The Week Of Despair

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It had been three days since the dance and (y/n) and Enid hadn't even had an interaction with each other. They also hadn't so much as seen Wednesday other than when Enid saw her when they went to sleep and woke up. Even in classes Wednesday seemed to find a seat just out of either of her once friends views.

Enid of course was miserable but at least she had her other friends, although she tried to avoid talking to them as much as possible. She felt the need to punish herself after the kiss. Whether wrongfully or not she blamed herself solely for it and for ruining the possibility of a relationship between (y/n) and Wednesday.

The one taking it the hardest out of the three was absolutely (y/n) (l/n). The half cat didn't have any friends besides the two aforementioned girls so he had nobody to talk to, which was something he desperately needed. He would try to find Wednesday but she'd always find a way to avoid him.

Wednesday was still to full of rage and that absolutely helped with the psychological war that she was waging on the two betrayers. She was currently in the cafeteria watching as (y/n) stared down at his food. She hadn't seen him eat much since before the dance so it didn't surprise her when he pushed his plate away and rested his head on the table. "A shame" she muttered as she shook her head. "I should have put the poison in Enid's food" the poison wouldn't have killed the boy, it would only have made him feel unbearable pain.

Wednesday watched as a couple werewolves walked over to (y/n). They sat down on both sides of him and started messing with him. She hated that she still found herself instinctually wanting to help him. She didn't of course, he deserved some punishment and he knew it. The werecat boy never fought back, everyone knew it. That's why it was so surprising when he did.

Wednesday watched in surprise as one moment the werewolves were shoving the boy around and the next moment one of them was laying on the ground with scratch marks across his face where (y/n) had slashed him. The boy quickly turned on the other werewolves who quickly backed up and fell off the chair.

"Maybe not being there to protect him is good for him" Wednesday nodded in approval as the werewolf who's face was bleeding quickly got up and ran out of there. (Y/n) retracted his claws before going back to laying his head on the table.


The next day was even worse for (y/n), he hadn't gotten much sleep after finding upon sitting on his bed that Wednesday had in fact booby trapped it, his stomach was burnt where his teddy bear had blown up on him. On top of that it had been almost a week since the last time he transformed so he was unable to concentrate on anything.

Like Enid he was a social animal, and he was 99% sure that like the Chadra-fan from Star Wars it was possible for him to die of loneliness. That's what he felt like now. Slowly dying of loneliness. He missed his friends more than anything, he didn't care what it would take but he'd give anything in order to at the very least get a hug from literally anyone.

He whimpered as he lay on his back by the window, right in the light. He stared outside and wished that he had never gone to that stupid dance, that he had never hurt Wednesday. He moved a bit but grimaced as the pain from his wounded stomach flared up.

A small spider crawled into the boy view and he quickly smashed it under his fist. He could understand why Wednesday enjoyed killing these things for him. It felt good to have a little power over others. He just wished she didn't seem to have so much power over him.


Wednesday was impressed. She had sent thing to spy on (y/n) while he was in his room and he had just reported back. The boy had gone from being terrified of spiders to killing them with his fists. If she had thought that all she needed to come closer the boys true self was to ignore him she would have done it weeks ago.

Wednesday was surprised to find that her rage had slowly started to go away. Slowly being the key word there. She was still angry and she'd absolutely still ignore and torture her two friends for at least another few more days. She knew from watching them however that they did genuinely feel terrible and although that would have once made Wednesday smile with glee it no longer seemed to have that affect... well that was with (y/n) at least, she still found Enid's pain quite nice.

However they still needed more time for this lesson she was giving them to sink in. You don't betray Wednesday Addams, even if only for a moment.


Wednesday had half expected that by day five both her friends would have started talking again. Surprisingly Enid was still going out of her way to isolate herself and (y/n) seemed to be doing his best not to look at her. Guilt could have wondrous effects on people.

Wednesday watched from afar as Enid sat alone in the quad chewing her gum slowly. She seemed to be doing no more than staring at the leaves on the ground and ignoring the people around her.

She sat there for so long just doing nothing that Wednesday got bored. That was not a good thing for Enid's health. Wednesday lifted the crossbow that she held in her hand and aimed it right above Enid's head. She fired and the wolf girl yelped as the arrow soared over her head and she quickly fell to the ground.

Enid's guilt was eating her up just as much as (y/n), even if she hid it a bit better. Wednesday found it fascinating to say the least. She found it wonderful to say the most.


It was day six when (y/n) had finally hit his breaking point. He decided he couldn't be alone anymore. This was not a good decision.

Wednesday woke up to the sound of knocking on the door. She slowly got out of bed and looked down to at her pajamas before picking up her mace, the medieval kind. Luckily it was more blunt than sharp and spiky.

Once at the door she opened it only to find (y/n). She raised an eyebrow but before he could speak she swung it at his stomach. The boy quickly cried out as he fell over and grabbed his stomach in pain.

Wednesday gave him a look of anger. "I alone decide when your punishment ends. Understood?" The boy took to long to respond so she quickly held up her mace again. "Understood?"

"Yes" (y/n) nodded as he looked down at the ground. He had always known Wednesday was a violent sadistic person but he hadn't ever expected her to hit him.

Wednesday nodded before closing the door in the boys face. She looked over to Enid's side of the room only to see the blonde girl staring at her wide eyed with fear.

Wednesday ignored Enid before walking to her closet and proceeding to prepare for the day.

Word count: 1283

(I had planned to have the romance in the relationship phase by this point in the book. I blame Lily and her good ideas for this)

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