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(Apparently this story has been"Hand picked by Wattpad ambassadors for top 3 Netflix stories"?!?! I didn't get any notification but I've been told this popped up when a friend opened the story to read the last chapter. Thanks ambassadors!)

Wednesday Addams opened her eyes and found her face pressed against her boyfriends clothed chest. This was unusual seeing as she usually slept on her back but she didn't give it much thought.

After the other day when it had been freezing in his room Enid had taken the liberty of buying the boy a few sweaters that matched Wednesday's. Wednesday found now that the boys current sleeping sweater was the same as her own. She felt his chest rise and fall against her face and stayed silent so as not to wake the boy.

Unfortunately Wednesday realized soon enough that they'd be having class today. She lay there for one more moment before reaching up and lightly smacking the boy in the face.

"Wha- huh?" (Y/n)'s eyes quickly shot open and he looked down, his eyes meeting Wednesday's. "Good morning"

"We have class. If you'd like to get breakfast I advise that we get out of bed" Wednesday spoke as she backed up so she was no longer cuddled up to the boy.

(Y/n) groaned before slowly sitting up. He glanced down at his pajamas before sighing, if the school didn't have a uniform he would have just gone to class like this.

Wednesday got out of bed and walked over to her bag that was sitting on the floor across the room. She bent down and pulled her clothes out before walking to the closet to change. (Y/n) got out of bed around this same time and got changed as well.


Enid Sinclair sat in silence as she bit into an apple. Across from her sat Courtney who was trying to cut a very sturdy waffle. "If it takes that much effort to cut is it even going to be good?" Enid asked as she swallowed the food in her mouth.

"Probably not" Courtney frowned as she gave up and put her plastic fork and knife back on the plate. "Can you use your claws to shred it to pieces?"

Enid made a disgusted face. "You put syrup on it. I'm not getting my claws all sticky"

Courtney sighed but nodded. "I'm not getting back in that food line" she grabbed her fork and stabbed it as hard as she could into the waffle. The flimsy plastic fork broke. "Ugh!"

"Catch" the braces wearing blonde realized to slowly that the words for meant for her as suddenly something hit her in the head before falling to the table with a clang. "Whoops"

Courtney rubbed her head before looking down and seeing she had been hit in the head with a metal fork. She picked it up before looking up and seeing (y/n) walking towards her. Wednesday took a seat on Enid's side while (y/n) sat with her. "Thanks" she rubbed her head again before stabbing the waffle with the metal fork as hard and savagely as she could, this time it worked. She lifted the waffle up to her mouth before biting into it, it took a while but she finally managed to bite a piece off.

"Never have I been so glad I got a pita" (y/n) bit into his bread as he watched Courtney struggle with her food.

"You keep trying to eat that and you'll break your braces" Enid laughed a moment later as she watched Courtney once again bite into the waffle and fail to break off a piece.

"That would prove interesting" Wednesday nodded as they all suddenly heard a cracking noise.

"Was that-"

"No. That was the waffle breaking" Courtney spoke through the food in her mouth. "It's not bad actually. Taste wise I mean"

"I was gonna call you crazy for trying to eat it but I'm kinda tempted to go get one and do the same" (y/n) spoke as he took another bite of his pita bread.

"You will do no such thing" Wednesday spoke drawing everyone's attention to her. "I refuse to deal with you when you inevitably crack a tooth and decide to complain until you go to the dentist"

(Y/n) was about to reply when suddenly there was another cracking sound and Courtney yelped causing them all to look at her. She covered her mouth with her hand as if doing so would make everything better. "Enid was right" Wednesday smirked.

"Poor girl" (y/n) shook his head. "Move your hand. Let us see" Courtney slowly lowered her hand and bared her teeth to the group.

"Yeah... you should probably call your orthodontist" Enid grimaced as she looked at the broken braces.

"I wonder how much that will cost you to repair" that query from Wednesday succeeded in drawing out the groan from Courtney that she had hoped for when saying it.

"Wednesday stop stressing the girl or I'm going to use your money to pay for the repairs" Wednesday glared at her boyfriend but went back to her meal in silence.

(Y/n) got a bit closer and grimaced as he looked at the messed up braces. The top wire was snapped and bent so it was digging into Courtney's gums and drawing a bit of blood. "Hold still" Courtney nodded and did as she said while the boy reached into her mouth and pulled the wire away and bent it so it wasn't stabbing the girl.

Wednesday glared at Courtney, not that the blonde was paying her any attention. She didn't like the idea of her boyfriends hands being in her mouth. Enid however was paying attention and couldn't help but smile at Wednesday's adorable pettiness.

(Y/n) grabbed a napkin and handed it to Courtney who quickly used it to clean the blood before using it to put pressure on the wound. "Thank you"

"Happy to help" (y/n) nodded as he looked at the girl with pity.

Word count: 1039

(This chapter really got away from me at some point but I love it anyways. What was your favorite part of the chapter?)

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