I Cant Think Of A Good Chapter Title

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(If this wasn't a book I'd 100% do a musical chapter or at least include a lot of music)

Wednesday noticed the boy before she turned around. "Pugsly, you know (y/n)" her brother turned around and noticed (y/n) walking towards them.

"Hi" Pugsly nodded causing (y/n) to reply the same way. He was sitting on one side of her while (y/n) moved to the other.

Finally Wednesday turned just in time to see (y/n) sit beside her on the little dock overlooking the lake. "I take it by your uncharacteristically annoyed look that it was unpleasant?"

"Incredibly so" (y/n) huffed. "I dropped my bags off in your room like you said to"

"Good" Wednesday nodded as she pulled out a hand grenade and held it before the boy.

(Y/n) took the grenade and looked it over. "How do I use this?"

"Pull the pin and throw" Pugsly spoke as he mimed a throwing gesture.

"Simple enough" (y/n) grabbed the pin and pulled, it was tougher to pull out than he expected but that only made sense. He quickly threw it and it landed in the lake with a huge explosion.

"Nicely done" Wednesday nodded in approval as dead fish began surfacing.

"A bit violent for me" (y/n) frowned as he watched the fish.

"Pretend the fish are your family" Wednesday advised as she watched the boys frown disappear. "Better?"

"Much" (y/n) nodded as Pugsly threw another grenade a bit past where (y/n) had thrown. That one blew up and once again dead fish began surfacing.


"What's he doing in here?" Wednesday and (y/n) turned from their conversation to see Enid walking into the room.

"I'm your new roomie for the weekend!" (Y/n) spoke as he held his arms out wide in a presenter like fashion.

"Oh I hope your scent doesn't stick to me" Enid groaned as she walked over to her bed and lay down face first. Her next words were muffled but it was probably something about her parents killing her.

"Oh don't worry" (y/n) waved it off. "Not like I'm sleeping on top of you"

At that Enid's head quickly shot up and turned to the boy. "Speaking of which, where are you sleeping?"

"Uh-" (y/n) had to admit he hadn't thought of that. It wasn't like he had a sleeping bag.

"He'll be sleeping on the floor" Wednesday spoke as she motioned to the large portion of space between the two beds.

"Oh, alright" (y/n) nodded as he looked down at the wood floor. "Or we could share your bed"

"Oooh" Enid giggled as she watched Wednesday give the boy a look that for her probably signaled shock and surprise.

"Bold of you to suggest such a thing" Wednesday spoke as she walked up closer to the boy.

"The way I see it, in the likely case I annoy you you no longer need to get out of bed to smother me" Wednesday nodded, understanding the practicality behind the statement.

Wednesday glanced behind her towards her bed before looking back at (y/n). "You'll be fully clothed at all times?"

"Of course!" (Y/n) replied as he wrapped his arms around himself. "You're not getting me naked that easily"

"Good" Wednesday nodded. "Then you'll be warm enough not to need a blanket when I make you sleep on the floor"

(Y/n) frowned but instantly got an idea. "No need for that. I'll just sleep with Enid"

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