Wednesday's Conundrum

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(This is officially my most read, liked, and commented on story! Thanks guys)

"So what are you getting (y/n) for his birthday?" Enid asked Wednesday as she watched Wednesday type on her typewriter.

"When is it?" Wednesday asked, seeing as how it had just been her birthday she hadn't expected this question so soon.

"About a week and a half" Enid shrugged causing Wednesday to quickly look over at her. "I would have thought he would tell you"

"As would I" Wednesday replied before looking back at her typewriter.

"So what are you going to get him?" Enid asked causing Wednesday to take a moment to consider her answer.

"Is the gift of myself not enough?"

"No. No it's not" Enid was quick to reply as she crossed her arms. "You're his girlfriend! You have to get him something"

Wednesday considered this before opening one of the desk drawers and pulling out a wad of cash. "Take this, buy something he will like and I will give it to him"

"Nope" Enid huffed causing Wednesday to once again turn to her. "YOU are his girlfriend. Not me. It has to be something from the heart. I mean look at what he got you!"

Wednesday quickly glanced at the book sitting proudly on her dresser. "And I cannot simply buy the boy some meaningless trinket?"

"I mean you can" Enid shrugged. "But at least make it something you know he wants"

Wednesday once again frowned before quickly looking up at Enid again. "And what are you getting him?"

Enid smiled widely. "That is a secret only Thing and I know. He will love it and you will not approve so it's gonna stay a secret"

Wednesday nodded. "I suppose I shall find out eventually"


"I love scotch. Scotchy, scotch, scotch. Here it goes down. Down into my belly. Mm-mm-mm"

"I thought you were drinking apple juice" Courtney gave the boy a confused look as she watched him finish his drink.

"I am. I just like quoting movies" (y/n) replied as he put his cup down on the cafeteria table between them. "You really didn't catch that?" The girl shook her head. "Why do I hang out with you?"

Courtney shrugged at that question. "Because you need someone to help keep the bullies away from you whenever you aren't with Wednesday?"

"Good point" (y/n) shrugged as he glanced around the cafeteria. "I kinda want to see what Wednesday would do if she found out someone was bullying me"

"I don't" Courtney shook her head.

"You know what I did to my brothers bullies" the two quickly turned around to see Wednesday standing there. "Suffice to say anyone who harmed you would not be let off so easily"

"Didn't one of the bullies lose a testicle?"

Wednesday nodded in response to Courtney's question. "I didn't account for the boys speed. He should have lost his life as well. A mistake I will not make a second time" she glared at Courtney who quickly scooted over so Wednesday could sit between the two.

"You're hot when you're homicidal" (y/n) smirked as Wednesday grew a small smirk of her own.

"I know" she turned her head towards the boy. "Enid has brought to my attention that your birthday is coming up. What do you want?"

(Y/n) frowned. He hadn't expected Wednesday to just come out and ask him, he had expected her to do something like he had. "I don't know. Something from the heart... or if that fails something from the Lego store, that's close enough to the heart"

Wednesday frowned. "Enid also suggested something from the heart. Would you like me to end your brothers lives for you?"

Courtney quickly gave the short girl a freaked out look as (y/n) shook his head. "No thank you dear. Look, just chose something that won't prove fatal for anyone but still comes from the heart and then give me that. Or if it does prove fatal make sure it's Xavier"

Wednesday's frown stayed as she tried to figure out what she could possibly give to the boy that filled that description. "You're cute when you're confused " (y/n) leaned over and pressed a kiss onto the girls lips. "Don't worry. You have a while to decide on something"

"And if I chose to get you nothing?" Wednesday asked. She wasn't planning to do this but she was curious as to what the boys answer would be.

(Y/n) looked at the girl for a moment before placing a hand on her cheek and kissing her gently one more time before pulling away just enough that they were still face to face. "If you don't get me a birthday present I swear on the River Styx that I will burn all your clothes and replace them with pink versions"

Wednesday smirked at the boy's viciousness. "I suppose I will be getting you a present then" she stood up.

"Atta girl" (y/n) slapped her on the back as she walked away.

"The fact that you have the courage to touch her after that conversation scares me" the boy turned his head to look at Courtney as she said that.

"Yeah. There's something wrong with me but she likes it so..." the boy shrugged before picking up his empty cup and looking it over. "I'm out of juice"

"Yes I can see that" Courtney nodded as she also looked at the boys cup.


"IT'S HERE!" Enid screamed as she ran into the room with a large package in hand.

Thing quickly popped up from Wednesday's bed and just as quickly made his way to Enid's bed as she put the package down on it.

"(Y/n)'s present!" she smiled widely as she ripped the box open to get a good look at it. Her smile only widened as she saw how well it had turned out. "Oh she is going to either find this hilarious or hate this"

Thing gave the closest thing he could to an 'oh really?' look.

"Yeah you're right" Enid shrugged as she quickly closed the box. "She's just gonna hate it"

Word count: 1036

(Favorite part of the chapter?)

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