.

"And that bothers you?" Wednesday asked. The boy nodded. "Good" she gave him a small kiss. "Feeling guilty once more?"

"I always am" (y/n) replied with an annoyed sigh. "But that's not what this is about"

"I'm sure" Wednesday replied sarcastically.

"I'm just tired!" (y/n) replied loudly. He sighed and closed his eyes.

Wednesday hmphed and lay back and crossed her arms over her chest. "Must be your time of the month"

(Y/n) opened his eyes again and gave her a confused look. Wednesday did not elaborate as she closed her eyes and almost instantly fell asleep.


By the time (y/n) had woken up Wednesday was typing away on the typewriter she had left on his desk. "Loud" he muttered causing Wednesday to look back at him.

"I'm glad to see that your ability to state the obvious is not impeded by your state of mind" She spoke as she stood up and walked over to him. "Classes start again tomorrow. I would take today to prepare yourself if I were you"

"Prepare how?" (Y/n) asked as he sat up and rubbed his eyes. "My bag is packed and my room is clean. Not sure what else there is to do"

Wednesday looked down at him with her usual unamused expression. "Emotional preparations. We don't want you freaking out in class like you did to me last night"

"I did not freak out" (y/n) rolled his eyes as he got out of bed and stood next to Wednesday. "I was tired. Now I'm not"

"Sure" Wednesday spoke, sounding unconvinced by the boys words. "In that case what do you intend to do with our last day of freedom?"

"I don't know. Cuddle? Kiss? Slap you? A mixture?" Wednesday rolled her eyes at the suggestions although her eyes did light up a bit at the slapping part.

"There are worse ways to spend our day I suppose" she spoke as she leaned into the boy and he quickly wrapped his arms around her.

Word count: 700

(And the writers block for this story has set in, hence this chapter taking a while and being short. While you wait between chapters feel free to go check out my supergirl book since I have lots more ideas for that than this)

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