Wednesday's Birthday

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(The Superman story is out. It has been scientifically proven that if you go read and comment on it then you are 0.000001% more likely to find Wednesday Addams stalking you in your closet tonight)

"Alright, done" (y/n) nodded as he finished wrapping Wednesday's birthday gift in hot pink wrapping paper. "She's gonna hate me for wrapping it in this" there was suddenly a knock on the door, prompting the boy to quickly shove the box under the bed. "It's open!"

Wednesday Addams opened the door and walked right in, closing the door behind him. "You should really keep your doors locked. Especially in a school with history such as that of this one"

"I usually do" (y/n) smiled as he watched Wednesday walk towards the closet before walking in and closing it, she did this to get privacy as she changed into her pajamas. "So it's been brought to my attention that there's something special about tomorrow-"

"Damn you Enid" Wednesday muttered. "I specifically requested her not to tell you or anyone else about my birthday"

"I'm your boyfriend and her bestie. Of course she was going to tell me" (y/n) rolled his eyes and a moment later Wednesday walked out in a long sweatshirt and the boy assumed shorts underneath. "Looking good"

"I know" Wednesday regarded the last statement before going back to the first as she sat down on the boys bed. "I need to stop trusting that girl"

"Oh come on" (y/n) rolled his eyes as he walked to the bed before laying on it. "It's a day all about you-"

"Every day is all about me" Wednesday spoke quickly and firmly.

"...right" (y/n) nodded as he pulled Wednesday down so she was laying with him. "Except my birthday. As my girlfriend I expect you to make a fuss about that"

Wednesday took a moment to process this before speaking. "In that case I would like to end our relationship"

"Ha ha" (y/n) said sarcastically as he nuzzled his face against the girls sweater. "Ooh soft"

Wednesday rolled her eyes as she ran her hand through the boys hair. "We shall see what happens"

"Good" (y/n) spoke as he looked back up at Wednesday before kissing her neck. "You're the best"

"I am aware of that" Wednesday nodded once more as she looked down at the boy. She wrapped her arms around him. "Now go to sleep. A tired boyfriend is of no use to me"


Wednesday's eyes shot open and she uncrossed her arms, removing them from her chest. She was suddenly met with the sickening sight of balloons, a happy birthday banner, and bright pink decorations. "This crosses the line" she quickly looked to the other side of the bed only to be pulled into a hug.

"I like it" (y/n) kissed the girls forehead. "Enid came by and did it all around midnight"

"I'll have to thank her later" the way Wednesday said the word "thank" scared the boy but he didn't comment on it. "What horrid plans does she have in store for me today?"

"Well I can't tell you that can I?" Wednesday gave the boy a scary look. "Because I don't know the answer" Wednesday went back to her usual expression. "But I do know we're supposed to head to the roof whenever you're ready to find out"

"Good" Wednesday nodded. "Then I can jump off of it in order to escape whatever Enid has planned"

"That's the spirit sweetie" (y/n) nodded as he watched Wednesday get out of bed. His eyes lingered on her covered backside for a moment before noticing her glaring at him. "I'm not apologizing"

"A bold choice" Wednesday spoke as she stopped glaring. "And one that I respect. Don't let me catch you again" she walked over to the closet and walked in before closing it.


As it turns out Enid hadn't done anything to extravagant. Wednesday looked around the rooftop, the only people besides her and (y/n) were Enid and Thing. The decorations were all black and creepy, Thing had obviously done them. "Surprised?" Enid asked with a big smile.

"Very" Wednesday replied with a nod. "After your previous parties I expected everyone I know"

"Well you never liked my parties" Enid pouted. "So I figured just besties this time" she gained her smile back again as she quickly grabbed a birthday hat and put it on Wednesday, much to the goths chagrin. "I even had (y/n) get a piñata. But he kinda F'd that up"

"Hey!" (Y/n) argued as he quickly walked to the piñata and picked it up. "If I can't hit the normal Xavier in the face I want to at least get to hit a picture of him"

Wednesday smirked as she saw the boys annoyance. Truth be told half the reason she even hung out with Xavier any more was because she liked how much (y/n) disliked him. She liked to see this vicious and dangerous side of the boy. "Nobody ever said you couldn't hit the real Xavier"

"Really?" (Y/n) asked as his annoyance turned to childlike excitement.

"I'll help you hide the body if it comes to it" Wednesday walked up to the boy and placed her hand on his chest.

"You two are so weird" Enid shook her head as she glanced at Thing who in turn shrugged. "But you're also the cutest couple in the school"

"Damn right we are" (y/n) nodded as he leaned down and kissed the top of Wednesday's head. "I'll kill Xavier some other day. Right now let's get to the presents!"

"Yes!" Enid quickly agreed as she quickly held out two boxes, hers and (y/n)'s. "These are from us. There's one from your parents on the table and the one with the white wrapping is from your uncle"

Wednesday's interest seemed to be piqued by her uncle but she instead walked over to the pink wrapped box. "If this is yours (y/n) I will suffocate you with this wrapping paper"

"Called it" (y/n) high fived Thing.

Wednesday grabbed the box from Enid and carefully unwrapped it. The box inside was a plain cardboard box, not revealing anything about its contents. She opened the box and her eyes widened as she slowly began smiling. "No, already?"

"I got the publishing expedited" (y/n) smiled widely, yet not as widely as Wednesday. "You little lady are officially an auth-" he was quickly cut off as Wednesday grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him into the most passionate kiss the two had ever shared.

Word count: 1127

(I don't know how publishing works. So yeah. I make my own rules)

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