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(Comment more frequently, your writer demands it! that goes for other peoples stories as well, it's the best thing someone can do to boost the authors morale and enthusiasm for the story)

"Pass the salt" Wednesday Addams spoke as she held her hand out to (y/n) who was sitting across the table from her and Enid with the salt.

"What do we say?" Enid encouraged Wednesday to ask nicely.

"Now!" (Y/n) winced at the loud noises as people around the room turned to see what was happening.

"Here you go" (y/n) replied as he placed the salt shaker in her hand.

Wednesday shook the salt onto her food before placing the shaker back on the table.

"So when does class start up?" (Y/n) asked to break the silence after a minute.

"Wednesday" Enid replied causing (y/n) to look to Wednesday for an answer.

Wednesday felt his gaze on her and spoke. "It starts on the day Wednesday. She didn't mean to ask me"

"Oh. Sorry" (y/n) looked back away for a moment before quickly looking back at the two.

They sat eating in silence until both (y/n) and Enid couldn't stand it anymore. "So (y/n), how's Wednesday's book?"

(Y/n) looked to Wednesday who glared at him, curious as to what he would say.

"Well I got about halfway through last night. It was hard to put down" he smiled as he took a bite of a piece of bread. "It was morbid, full of gore, and so detailed I felt like I was there" Wednesday's glare went away and she had to fight to hold back a smile.

"Gross" Enid spoke without thinking.

"Gross indeed" (y/n) nodded at Enid before turning back to Wednesday. "The book isn't for everyone, but there's no doubt in my mind that most people who read it will be eagerly waiting for the next one"

Wednesday couldn't help the tiny hints of a smile that appeared on the sides of her mouth so she quickly stabbed her lunch with a fork and took a bite to try and hide her budding smile.

"What're you eating?" (Y/n) asked as he looked at Wednesday's lunch. It looked like some sort of beef but he couldn't tell.

Wednesday gave him a serious look before replying. "A kitten I found roaming around the halls" she stabbed the fork into the meat again before holding it out to the boy. "Want some?"

"Alright. I'll call your bluff" (y/n) took the fork and bit into the meat. Wednesday nodded in approval.

"I'm going to be sick" Enid's face was almost green at this point as she covered her face.

"Mhm! Steak!" (y/n) spoke as he chewed on the steak. "Cat meat is a different color. And this was to big for a kitten"

"He's right" Wednesday replied as she took her fork back. "Cat doesn't have as much taste either. I was just curious to see if he had the stomach to test his theory"

"Where did you get steak?" (Y/n) asked as he stared at the food on Wednesday's plate, considering trying to snatch it. This did not go unnoticed.

Wednesday stabbed the fork into the table right besides the boys hand. "The meat is stolen from nearby farms. The cooking is courtesy of some carefully placed threats in the kitchen"

(Y/n) slowly pulled his hand back as he kept staring at her food.

"(Y/n)" the boy quickly looked to Enid. "What're your plans for today?"

"Uh-" the boy looked around like a lost cat looking back at her. "Follow you? What else is there for me to do?"

"Well I was thinking you could find a club to join" Enid replied.

"What sort of a club?" (Y/n) asked, weary of the idea.

"You could join the club Wednesday is in" Wednesday quickly looked up at Enid and shook her head.

"Always nice to be with a friend" (y/n) smirked at Wednesday.

"Relax Wednesday. He isn't going to say yes, I'm just messing with you" Enid looked back to (y/n). "There would be bees. Lots of bees"

(Y/n) hissed at the idea and quickly shook his head. "I'm fine without a club"

Wednesday glared at Enid before grabbing her by the hair and making her look at her. "Ow!"

"Next time you decide to mess with me I'm not going to be so understanding" she let go of the girl who quickly got up and ran around the table to sit beside (y/n).

"Yes you will" Enid made sure she was out of Wednesday's reach when she said this.

"And you asked me if I was suicidal after that question last night" (y/n) rolled his eyes as he looked down at Enid. "You're basically asking to be murdered in your sleep"

"Listen to your friend" Wednesday spoke as she stood up. She slid her plate over to (y/n). "I'll be in our dorm. Do not disrupt me" she walked away as (y/n) quickly took her fork and a bite of her steak.

"Don't mind her. She's still a bit upset at finding out she's not my only best friend" Enid seemed to be trying to reassure herself more than (y/n) since he was happily finishing Wednesday's meal. "Now give me the steak! I've been dying to rip it from her hands since she sat down"

"Down puppy" (y/n) spoke as he cut the steak in half with his knife. "You've been a lot more puppy like since your first time wolfing out, you know that?" He took Enid's fork and impaled her piece with it before holding it out to her. "And that's saying something since you've always been an excitable little pup"

"I'm a werewolf. What do you expect?" She snatched the fork and bit into the food. "Mm. Yummy" she pretty much inhaled the rest of it. "You're a werecat. You should know how this works. You're kinda cat like, definitely not to the same extent but still"

"I suppose so" (y/n) shrugged as he ate his piece with much more restraint than Enid had.

Word count: 1037

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