The Thinning Of The Herd

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"Oh" Enid quickly looked up as she heard Courtney sounding upset. "They're back to normal"

"Indeed we are" Wednesday was quick to reply, she and (y/n) were both back in their respective school uniforms as they sat down at the breakfast table. "I vote we never speak of this"

"Are you kidding?" The other three at the table quickly spoke up. It was (y/n) that continued first. "You we're so cute wearing pink and singing and dancing!"

"Oh you totally were!" Enid quickly pulled out her phone and started playing the video she had taken of it. Luckily nobody else was close enough to overhear the sounds of Wednesday's singing coming from the phone.

"Shut it off" Wednesday glared at Enid as the girl quickly hit the phones power button so it turned off. "Never play it again" she glanced around the room and frowned. "Why are there so few people?"

"Seriously?" Enid asked as if Wednesday should know the answer. "The murder. Everyone with parents who care about them are pulling them out of school until the murderer is caught. There are even rumors the school might close until they're caught"

"Ugh!" (Y/n) groaned. "I'm not going home"

"Can't stay with me" Enid quickly added.

"You would not survive a week with my family" Wednesday spoke next. She was probably right.

"I'm sure my family would be happy to have you" Courtney shrugged earning a smile from (y/n) and a glare from Wednesday.

"We'll see if it comes to that first" (y/n) spoke as he glanced at his watch. "We should actually probably eat before class starts instead of just standing here"


"This is nuts" Courtney spoke as she and (y/n) walked into their first class only to see that they were two of five people still in the class.

"Yeah" (y/n) nodded as they walked to their seats. "Honestly I'm surprised you're still here"

"My mom knows I can handle myself" Courtney smiled as she sat down and the boy did the same. "Although she really tried to get me to agree to come home"

"Well I'm glad you didn't" (y/n) smiled. "It took me long enough to find one friend, I'd hate having to make another"

"Yeah yeah I love you too" Courtney hit the boys shoulder and he shook his head. "But you're seriously planning on not going with Wednesday if the school closes for the year?"

(Y/n) shrugged. "It's like she said. I wouldn't last a week. Their house is a death trap and it's in New Jersey"

"Fair enough" Courtney shrugged. "And why can't you go with Enid? She's your best friend"

"Her family are werewolves. Very prejudiced ones from what she tells me" (y/n) shook his head. "I am a werecat. Without Wednesday I'd die in a week"

Courtney nodded when suddenly her phone went off. "Oh" she spoke as she picked it up. "Apparently this class is cancelled. The teacher quit because she's afraid she'll be killed"

"No way this school stays open" (y/n) sighed as he shook his head again. "Well since we've got time want to go to my dorm? As you know I finally got my TV and consoles set up yesterday . Apparently it's much easier when I've swapped personalities with Wednesday"

"Yeah. Sure" Courtney shrugged as the two stood up and walked out of the room.


To say Wednesday was surprised to find Courtney sitting on the bed beside (y/n) was an understatement.

She watched with a glare as the two failed to realize she was standing there, instead focused on the TV and the game of Uno the two were playing on the switch.

"Alright use that plus two on the other team" (y/n) instructed Courtney but she was already doing it.

"I'm not stupid, I know what to do" she elbowed the boy in the side before finally noticing Wednesday glaring at her from the door. "Howdy pinky"

"Pinky?" (Y/n) asked as he turned and noticed Wednesday.

"All I can think of right now is her in Enid's pink sweater and dancing to Roll Over Beethoven"

"Bring it up again and I will-"

"Wednesday" (y/n) crossed his arms and glared at the girl. "Play nice. You too Courtney"

Wednesday glared back at the boy but walked over to the bed and sat down behind (y/n) as the two went back to playing their game. "Enid's parents are considering pulling her out-"

"What?" (Y/n) dropped his controllers and turned to Wednesday with a frown. "No!" Courtney quickly turned to Wednesday as well.

Wednesday placed her hand on the boys own. "She's trying to convince them to let her stay"

"Her mother doesn't listen to her at all, you know that" (y/n) shook his head as he pulled his hand away from Wednesday's and hugged himself. "The whole reason I came to this school is Enid! I don't want to go here without her"

Wednesday frowned but nodded, she understood what the boy meant. "Would you like to sleep in our dorm tonight?" (Y/n) quickly nodded before standing up and grabbing his bag before proceeding to begin packing it.

"Court, be a lamb and help me pack" (y/n) waved the girl over and she shrugged before going to help.

Soon enough the boys bag was packed for the night and he dumped it on the bed before falling down onto it beside Wednesday. "I miss seeing you wearing pink"

Wednesday grimaced and shook her head. "Never again. Whenever you're ready we'll leave"

(y/n) glanced at Courtney and she shrugged. "Don't let me keep you. I'll leave when you leave"

"Alright" (y/n) sighed as he looked up at Wednesday. "Kiss me?" Wednesday sighed before leaning down and kissing the boy. "Thank you" he slowly sat up and grabbed his bag. "I'm ready now.  Let's go"

Wednesday and (y/n) stood up and quickly walked to the door with Courtney following. None of them liked the direction in which things at Nevermore seemed to be headed.

Word count: 1029

(Favorite part of the chapter? Least favorite part?)

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