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(Comment notifications came back this morning. Feel free to comment more than ever! Also I don't know when this'll come out because now I can't upload chapters) 

Over the last week Wednesday Addams may have been a bit hard on (y/n), even she had to admit that. In her defense the boy seemed kinda into it so she justified it that way. She was also starting to get antsy, the boy obviously liked her yet he had yet to ask her to go with him to the dance, that time during their "date" weeks ago not withstanding. Wednesday did not like the idea of him going with anyone else.

She glanced over at the boy sitting in the seat beside her, doodling pictures in his sketchbook as the teacher spoke. He quickly noticed her looking and covered his drawings. "What?" He whispered.

"Nothing" Wednesday replied before redirecting her gaze back to the teacher. She internally sighed before beginning to actually pay attention. The subject for today was the French Revolution after all.


(Y/n) had dashed from the classroom the moment his last class had ended. This was the day he decided. This was when he'd ask her to go with him to the dance. She wouldn't say no right? It wasn't like he was asking her in a romantic way, they'd go as friends. And if she said no he still had a week to find a date.

Enid as expected was laying on her bed when (y/n) entered the room. Wednesday didn't seem to be there but Thing was giving a manicure to Enid. "Hey kitten" Enid waved with her free hand.

"Good afternoon pup" (y/n) replied as he sat down by the foot of her bed and looked at her. "You got a date to the dance yet?"

She shook her head. "I was thinking of asking Wednesday if you take any longer to ask her though" Thing finished what he was doing.

"I'm not asking her" (y/n) responded as he shook his head.

"Wait what?!" Both Enid and thing quickly turned to look at the boy.

"Like she told you, she already told me it's not happening" Enid gave the boy a pity filled look. "So I was thinking we could go as friends"

"Oh" Enid's eyes widened at the thought. "But wouldn't you rather go with someone you want to go with?"

"I only know you, Wednesday, and some bullies" (y/n) crossed his arms.

"Yeah... I'm going to need to fix that" Enid shook her head before sighing. "Alright. I'll go with you. It's not the first dance we've attended together"

"Thanks pup! You're the best friend ever!" (y/n) quickly pounced on the girl causing her to laugh as she was pulled into a hug. "I really didn't want to be the only one in the school not going"

"Plenty of people don't go" Enid replied as she returned the hug. "I guess Wednesday will be one of those people this year"

Thing was there watching this all and fearing for whoever it is that needs to tell Wednesday.


When Wednesday got back to the dorm everyone was gone. She looked around and realized even Thing wasn't there. "Strange although not unwelcome" she shrugged before walking to her desk and sitting down to type.

"Wednesday!" The girl sighed as the door was kicked open and Enid walked inside. "I need your opinion on my dance dress!" She quickly held up the colorful dress she had just bought.

Wednesday took a moment before turning around. She frowned as she looked at the dress. "To bright"

"Perfect" Enid nodded in response as she walked over to her bed and lay the dress over it. "You working on your books?"

"I was about to" Wednesday replied as she turned back to the typewriter. "Before I was so rudely interrupted"

"Right. I'm the rude one" Enid rolled her eyes as she looked at her dress.

"What are you trying to insinuate?" Wednesday asked without turning around.

"You're rude" Enid casually replied with a shrug. "Don't worry, it's part of your charm"

"Hmph" Wednesday shook her head before beginning to type.

"So are you asking anyone to the dance or are you staying here?"

"I have no plans as of this moment" Wednesday replied while hiding her frown before she turned to look at Enid. "I did it last year and I see no need to repeat it"

"Well you are a good dancer so there's that" Enid shrugged as she looked down at her nails. "Best in the school"

"I'm aware" Wednesday replied simply as she went back to typing.

"Could have taken a moment to say that I'm good too" Enid moped.

"Your dance style is... unique to say the least" Wednesday responded without looking at the girl. "Your partner at the dance will have a wonderful time I'm sure"

"Aw! Thank you Roomie" Enid quickly walked over to Wednesday and hugged her. The pale girl huffed but didn't pull away. "Love you"

"Don't push it" Wednesday pat the girls hand before going back to her typing. "Who is your date anyways? I was under the assumption that you and Ajax had broken up"

"Oh" Enid spoke as she realized how bad an idea it was to tell Wednesday. "I-uh- I'm going with a friend" she pulled away from the hug.

"Ah" Wednesday nodded in understanding. "Have fun"

"We will!" Enid replied happily as she walked towards her bed before sitting beside her dress. She'd have to tell Wednesday eventually, but for now she'd put it off for as long as possible.

Word count: 963

(So I decided to speed up and get to the dance since that's what I'm really looking forward to)

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