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"You're going (y/n)" Enid spoke as she crossed her arms. The group were in Wednesday and Enid's room. (Y/n), Courtney, and Enid sitting on Enid's bed.

"Not a chance" (y/n) replied as he crossed his arms. "If I am not required to go to the graduation ceremony then what is the point?"

"Wednesday back us up" Courtney spoke as she looked to the girl who was sitting at her typewriter.

Wednesday glanced back at the three and shook her head. "I have no plans of going either" Wednesday spoke as she stood up and walked over to the group. "It's long, outdoors, and we'd have to wear ridiculous robes"

"Great! I have someone to hang out with then!" (Y/n) grabbed his girlfriend by the hand before pulling her onto his lap and kissing her cheek.

"You seriously aren't going then?" Enid frowned as she observed the two.

"You two are welcome to join us" (y/n) spoke as he held Wednesday closer.

It was silent for a moment before Courtney spoke again. "It will be the last time we're all together until next school year"

"So you're ditching?" Enid's frown deepened as Courtney nodded. "Ugh! Fine, I'll ditch too"

"Atta girl" (y/n) put an arm around her shoulders. "You'll have way more fun with us then you would be at the stupid ceremony"


Enid glanced out the window to see them setting up for the graduation ceremony which would be starting in a couple hours. "Wednesday?"

Wednesday quickly looked over at Enid from her bed where she was just waking up while (y/n) lay asleep with his head on her chest. "What?"

"I'm having second thoughts about ditching"

Wednesday considered that. "I suppose the ceremony would have a great view"

"View?" Enid asked, almost scared at what she could be speaking about.

"I told my parents when I got here that I'd burn this school to the ground" Wednesday spoke as she ran her hand through her boyfriends hair. "I don't intend to be made a liar"

"You're already a liar" a tired (y/n) yawned as he woke up.

"Not when it comes to arson" Wednesday replied as she pushed the boy off of her and got out of bed.

"You're joking right" (y/n) said as he watched Wednesday give him a smirk. "Right?"

"I don't think she's joking" Enid spoke wide eyed.

"Wednesday Friday Addams if you burn the school down I'm going to make you sing me the entire soundtrack of Pirates of Penzance"

Wednesday glared at her boyfriend as she walked over to her closet and began getting out of her pajamas. "I shall sing nothing"

"Not even modern major general?" (Y/n) asked with a pleading look.

Wednesday's glare continued as she sighed. "Fine. That one song but you can't stop me"

"Deal!" (Y/n) agreed as she walked to the underwear clad girl and hugged her. Wednesday rolled her eyes but let the hug continue.

"Wait what?" Enid asked wide eyed. "You're just-"

"Don't you want to hear Wednesday singing?" (Y/n) asked as he broke the hug and turned to Enid.

"Well I mean... yeah, but-"

"There'll be nobody in the building" Wednesday spoke as she looked at Enid. "It's disappointing but I want to make sure everyone sees during the ceremony"

Enid sighed. "Fine"

"Good. Now be a lamb and move all of our stuff out of the room and to Courtney's car" Wednesday spoke as she pulled some clothes out of the closet and began to put them on.

"Me?" Enid asked as she crossed her arms.

"Unless you'd like to find yourself tied up and in this room when it explodes" Wednesday spoke mercilessly.

"And warn Courtney as well" (y/n) added in.

Enid muttered incoherently but didn't reply as she began to pack her bags.


"Go, go, go" Wednesday ushered her friends and boyfriend out of the building and towards the parking lot. Each carrying all the bags they hadn't yet put in Courtney's car.

"When are the explosives going off?" (Y/n) asked as he walked towards the car.

Wednesday listened as she began to hear the sounds of the graduation ceremony. "Any moment now. We should have just enough time" she spoke as everyone put their bags in the car before getting in and sitting down.

Enid and Courtney sat in the front while the couple of the group sat in the back. "Start driving" Wednesday demanded as Courtney put the key in the ignition and started the car.

Wednesday lay her head on her boyfriends shoulder as they began driving away. The entire time (y/n) and Enid kept their eyes on the school through the window. "Relax" Wednesday spoke as she looked up at him.

"I-" (y/n) was silenced as they heard a giant BOOM as the school exploded into flames and debris which what's quickly followed by a schools worth of screams of panic from the direction of where the graduation ceremony was taking place.

(Y/n) was about to speak when Wednesdays quickly pulled him into a kiss. "Mm, okay" he muttered before kissing back.

"Holy crap" Enid whispered as she continued to stare out the window at the burning ruins of the building they had up until a couple minutes ago called their home.

A moment later they started hearing sirens. "That was quick" Courtney muttered as a second later they saw firetrucks approach and pass by them.

Wednesday and (y/n) broke the kiss.

Wednesday smiled widely and she buried her head on her boyfriends chest. Their time in this school was over, as was everyone else's, forever and always. Nevermore academy was gone.

They continued to listen to the sounds of sirens and screams as they drove far away as quickly as legally allowed.

Now Wednesday and (y/n) would start their new lives, living together forever... or until Wednesday got sick of him and decided to put him out of her misery. As if he could sense that thought (y/n) quickly wrapped his arm around Wednesday.

She smiled, no, she wouldn't grow sick of him. They would have the best relationship in Addams family history, she had no doubt about that.


Word count: 1122

(One of my friends wanted to write a crossover between his story and this one. Aside from that this is the last chapter, as you can see I'm not good at final chapters. Hope you all enjoyed this story!)

(The Phineas and ferb book's first chapter should be out now. Go check it out!)

(One day I may decide to make a sequel to this book. If I do it probably won't be for a while)

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