The Investigation

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Wednesday Addams liked to pretend she didn't care about her roommate but everyone knew that wasn't the case. That is why it annoyed her so much when she couldn't get Enid to tell her who her date to the dance was. She wanted to make sure it was someone she knew wouldn't hurt her best friend.

She would have thought that at this point Enid would have told at least someone but everyone she interrogated seemed not to know. She hadn't even put it on her gossip blog.

"(Y/n)" the boy quickly turned to see Wednesday standing in his doorway. "Sit down"

"Okay?" (Y/n) shrugged before walking to his bed and sitting.

Wednesday walked over and looked down at him. "I need to know who Enid's date to the Rave'N is"

(Y/n)'s posture stiffened a bit before going back to normal. "I have been sworn to secrecy" he replied as he crossed his arms.

"I have ways of making you talk" Wednesday replied as she also crossed her arms.

"I know you do" (y/n) replied. "But the dance is in a day, why not just wait?"

"Enid's last date hurt her. I would like to avoid such an outcome this time"

"Aw you care!" (Y/n) smiled causing Wednesday to roll her eyes. "Look, he won't hurt her okay? It's nobody to worry about"

"I alone will make that decision once I find out who it is" Wednesday grabbed the boys hand which was just beginning to reach for her cheek. "No touching"

"Didn't even realize I was trying" (y/n) replied as he pulled his arm back. "Is there anything else you needed?"

Wednesday briefly considered asking the boy to the dance but decided against it. She wasn't going to be the one to ask. Never again. "No. You?"

"Nope" (y/n) shrugged almost causing Wednesday to frown.

"Fine" Wednesday spoke before turning back towards the door and walking out.

"It's nice seeing the moments when she cares" (y/n) smiled as he watched Wednesday go off.


The next day Wednesday was still no closer to finding out who Enid's date was. Were she anyone else she may have given up. "Thing!"

The hand quickly popped up from where he was sleeping on Wednesday's bed. "Bring me the list of suspects" the hand quickly jumped to her bedside table and grabbed the list before bringing it over to Wednesday's desk and placing it before her.

Wednesday gave the list one more once over before crossing out a name. "Wouldn't be her" she mumbled.

"You still working on that?" Wednesday quickly turned to see Enid coming through the open door.

"Of course I am" Wednesday crossed her arms. "The fact that you won't tell me tells me that it'll upset me"

"Oh that's definitely true" Enid replied as she walked to her closet and grabbed her dress from inside it. "Want to help me do my hair and makeup?"

"Will you reveal any more info for my investigation?" Wednesday asked only to get a shrug from the girl. She sighed before getting up and walking over to Enid.


Enid had not revealed anything much other than the fact that it was in fact a boy she knew well, that did in fact narrow it down but Wednesday was still left confused. Was it Ajax? Had they gotten back together? Was it Xavier? Eugene? That last one seemed unlikely but still more possible than Xavier.

It was beginning to get dark when there was a knock on the door. Enid quickly ran to the door and smiled at the boy behind it who was conveniently out of Wednesday's view. "Let's go!" She quickly grabbed his hand before closing the door. Okay, Wednesday decided, she was purposefully trying to hide him from her even now. Enough is enough.

Wednesday stood up and began walking towards the door only for Thing to quickly block her way. "What do you think you are doing?" She asked calmly as she glared at thing.

Thing said something in sign language causing Wednesday to cross her arms. "I'm going down to the dance. To see who she's with" she realized that she should probably be dressed appropriately if going down there so she walked over to the closet and pulled out her dress from last year.

Once dressed Wednesday began walking towards the door again only for Thing to block her way one more time. He signed something. "Yes I do think this is a good idea" Wednesday replied as she walked past him and opened the door.

Thing quickly followed as Wednesday walked down the hall getting ahead and signing when he could. "What do you know that you aren't saying?" Wednesday asked as she stopped walking causing thing to do the same.

Thing claimed he didn't know anything but Wednesday quickly snatched him from the ground and held him tightly in her grip. "Either tell me or I'll go down stairs and find out myself" Thing shook nervously but didn't reply. Wednesday shook her head in disappointment before dropping thing and beginning to walk once more.

Once downstairs Wednesday headed straight for the ballroom. The dance had already started and unlike the previous years it was a much more dark and broody looking dance although most people wore colorful clothing.

It took Wednesday a moment but she saw them. She clenched her fists angrily as she noticed Enid and (y/n) dancing and laughing like a happy couple. She didn't even notice as Thing walked up beside her, now wearing a bow tie around his wrist. He climbed up Wednesday's dress and onto her shoulder.

"That girl must have a death wish" Wednesday's voice was a bit more shaky than she would have liked. She didn't know why she felt this way and she didn't question it. She started making her way deeper into the room, still staring at (y/n) and Enid. The two danced much to closely for her liking.

The absolute final straw was when the song ended and Enid wrapped her arms around the boy. They laughed together and before Wednesday even realized their lips connected. She was going to kill Enid, no doubt about it.

Word count: 1059

(Lily suggested I have Enid and (y/n) kiss. I can't disobey her, hence that ending)

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