Winds From Another World Pt. 2

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(Part 2 of the crossover written by Mikexlrose for his story and this one!)

"Eyes as blue as the azure sky...that is the symbol of The Contractor"
"Do you even have the faintest idea as to where we're going?" Wednesday asks, her voice barely audible over the sound of the rushing winds as she and Y/N flew over the endless sea of forest that surrounded Nevermore. The trees were shrouded in a vast and ominous fog, making it difficult to see where they were going. Wednesday's grip on Y/N tightened as they soared over the treetops, the winds whispering all around them.

"Not a clue, but I know that the winds wouldn't lead us back here without a reason." He says before a powerful gust came roaring in, wrapping all around them as it whispers in Y/N's ears and guides him toward a clearing in the forest. "Hang on, I think we're about to get all our answers real soon." Y/N and Wednesday descended into the clearing, the wind gradually subsiding. The fog lingered, creating an eerie atmosphere as they landed softly on the dew-covered grass.

Wednesday glanced around the clearing, her eyes darting from shadow to shadow before turning back to Y/N. "Well, isn't this just delightful, a foggy clearing in the middle of nowhere once again, your winds have proven to be as reliable as you are, Yagami." She says coldly, Y/N just chuckles, moving on a bit ahead of her, his hands in his pockets. "Hey, they may be a bit unpredictable at times, but they've always led us to where we needed to be." He replied, stopping dead in his tracks before turning back to her flashing his signature contagiously pure, loving, and idiotic smile. "Just like they led me to you and you to me, Addams." He finishes with complete sincerity as a calm and gentle breeze brushes across Wednesday's face she looks at him for a moment, the smallest of smiles edging onto her.

"Well, if that's the case..." She begins as she moves closer to him, he smiles and does the same Y/N slowly closes his eyes and leans in, and Wednesday doesn't hesitate to do the same before, instead of kissing him, she pinches his cheek as hard as she can.

"Owwwww! That hurts, Wednesday wh--"
"I wish the winds had led me to someone who focuses more on the task at hand rather than his attempts at romantically sly remarks," She says, cutting through the momentary sweetness like a dagger, Y/N rubbed his cheek a bit and chuckled "Okay, okay, I get it no more messing around Contractor mode Y/N activated." He says playfully, Wednesday rolls her eyes, but a flicker of amusement dances in her gaze as she looks at him.


Y/N nodded, his smile fading slightly as he surveyed the foggy clearing listening closely as the winds whispered around him and played a strange song unlike anything he'd heard before. As his mind wandered, captivated by the haunting harmony, he found himself inexplicably drawn closer to the clearing's center, and with every step he took, his eyes flickered between their usual warm brown blue as the Azure sky. Wednesday watched him intently, her curiosity peaked by the change in his eyes. She had only ever truly seen them like that once before, and as then, the winds seemed to respond in kind, swirling around him with restless energy, growing stronger and more intense.

"Y/N, what's happening?" Wednesday asked, her voice laced with a mixture of confusion and fascination, and her eyes never losing focus on the young Contractor's face as she tried to decipher the enigma unfolding before her. Y/N's steps slowly grew more purposeful as he moved closer and closer, synchronized with the ethereal song carried by the winds.

"I-I don't know the song the winds are playing sounds so...different, and they feel so...strange."

"Strange how?" She asked, Y/N paused now in the center of the clearing, his eyes still flickering between their usual warm brown and the mesmerizing shade of blue, the winds swirled around him in a frenzy, creating a vortex of energy. Leaves and twigs danced in the air, caught in the powerful current, and the fog began to dissipate while the ethereal song finally reached its crescendo unit...there was nothing. A calming silence and a gentle breeze washed over the entire clearing, wrapping itself delicately around Y/N as he took a deep breath and glanced back at Wednesday, locking eyes again.

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