I Wrote This Late At Night. I Love It.

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Wednesday regretted the choices she had made in regards to letting (y/n) punish her. The two were in her room on her bed, the werecat currently laying with his head on Wednesday's lap as he reached up with both hands and played with her cheeks.

"Squishy cheeks" he mumbled as he pushed them towards each other, causing her lips to move into an almost kiss like stance.

"I loathe you" Wednesday's response came out sounding silly because of the position her face was in.

"Aw you love me?" (Y/n) smirked knowing full well she hadn't said that. "That's so sweet!" Wednesday didn't dignify that with a response.

(Y/n) changed what he was doing so each hand was now pinching a cheek. He stared at her cheeks once again almost mesmerized as he squished them. Wednesday had to admit she was surprised by how fast the boy has seemingly forgiven her for all the terrible and painful things she had done to him. The boys stomach was still bruised after all yet he didn't even mention that.

"How long have you two been like that?" Wednesday was surprised that she had been so deep in thought that she had missed her roommates return.

"What time is it?" (Y/n) asked as he continued pinching Wednesday.

"Half past five" Enid replied as she walked to her bed and sat down.

"Half an hour" Wednesday replied, her voice seething with resentment as she without realizing ran her hand through the boys hair.

"Squishy cheeks" (y/n) said one more time as he once again her cheeks together so she was making a kissy face. "Boop"

"Wow" Enid whispered as she watched. She was genuinely shocked at the fact that Wednesday hadn't yet smothered the boy with one of her pillows.

Enid watched the two for another couple of minutes before finally blurting out what had been on her mind the past few weeks. "Why aren't you two dating yet?" The two quickly looked at Enid but she just stared back at them.

"I would ignore him, stomp on his heart, and always put my needs and interests first" Wednesday spoke as she crossed her arms.

"As long as you don't cheat I'm okay with that" Wednesday quickly looked down at the boy with a quizzical look. "What?" The boy asked as he went back to squeezing the girls cheeks.

"Nothing. I'm just surprised you'd be open to such a relationship with me" Wednesday shook her head. She then addressed his response "And if you were to promise me your eternal loyalty I suppose I would be willing to do the same"

"Alright" (y/n) nodded before the room fell into silence again.

"That's it?" Enid asked with a confused look. "Are you two together now?"

"Nope" (y/n) shook his head as he pushed Wednesday cheeks once more to make her make a kissy face. "Not until she gets down on her knees and begs"

Wednesday arched an eyebrow as she looked down at the boy. "I will do no such thing" once again she sounded silly because of the position of her face. "I will never do any such thing"

"You blew up my favorite teddy bear. The least you could do is beg for me"

"I'm allowing you to touch my cheeks. People rarely survive when attempting that" Wednesday responded as she crossed her arms again.

"You literally beat me with a mace" (y/n) added in as he without realizing tightened his grip on Wednesday's cheeks.

"You kissed Enid"

"That was an accident! And either way that only happened because you turned me down for the dance!" At this point Wednesday's cheeks were starting to hurt from the grip he had on them.

Enid slowly descended into her blanket so as not to become a part of the conversation.

"I expected you to ask again. What sort of person who is interested in another stops at the first ask?" Wednesday pulled the boys hands from her cheeks and held them in hers.

"The sort who cares about the other persons feelings!" (Y/n)'s grip on the girls hands tightened.

"I don't want you to think about my feelings" Wednesday replied as she also tightened her own grip on the boys hands. "I want you to think about yourself and what you want. Be selfish! You're so good at it but only in the wrong moments" Wednesday motioned to her cheeks that were reddened, not from a blush but from being played with the past half an hour. "If you cared half as much about asking me out as you do playing with my cheeks we would have ended up going to the dance together"

(Y/n) was silent for a moment after that as he took in the girls words. "Huh" he nodded in understanding. "Well either way you could always have asked me! You want something why don't you take it?"

"I'm not the initiator for things such as dances" Wednesday shook her head in disapproval. "And I never will be. That's what I want so that's what I don't do"

"You are infuriating" (y/n) huffed as he pulled his hands away from Wednesday's.

"Thank you" Wednesday nodded in response. "As are you" she crossed her arms. "And your week of torture seems to have made you more tolerable, more selfish" (y/n) frowned at the thought.

"At what point would I become more than tolerable?" He asked out of genuine curiosity.

"Take the compliment" Wednesday quickly replied causing the boy to nod quickly.

"Yes ma'am" (y/n) stopped nodding as he looked up at the girl who's lap his head lay upon.

Wednesday uncrossed her arms as she looked down at the boy. "You want me to get on my knees and beg you to be my boyfriend? Fine. Give me a reason to. Until then I'll be here waiting for you to do the same"

"This has got to be the weirdest potential relationship convo of all time" the two heard the words coming from beneath Enid's blanket.

Word count: 1027

(This is a weird chapter. I love it)

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