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(Sorry if anyone seems off in this. I'm super sick right now so I'm not at my best, hence not updating in a couple days. Not sure if I'll upload tomorrow, maybe if I get better. Also the more I write Eros the more I enjoy him)

"You're getting better" Wednesday nodded in approval as she and (y/n) stood in front of Enid who was now deep in a trance. "Hypnosis isn't like in the movies. Unfortunately you can't force someone to do something that they would never do themselves, such as kill somebody or themselves"

(Y/n) looked from Wednesday to Enid. "Did you expect me to try that?!"

"On your family perhaps" Wednesday shrugged.

"No way! I'd just send you after them, I kinda want to see you kill someone" (y/n) walked around Enid and tried to think of what to make her do.

"That's enough" Wednesday snapped her fingers and Enid woke up. "I don't approve of that look you were getting"

"There was no look!" (Y/n) argued as Enid blinked a few times and finally realized where she was. "You okay?"

"Fine" Enid nodded slowly. "What did you make me do?"

"Wednesday stopped before I could do anything" (y/n) huffed.

In the corner of his eye (y/n) noticed the clock and sighed. "Oh we have to go!" He spoke as he quickly put his pendulum back into his pocket. "We're supposed to be meeting your parents for dinner right?"

"Indeed. However a bit of waiting wouldn't kill them" Wednesday walked to her desk and grabbed her hoodie which was on the chair.

"Right" (y/n) nodded as he followed Wednesday to the door. They walked out and (y/n) was surprised to see his brother walking past. "Eros?" Wednesday raised an eyebrow and looked at the boy as he quickly turned at the sound of his name.

"Oh. Hey" he nodded and glanced at the door that Wednesday was closing. "So that's where you're staying"

"What're you doing here?" (Y/n) asked as he took in his brothers disheveled appearance. "Or should I ask who?"

"That vampire chick down the hall" he motioned past Wednesday and (y/n). "Yoko"

"Enid's friend" Wednesday informed (y/n). "Now let's be off"

"Right" (y/n) nodded as he quickly turned to Wednesday. "Let's go" the two quickly walked past Eros.

"I'll come with you. We're headed the same way anyways" Eros was quick to catch up.

"You smell like sweat" (y/n) quickly pushed Eros away. "No thanks"

"Well either way we're going down the same way" Eros spoke as he crossed his arms. He glanced over at Wednesday and their eyes locked for a moment. "You really pissed off our mom"

"That was my intention" Wednesday replied simply as she noticed (y/n)'s slight smirk at the mention of the incident. "And it is hardly all I plan to do to her"

"Anything I can help with beautiful?" Eros asked with a smirk of his own.

Wednesday and (y/n) locked eyes before he shrugged. "Alright" the girl in black nodded before sipping something out of her hoodie pocket. "Slip this into whatever she drinks"

"What is it?" (Y/n) asked as he looked at the pill in Wednesday's hand.

"Poison" Wednesday replied simply causing both boys to look at her wide eyed. "Nothing lethal. I'm saving that for later on" they began walking down the stairs.

"She isn't serious is she?" Eros asked as he reached over and grabbed the pill. "I mean-"

"I already told you she blew up my teddy bear. I wasn't exaggerating, I had burns for a week. If she does that to me imagine what she'll do to someone she doesn't like"

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