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(Thinking on it I like how (y/n) has three devils on one shoulder and no angel on the other)

(Y/n) yawned loudly as he awoke the morning after returning to school. He was confused for a moment as he felt a weight on his chest before he opened his eyes and smiled widely upon seeing Wednesday laying on him. "Wake up!"

Wednesday's eyes quickly shot open and she looked at the boy, not amused. "We need to make up for lost time" he motioned for Wednesday to kiss him but she didn't. "Don't make me do it Muffin"

Wednesday huffed but she knew she should try her best to appease her boyfriend. "Fine" she leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on the boys lips.

"Really?" (Y/n) asked with an unimpressed expression. "You can do better than that"

"I loathe you" Wednesday spoke as she tried to pull away but the boy held her in place. "Why must you do this to me?"

"I don't know" the boy shrugged. "There's something about short-dark-and-able-to-kill-me gals that really gets me going. Now kiss"

Wednesday rolled her eyes and once again connected her lips with those of the boy laying beneath her.

After another minute the two separated and (y/n) pat her on the head. "Atta girl"

"Now will you let go of me?" Wednesday asked as she placed a soft kiss on the boys cheek.

"Fine" (y/n) let out a dramatic sigh as he let his arms fall back to his sides. Wednesday quickly stood and stretched as she walked towards her suitcase. "Are you all ready getting dressed? It's not like there's anything for us to do today"

"I will not sit here in my pajamas all day" Wednesday replied as she opened her bag.

"So I'm gonna cuddle you in your every day clothing?" (Y/n) asked as he sat up and watched Wednesday as she pulled her most iconic dress from her bag.

"There will be more cuddling?" Wednesday's head quickly turned back towards (y/n). He nodded and she frowned. "We've just-"

"That's not up for debate. We will cuddle and you will love it" (y/n) spoke causing Wednesday to sigh and give in.

"I despise you" Wednesday put her dress back on her bag before walking back to the bed and sitting down on the side.

"And I despise being spied on. This is part of your punishment for that" the boy spoke as he wrapped his arms around Wednesdays waist and pulled her onto his lap.

"I'd rather you just hit me" Wednesday muttered as she moved around and tried to get comfortable.

"I considered it but you'd like it to much" (y/n) replied before quickly holding Wednesday still so she'd stop moving. "Can't have you enjoying yourself to much cutie pie"

"Don't call me that" Wednesday rolled her eyes as she leaned back against the boy. "You're usually sitting on my lap, this is an interesting change"

"Would you like to swap our positions?" (Y/n) asked as he placed his head on hers.

Wednesday was silent for a moment before he finally felt Wednesday nod her head in confirmation.

In a moment the two teens had swapped places. Wednesday held up her hand and ran it through (y/n)'s hair as he sat in her lap. "I'll never understand how I don't crush you" (y/n) giggled as he leaned back into Wednesday.

"I'm stronger than I look" Wednesday replied simply as she kissed the back of the boys neck. "And I enjoy the feeling of how you sort of are crushing me"

"Ah. Of course" (y/n) nodded slowly as he just relaxed while laying against Wednesday. "Can we watch a movie?"

"No" Wednesday quickly grabbed the tv remote before the boy could.

"But I figured out a good one for us!" (Y/n) groaned, he reached for the remote and snatched it from Wednesdays hands.

"I highly doubt that" Wednesday replied as she tried and failed to reach for the remote the boy was careful to keep from her reach.

"You'll love it" (y/n) spoke excitedly as he turned on the tv.

Wednesday sighed and just leaned into the boys back as she gave up, at least until the boy had his guard down.


Almost two hours later Wednesday was enthralled in the movie. The boy had left her lap since if he was there for to long he really would crush her, he now lay with only his head on her lap as she ran her fingers through his hair.

There was a gunshot in the movie that made the boy almost jump, he felt Wednesdays fingers grip onto his hair excitedly. He looked up and couldn't help but be a bit worried by the wide smile on Wednesdays face as she watched the chaos that was beginning to erupt on screen.

"I don't think I've ever seen you smile like that" (y/n) spoke softly as Wednesday pat his head reassuringly.

"You've never caused an entire city to erupt into chaos" Wednesday replied simply. "Once you do maybe you'll make me smile like this"

(Y/n) reached up and gripped Wednesdays cheeks but she was to enthralled in the ending of the movie to care about that. "I'm glad you're enjoying yourself" (y/n) spoke as he mushed her cheeks around.

"As am I" Wednesday replied as she continued to stare at the TV.

Word count: 944

(Wednesday is slowly becoming more like (y/n) and I feel like I'm showing that decently well. Favorite part of the chapter?)

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