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"Shoo! Go away!" (Y/n) hissed down at the dog sitting at the base of the stairs from atop his dresser. The dog just continued to stare at him.

"Come here Buddy!" The dog quickly turned and ran up the stairs before jumping into the arms of Courtney's brother Mike. "Are you seriously this scared of a dog?"

"Mike, I swear if you breath a word of what you just saw to anyone I will claw your eyes out" (y/n) glared at the boy who just backed away and closed the door.

Soon enough (y/n) was back on the ground and getting dressed into his pajamas.

The boy fell backwards onto his bed before grabbing his phone from beside him and dialing the number he had wanted to call all afternoon. "Hello honey bunches" he spoke once she picked up the call.

Wednesday was silent for a moment. "The fact that Muffin is the most tolerable nickname you have managed to come up with is nothing short of astounding astounding"

"Love you too Muffin" (y/n) replied with a laugh.

"How have you been treating thing?" Wednesday asked.

"Ah so he told you I discovered him yesterday? I was wondering how long that would take. I haven't mutilated him yet. However I would have liked to have known he was watching me" (y/n) frowned as he huffed. "I could have had him help me"

"I am well aware of what you could and would have done. I decided that giving you a servant was neither in Thing's, nor my own, best interests" Wednesday's reply caused the boy to huff again.

"Still would have been nice" (y/n) rolled his eyes. "I detest being spied on. Reminds me to much of being back home"

Wednesday was silent for yet another moment. "Next time I'll tell you"

"Thank you" (y/n)'s frown quickly shifted to a smile. "So what's new with you?"

"My spies are close to discovering the murderer" Wednesday replied calmly. "He or she should be dead within the month"

"I meant more like have you done anything different with your hair or nails but that's much better news!" (Y/n) almost giggled with excitement at the idea of being back with Wednesday once again. "I'm gonna force you to do so much stuff with me once we're back together"

Wednesday was yet again silent for an even longer period of time. "I don't suppose these are things I would enjoy?"

"Not unless you like movies I like, the color pink, me playing with your cheeks, and an excessive amount of kissing" Wednesday let out a sigh that made it clear she knew she wouldn't get out of any of that. "Consider it punishment for spying on me"

"I loathe you" Wednesday spoke monotonously.

"I know you do" (y/n) replied with another laugh as he placed the phone on the bed and hugged his Wednesday body pillow.

"I must go now" Wednesday spoke causing the boy to frown once again. "I have somewhere to be and you need your sleep" (y/n) was about to protest but Wednesday continued. "Goodnight. And if you're murdered before I see you again, goodbye" she hung up.

"That's a cheery thought" (y/n) muttered as he buried his head in the pillow. "I'll never be able to fall asleep, I'm wide awake"


(Y/n)'s sleep bad come quickly to him but after a few hours it was quickly invaded by a new scent which quickly caused him to wake up. He sat up and sniffed the air in case it was just a part of his previous dream but it wasn't. This was real.

The boy slowly stood and made his way to the stairs, walking up them slowly so they wouldn't creak.

The scent was human, no doubt about that, but he had never smelled this particular one before. He got up the stairs and quietly opened the basement door before making his way to the next flight of stairs, the smell was up there. "Guess the murderer decided to speed things up" the boys words were so quiet they were barely even a whisper.

The boy was just beginning to make his way up the stairs when he quickly heard Courtney scream. "Courtney!" He quickly yelled and just as quickly transformed into a lion to get upstairs faster.

He ran into the room and was met with the image of Courtney scared and shooting little multicolored stars out of her hands and at an attacker.

The next few seconds went by so quickly the boy wasn't even sure what happened. One moment he was about to pounce and the next he was by the open window, ripping the attacker to shreds while Courtney watched with wide eyes from behind him in her bed.

"(Y/n)!" The boy ignored Courtney as he continued to tear into the man. "(Y/n)! That's enough!" He quickly felt Courtney's hand on his back as she tried and failed to pull him away from the man. "He's dead, you can stop!" She continued trying to pull the boy away as her parents finally got to the room, still looking tired from having just woken up from the girls scream. "(Y/n) calm down" she stroked his main as she knelt down beside him.

The boy stopped clawing at the corpse as what he had done sunk in. He quickly looked over at Courtney to confirm she was unharmed before looking back at the dead body he was responsible for. Good riddance were the first words he had thought. He didn't feel remorse at having killed the man, he would do it again in a heartbeat.

By the time he had looked up again Courtney was standing by her parents, assuring them she was fine and that they should give them a moment. Once they were gone Courtney quickly grabbed some sweatpants and an oversized T-shirt before throwing them to the boy. "It's all I've got that may fit you if you stretch them enough"

(Y/n) quickly changed back as Courtney turned away. Once he was dressed he told her she could turn back. "You okay?" She asked sounding surprisingly calm considering the circumstances.

"Yeah" (y/n) sat down on Courtney's bed as he glanced at the killed killer again. "You?"

"Scared. I almost died and there's a bleeding corpse on my floor torn up so much it's beyond identifiable" she sat down beside (y/n) prompting him to pull her into a hug. She didn't even bother commenting on the blood covering him which was now on her, she was just thankful he was trying to comfort her. "My parents are calling the police"

"That's a good idea" (y/n) slowly nodded as he felt Courtney rest her head on his shoulder. "Although I guess this means I can't go back to sleep"

"Could you seriously sleep after what just happened?" Courtney asked with a nervous laugh.

"I don't know" the boy replied quietly and honestly. "I just killed a guy. I just killed a guy and I felt no remorse while doing it"

"He tried to kill me and he would have gone for you next. I think not regretting killing him is warranted in this case" Courtney spoke as she pulled away from the hug and stared into the boys eyes. She glanced back towards the corpse but quickly turned back away from it. "Let's- let's leave this room okay? I don't want to be in here with that"

"Yeah, yeah of course" (y/n) quickly stood up and took Courtney by the arm to help her up as well, the reality of the situation seemed to just now be hitting her much harder than it had been a moment ago.

The faint sirens of police cars were just barely hearable as (y/n) helped Courtney out of the room. He quickly glanced back at the body before closing the door. "Everything will be okay" he felt like he should have been saying this to himself after an event like this but his full focus right now was on the blonde beside him.

Word count: 1375

(Oh I enjoyed this one. Thoughts?)

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