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The bow glided across the cello's strings. Its low tone sang sweetly to Y/N, who sat nearby and nodded his head to the familiar beat. Who knew "Aerials" could sound just as haunting?

"Wonderful, darling," Y/N applauded after Wednesday finished.

A while ago, Wednesday would never thought that anyone could even get her to crack a smile. Not much had before. The few things that did include the satisfaction of a fallen enemy; a plan with all parts in place; her brother Pugsley as he struggled in a guillotine.

But Y/N? This boy was the one to worm his way into her cold, dark heart. Was it his nature? Was it his tenacity that just wore her down?

It didn't matter. Though it took a while for Wednesday to admit it to herself, Y/N had changed her; albeit just a tiny bit. Still, that tiny bit made her feel, well, loved.

She rested her cello and its bow against the wall. Y/N got up from his chair and sat in Wednesday's, who didn't put up much of a fight and sat on his lap. The two enjoyed the peaceful quiet after her private show. Enid and Courtney were in the latter's room, leaving them time to each other.

The crescent Moon peeked from behind the clouds. Its minute light provided a small glow they both admired. Y/N pressed a chaste kiss to her lips that made her feel disappointed that it was so short. "So. It's practically here. Graduation," Y/N stated.

"Mmhmm," Wednesday hummed. "You're all packed up?"

"Hmm, almost."

"Better get to it. I already helped enough."

"You mean me also helping you out?" he asked, gently pinching Wednesday's cheeks.

"It was more me helping you. Now, let go." Y/N shrugged and did so, not before he pecked her left cheek that still felt slightly cold. "You better help Enid, too."

"Now, don't worry. If she needs it, which I wouldn't be surprised, I'll go over. For now, it's just you and me."

And that's their plan after graduation. The two of them move in together, with a trusted plus one, Enid. Y/N figured it'd be a good thing for her to get with a better group, aka, not her family.

And the same can be said for Y/N.

Wednesday would have the place properly boobytrapped if either family tried anything. She learned a few tricks from her father and Uncle Fester. It'd be more than enough.

"Think we should throw a housewarming party?" Y/N asked Wednesday.

"Who would even come? Everyone else would most likely be busy," she noted.

"Hmm, true. Figured we'd do it, or at least, brace for it when Enid eventually does one. You know she would."

Wednesday wasn't too keen on the idea of strangers in their new home, no doubt with their own opinions of everyone there.

"Maybe, if we keep to our group."

"Of course. You think I'd want anyone else there? Least I get to see how Eugene is at one," Y/N smiled.

Wednesday grimaced slightly. She remembered how Eugene missed a Rave'n because he was crazy enough to go after that Hyde alone. "Perhaps he might secretly be the life of the party," she said.

"Man, I hope so."

"Maybe, you should invite your brother, too," Wednesday suggested, turning to look at him.

Y/N couldn't really bring himself to fully believe what Eros said. Still, how would he know if he didn't give his brother a chance? "I'll do that. Again, if Enid already hasn't."

"And if she did?"

"Well, she's a big girl," Y/N said, "and it's partly her place. We already laid out the ground rules with her. So, I can't say no. Just have the party and keep an eye on Eros."

"No need to. I'd do that personally. However, I have a feeling it won't come to that."

"You can tell?"

"Remember who you're talking to, dear. Don't get me wrong. I understand your need to keep his trust at arm's length. Plus, think of the fun we could have if he ever crosses her."

"Oh, I have plenty stored up."

Wednesday smirked when she saw the resolve to protect their friend, no matter who. "I'll come to you first." She saw the slight tease in his eyes and lightly slapped him. "Stop it."

"You said it, not me," Y/N said, trying to keep his laugh subdued.

"Shut up," she demanded when his laughs became vocal.

"M-Make me."

That was all Wednesday needed. She grabbed his shoulder and locked lips with Y/N. He quickly stopped and melted into the kiss warm to him.

A little while later, they broke their kiss. Their looks at each other were a combination of love and satisfaction. It's not a typical Addams type of relationship, but in some ways, it still was.

"I'm getting tired. When did Enid say she'd be back?" Y/N yawned.

Wednesday looked at her phone and read the time. "It's 10:07 PM. She'll be back soon."

"Well, until then, can I have another private concert?"

Wednesday didn't plan on it. Truthfully, she wanted to get more writing done before bed. "Knew I should've put it away."

"Oh, c'mon. What's a few more songs gonna hurt?"

Wednesday rolled her eyes and grabbed her cello. She sat in the empty chair opposite Y/N and began to play another tune. And all the while, Y/N felt entranced. Y/N was something he loved, and to hear it from his girlfriend made it all the more better.

Wonder what the future holds. For all of us. He opened his eyes and watched Wednesday play another song. What a time this has been. Just hope her family is cool with seeing me more.

Word count: 986

(This chapter has been written for you all by GenKen99 )

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