Enid Returns

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(People are still messaging me, asking for Enid to become a love interest. You people never give up do you? It's never happening)

(Y/n) hummed to himself as he sat beside Wednesday on the fountain in the center of the quad which was still pretty empty since school had just reopened and most people were still gone. His head lay on Wednesdays head as he fiddled with an action figure that was in his hands.

Wednesday ran her hand down the boys back before running it back up and then down and then up again. Over and over and over. It caused a shiver to go down the boys spine which Wednesday loved to feel.

The boy was still messed up after what he had done but being with Wednesday again definitely seemed to be having a positive effect on his psyche.

"Hey" Wednesday's head turned and she failed to hide her smile as she noticed Enid walking towards them. "Guess who's back!"

(Y/n)'s head quickly shot up and he smiled almost as widely as Wednesday as he noticed Enid. He quickly stood up before running to Enid and pulling her into a bone crushing hug.

"Ow" Enid muttered as she smiled and returned the hug. "Kitten, I can't breath right now" she barely got out before (y/n) quickly let go of her. "I missed you too. And my scarf does look really good on you"

(Y/n) smiled as he adjusted his scarf a bit.

Wednesday walked over to the pair and stopped in front of Enid. She held her arms out and Enid burst into the widest smile of her life before hugging Wednesday almost as tightly as (y/n) had just hugged her.

"Ow" Wednesday muttered before Enid started pulling away. "That doesn't mean stop" Enid gave her a surprised look before hugging Wednesday again.

"Yeah... I'm rubbing off on her" (y/n) smiled as he watched the two.

After another moment Wednesday pulled away before looking Enid over. "You don't look any worse for ware"

"I'm just happy to be back" Enid replied as she grabbed Wednesdays hand and held it in hers.

(Y/n) quickly snatched the hand away from her. "Nope. Hand holding is only for me"

Wednesday raised an eyebrow and looked at the boy but didn't argue, she liked when he got possessive. She squeezed his hand gently and he squeezed back.

"...Alrighty then" Enid shrugged as she watched the couple. "So what were you two doing before I arrived?"

"Cuddling by the fountain" (y/n) replied with a shrug of his own. "Before that we were laying in bed and before that we were asleep and before that we were having dinner and before-"

He was cut off as Enid covered his mouth. "I get the point"

"I know you do but I still want to talk to you" (y/n) bounced up and down on his heels excitedly. Enid rolled her eyes but couldn't help but smile. Wednesday was just glad he'd have someone else to annoy besides her and Courtney.

"Want to go get something to eat?" Enid offered causing (y/n) to nod quickly. Enid started walking and motioned for the boy to follow, he of course did and pulled Wednesday along with him.


The three teens walked through town, Wednesday every once in a while forcing one of their leftover french fries into her boyfriends mouth in order to shut him up. He didn't mind in the slightest as he happily chewed the food.

"So anyways your brother started flirting with me and I punched him in the nose" Enid finished her story about her time back home.

"And that's why I love you" (y/n) spoke as he pulled Enid into a hug. "Anyone who can punch Eros in the face and live deserves to be my best friend"

"Oh it wasn't Eros. It was one of the more annoying ones. Don't even know his name" Enid waved it off.

"Even better" (y/n) replied before opening his mouth before Wednesday quickly pushed a fry into it. "Yummy" he smiled as he ate it. He let Enid out of the hug before turning and picking up Wednesday bridal style as he continued walking.

"Let me go" Wednesday spoke angrily as she tried and failed to wriggle out of the boys grip.

"Never" (y/n) smiled as he kissed the top of her head. "I just got you back and I'm going to do what I want with you"

"From anyone else that would sound sexual" Enid laughed at the boys words.

"Who says it isn't?" (Y/n) asked only for Enid to give him an unbelieving look. "...yeah okay" he sighed as he forced Wednesday to cuddle into her chest more. Wednesday punched his chest but he didn't pay it any attention.

"I despise you" Wednesday muttered into the boys chest.

(Y/n) slapped the back of Wednesday's head causing her to yelp and rap her arms around the boys neck as she cuddled deeper into him.

"You two are so weird!" Enid giggled as she caught the adorable and slightly messed up moment on video.

"I can't believe I missed the two of you" Wednesday groaned as she unwrapped her arms from around her boyfriend and punched him once again in the chest much harder.

(Y/n) yelped but just replied by smacking Wednesdays head again. That in turn caused another punch. This went on for a while until (y/n) finally just kissed Wednesday on the forehead instead of hitting her again. Wednesday huffed, a bit annoyed at that. "You really know how to ruin a good thing"

"Can't have you having to good a time" (y/n) replied with a smirk as he kissed Wednesday once more while the three kept walking.

Enid who was silent was currently in the middle of making a picture of the two of them into her phone wallpaper.

Word count: 1003

(Favorite scene of the chapter?)

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