Making Friends

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"Where's (y/n)?" Wednesday asked as she watched Enid walk into the room. She hadn't seen the boy since class and she had expected he'd be with Enid.

"Hm?" Enid quickly turned to Wednesday. "Oh! I saw him hanging out with Courtney" she walked to her side of the room and sat on her bed.

"Who?" Wednesday asked as she stood up from her desk chair and walked over to Enid.

"Courtney. You know her!" Enid saw by the look on Wednesday's face that she did not in fact know her. "White skin, Blondest hair of all time, blue eyes, braces, always wears that blue crop top with the white star in the middle. None of this ringing a bell?"

Wednesday shook her head. "What is the purpose he has for conversing with this woman?"

Enid gave Wednesday an exasperated look. "He's finally trying to make friends"

"He has friends" Wednesday crossed her arms.

"The two of us? He needs more than that. Even you have more friends than that"

"Debatable" Wednesday was quick to reply.

"My point is let him make friends"

"I offered to introduce him to Eugene" Wednesday replied, still keeping her arms crossed.

"There's a difference between being introduced and making your own friend's Wednesday" Enid shook her head. "And (y/n) gets along better with girls. Leave it be, you're starting to sound jealous"

"Don't be absurd" Wednesday was a bit to quick to respond although she kept her voice in its normal tone well enough. "I have no need for such a silly and futile emotion"

"Good. I'm pretty sure she's a lesbian anyways"

"Oh, she is?" Wednesday failed to hide an ever so slight amount of relief in her voice.

"I don't know, I just made that up, but hah! I knew you were jealous" Enid giggled madly as Wednesday grabbed her by the hair and yanked it, pulling her to her feet. "Ow!"

"You will not tell a soul. Understood?" Enid nodded quickly and Wednesday let go of her.

"You need to stop hurting your friends" Enid groaned as she rubbed her head. "Look, there's nothing gonna happen between them, okay? And even if there is some spark you've still yet to ask him to be your boyfriend"

"And I don't plan to" Wednesday replied with a glare towards Enid. "That is his responsibility"

"Really?" Enid asked as she was now the one to cross her arms. "That didn't go so well for you last time did it? If I remember correctly he ended up asking me to go with the dance and then we accidentally kissed, which all lead to a delay in the possibility of you two having a relationship. JUST ASK THE BOY!"

Wednesday looked almost taken aback by the fact that Enid had just raised her voice at her. "You... raise some valid points" was all she replied with before walking towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Enid asked as she quickly followed as Wednesday opened the door. "Look I didn't mean to yell! I'm sorry"

Wednesday looked back at Enid before grabbing her arm and pulling her out the door with her. She closed the door and the two began walking. "You're going to take me to where you saw them. I want to witness for myself whatever is happening between them"

"Alright" Enid replied simply. She knew better than to argue after having just made the almost fatal mistake of yelling at Wednesday Addams. "Last I saw they were in the quad sitting and talking on the fountain"


When they arrived Wednesday was satisfied to see that the two they had come looking for were not sitting particularly close. They also had their backs to them which made this all easier. As Enid had said the girl was wearing a crop top but (y/n)'s eyes seemed to stay on her face instead of drifting down to her exposed midsection.

(Y/n) seemed to be laughing about something that Courtney was telling him. This was normal enough in Wednesday's mind, the boy was an idiot. It's easy enough to make idiots laugh.

"We need to get closer" Wednesday whispered causing Enid to look at her. "I need to hear what they're saying"

"You realize he can probably already smell and hear us from here right? And if not any closer and he definitely can" Wednesday hated to admit Enid was right. (Y/n) never brought it up much but he did indeed have heightened senses compared with human ones.

Wednesday continued staring at the two sitting on the fountain as she slowly pulled a crossbow from her pocket. Enid quickly grabbed the bow and shoved it back into its place in its owners pocket. "Let the boy have friends" Wednesday stared at Enid before huffing and turning around.

Enid watched as the girl walked back into the building. She quickly walked over to (y/n) and Courtney and sat next to the boy, interrupting the conversation. "Just an FYI, I had to physically stop Wednesday from using her crossbow. You may want to speak with her"

(Y/n) gave Enid a confused look. "She's jealous?" He glanced over at the other blonde but she just looked confused at what they were talking about. "That's ridiculous" (y/n) laughed a bit as he looked back to Enid.

"Maybe so but I'd still go deal with it if I were you" she nodded in the general direction of the girls dorms. (Y/n) nodded and Enid stood up before looking at Courtney. "See you around braceface. And good luck" she quickly walked off.

Courtney grimaced at the nickname before turning to (y/n). "What was all that about?"

"My homicidal soon to be girlfriend didn't like seeing us hanging out. I'll go talk to her" (y/n) stood up. "See you tomorrow"

Courtney gave the boy a slightly scared look. "Only if you can guarantee I won't die!"

"You'll be fine" (y/n) waved off her concern before walking away. Time to confront Wednesday.

Word count: 1016

(Favorite part of the chapter?)

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