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(Tomorrows chapter will be late if even tomorrow. If not tomorrow then Sunday. already have it written just need to be able to post it)

Wednesday Addams quickly stood up causing both (y/n) and Enid to look up from their conversation. "Where are you going?" (Y/n) asked as Wednesday began walking towards the door at some point she had replaced her uniform jacket with a much more comfortable looking hoodie.

"My writing hour is done. I told Eugene I'd meet him at the shack" she spoke before opening the door and waking out.

"Who's Eugene?" (Y/n) turned back to Enid as Wednesday closed the door behind her.

"Her best male friend" Enid replied with a shrug.

"Oh" (y/n) spoke before nodding slowly. "I thought we were her only friends"

"Surprisingly not" Enid quickly turned on the boy and gave him a confused look. "But you should know this. You do read my gossip blog right?"

"Uh-" (y/n) didn't respond and was quickly hit on the head by Enid. "Ow! Stop that"

"You said you read it! How come you'll read Wednesday's disgustingly gross murder books but not my blog?" Enid pouted as she grabbed her blanket and pulled it over her head.

(Y/n) rubbed his head before shrugging. "What's the point in reading a gossip blog if I don't know anyone it's talking about?"

"So that you know all about them once you do meet them!" That actually did make a bit of sense in a semi-stalkerish sort of way.

"Okay, okay. I'll read it" (y/n) rolled his eyes as he grabbed Enid's blanket and pulled it off her head so he could see her again. "But I know your writing style. Odds are I'll kill myself so I don't have to read it"

This time it was Enid who rolled her eyes. "Make some popcorn and invite Wednesday over when you do. At least let someone enjoy your death"

"Good call" (y/n) nodded in agreement as he looked towards the window. The sun was just starting to go down. "I don't think I'm supposed to be in your dorms at night"

"Aw is the little kitten afraid to break some rules?" Enid asked with a laugh causing the boy to roll his eyes. "You're actually not supposed to be here at all. No boys in the girls dorms, that sort of thing"

"Oh. Guess I'll stay then" (y/n) spoke as he rolled over and yawned. "So what now?"



"You two can not be this childish" Wednesday spoke as she stared in disbelief at the fort that seemed to be made of Enid's pillows, blankets, and stuffed animals that stood in the center of the dorm room, simultaneously on Enid's side and on her own.

"We can and we are!" (Y/n) replied with a laugh from behind the soft wall. "Come join us, it's uncomfortable sitting on the floor, you'll love it!"

Wednesday glanced at thing who had just emerged from her pocket. She smirked and he seemed to get the message. "Maybe later"

Thing quickly scuttled over to the fort and jumped inside eliciting a scream from (y/n) which in turn caused a laugh from Enid. "Why is there a hand!" He accidentally knocked down a wall behind him, giving Wednesday a perfect view of the situation. He didn't stick around long enough to get his answer, instead he quickly ran to Wednesday and hid behind her.

"That's just thing!" Enid quickly called as Wednesday smirked. "He's Wednesday's family"

"He's a hand!" (Y/n) repeated from behind Wednesday. Thing quickly scuttled into view. "How can a hand be alive?!" Thing was quick to give the boy the middle finger.

"That's one of the great Addams family mysteries" Wednesday replied before turning to face the boy that was behind her. "Now go move your fort. I don't want that colorful mess on my side of the room"

"Oh stop spoiling our fun" (y/n) spoke, instantly forgetting about the past minute or so. "Come and join us in it!"

"I will not. It's ridiculous" Wednesday crossed her arms. The two just stared at each other for a moment.

(y/n) reached towards the girl and pinched one of her cheeks seeming almost mesmerized by them. It was ice cold but he didn't notice. "Definitely the most pinchable cheeks in the world" just as stated in chapter 1.

Enid gasped in disbelief as Wednesday stared at him wide eyed also not believing what he just did. Even Thing backed away, afraid of what Wednesday would do. "While I must admit I admire your audacity, that will not stop me from ripping your hands off and using them to choke you to death"

"Then I suppose I'd die making us both happy" (y/n) replied without thinking as he squeezed Wednesday's cheek.

Wednesday stared at the boy for another moment, reminding herself that she still needed him, before quickly punching him in the stomach and making him fall to the floor while holding said stomach. "Consider that a warning" she walked over to and grabbed her cello before walking to the window and exiting the room.

"She didn't kill me" (y/n) whispered weakly from the floor as Enid and Thing both made their way over to the boy to check on him. "Totally worth it" he groaned as Enid offered him her hand and helped him up.

"You're either very suicidal or very stupid. Probably both" Enid spoke as she helped the boy to his feet. "You okay?"

"Yep" he nodded slowly as he continued holding his stomach with one hand. Outside they could hear Wednesday start playing her cello. "Although something tells me I won't be if I'm still here when she's finished out there"

Enid frowned but nodded in agreement. "Get out of here. Give her the night to cool down, if you're lucky she won't be mad at you tomorrow"

"And if I'm unlucky?" (Y/n) asked as he grabbed his bag from the floor and put it on his back.

"She decides she wants a (y/n) skin rug and you awaken to her skinning you alive tonight" the boy shivered at the idea and how possible it seemed.

Word count: 1074

(Told you comment people that he'd punch her cheeks at some point. They're just to pinchable. This will not be the last time, not by far)

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