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(I found a website with all of Wednesday's outfits through the show. So now I know what platform sneakers are)

Wednesday was woken by the sounds of a distant roar. She sat straight up, her arms still crossed over her chest as her head turned to the window, It wasn't a full moon so it couldn't have been a werewolf.

"Thing?" Wednesday spotted the hand standing on his fingers at the bottom of the window. "What is it roaring out there?"

Thing signed back that he couldn't see whatever it was

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Thing signed back that he couldn't see whatever it was. Wednesday lowered her arms to her side before hearing another far away roar.

Across the room Enid yawned as she turned over onto her stomach. "Quiet down kitten" she muttered as she fell back to sleep.

Wednesday looked at her confused before getting out of bed. She walked over to her bag before grabbing her large black hoodie and putting it on over her black and white striped pajama shirt. She pulled out her same colored socks and pulled those on as well before slipping on her black platform sneakers.

"Come Thing" the hand quickly made its way to her before climbing up and onto her shoulder. She walked towards the door before opening it and walking through.


By the time Wednesday was outside the roaring seemed to have stopped. Normal people would have shivered from the cold weather but Wednesday only let out a small smile at the way the cold bit at her thighs under her hoodie. Thing however did not enjoy it as much.

Thing shivered on Wednesday's shoulder. Wednesday glanced at him before rolling her eyes. "Get in" she grabbed her hoodie pocket and held it open, within a moment Thing had jumped inside and stopped shivering.

Wednesday looked around when suddenly she heard the roar again, this time much less distant. "That would be our creature"

Wednesday couldn't see him but she felt Thing shake in agreement in her pocket. The roar suddenly came again much closer.

"Sounds like some sort of animal the closer we get. A bit disappointing but-" Wednesday suddenly silenced herself when she spotted a Lion walking across the school grounds. "Oh. It's just (y/n)" she frowned in disappointment at the lack of a monster.

The lion who Wednesday assumed was (y/n) spotted her before raising its paw and waving it. It was definitely her 'friend'.

"I was interest to see what you transform into, however next time I hear roaring that I don't recognize it better be a monster of some sort" Wednesday spoke as she walked up to the giant cat.

The lion made a quiet meowing like noise before nodding. "Good. And if you wake me up one more time that isn't life or death I'll neuter you" the lion backed up a bit and whined.

Wednesday sat beside her soon to be classmate and stroked his mane. "The sun will rise soon" she spoke as she looked up at the sky. The lion quickly looked up and then looked back to his dorm building.

"Get going. I'm not giving you my hoodie if you turn back here. I'm assuming you can't turn during the day?" The lion nodded its head. "Then leave. I have no desire to see you any more naked than you already are"

The lion was quick to turn and begin running towards the boys dormitory. Wednesday watched him for a while before shaking her head. If the boy made a habit of this she wouldn't let him live past the beginning of the school year.


(Y/n) didn't wake up until half past one in the afternoon. He groaned as he rolled over only to notice Wednesday standing besides his bed in her usual black dress with white flowers, at the very least they looked like flowers. "Uh- hi" he whispered as he remembered what had happened the night before. "When did you get here?"

"Half an hour ago. I read the email you sent to your cousin about my book. I approve"

"I'm glad"

"I don't care. I'm here to ask you about your kind. I know to little of Ailuranthropes and wish to remedy that" Wednesday looked the boy over. "Are you decent?"

"I have my pajamas on, yes" (y/n) nodded as he pushed his blanket off before sitting up. "Ask away creepy lady"

"For whatever reason many people do their best to avoid using the word creepy around me. You seem to know me better than that" Wednesday spoke as she pulled a pad and paper from where she must have left it on his nightstand. "Now, can you change any night?"

"Yes ma'am" (y/n) replied with a nod as he turned his body to face Wednesday and looked up at her.

"Can you change back and forth at will?"

"Yes ma'am"

"So how come you felt the need to wake half the campus last night? I would admire that but you woke me as well" Wednesday gave him an accusatory look.

"The longer I go without changing the more I feel the need to. The roaring is just fun. Didn't mean to wake you. I figured the buildings have better soundproofing"

"Fair enough. The rooms are so big and extravagant that you'd think the soundproofing would be a given" Wednesday agreed as she wrote down the boys answers. "Just remember my threat"

"Right. Now is that everything or can I get up and get dressed?" Wednesday gave him a look before walking to the door and opening it.

"Classes start tomorrow. It would probably be best not to oversleep as you did today"

"Your concern for me is touching and most appreciated" Wednesday glared at him one more time before closing the door behind her. Those probably weren't the best words to use with her but (y/n) was tired.

"Alright" (y/n) spoke as he stood up. "Time for one last unproductive day" he clapped his hands together before walking over to the closet and proceeding to get dressed and ready for the day.

Word count: 1040

(As of the time I've uploaded this I just finished writing the best scene of the book so far. You'll know it when you see it)

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