Video Chats

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After school had closed days had soon enough turned into weeks and weeks had managed to turn into a month. Surprisingly, aside from less physical contact, the relationship between (y/n) and Wednesday had only managed to grow.

There was also the issue of the murderer, he had still yet to be found but at the same time had yet to commit another murder. Rumor around the group chats were that the school board were considering opening up again if he didn't strike again by the spring.

"That's it" Pat, Courtney's stepfather, spoke with a nod as he watched (y/n) finish tightening a screw on the dresser they were assembling in his room in the basement. "There ya go. You can now say you've built furniture on your own"

"I'll put it on my imagery résumé" (y/n) spoke, looking proud of himself, as he put the screwdriver down on his desk and looked at the newly built piece of furniture. "...I think it may be a bit lopsided"

Pat nodded. "It'll still work, the lopsidedness just adds character"

(Y/n) shrugged. "Whatever you say"

They heard the door to the room open and heard footsteps coming down the stairs. "Mom made snacks!" Courtney spoke as she carried a couple plates down the steps and placed them atop the newly built dresser. "It's lopsided"

"It adds character" (y/n) parroted the girls fathers words as he quickly grabbed a cookie from one of the plates while Pat took the other plate. "Yummy" he spoke as he bit into the cookie. "How're things up top?"

Courtney looked at him for a moment confused. "You mean outside the basement" (y/n) gave her a look that made her think she should have known that. "Fine? You weren't down here long enough for things to have changed much"

"Felt like an eternity" (y/n) replied with a shrug. "Manual labor is definitely something I will end up outsourcing in the future"

"It's not for everyone" Pat shrugged from where he sat at a nearby table.

(Y/n) suddenly felt a buzzing in his pocket and quickly pulled out his phone. "So how's this work? It's my room but your house. Do I leave or do you?"

"We'll just go" Pat replied as he began walking up the stairs with Courtney quickly following after.

"Thanks!" (Y/n) called after them as they closed the door. He quickly picked up the video call. "Hello my little Angel!"

Wednesday grimaced at his saying that and looked as if she was considering hanging up the call. "Never call me that again"

"Would you like me to go back to calling you muffin?" Wednesday huffed before nodding annoyedly. "You got it Muffin. How're things in Jersey?"

"About the same as last night" Wednesday replied as she placed the phone down on her desk, stood up against the wall so she didn't need to hold it up, (y/n) had taught her this technique the day before. "I am becoming more proficient in my dream reading"

"Oh! I had a neat dream" (y/n) smiled as he fell backwards onto his bed and giggled. Wednesday gave him a just barely interested sort of look. "We were in the Hundred Acre Wood, you replaced Eeyore, I was Tigger, Enid was Pooh, and Courtney was little Roo. What do you think that all means?"

Wednesday didn't seem as amused by the dream as (y/n) was. "That you see me as old and depressed, Enid as stupid, yourself as excitable and stupid, and Courtney as your sidekick. I despise that you made me watch that movie"

"Just be glad I only made you watch the first one. It was hard to resist making you watch more" (y/n) smiled as he looked up at the phone he was holding over his head. "Speaking of all this have you thought about-"

"I am not reading you a bedtime story during our call tonight"

"I could get Courtney to do it" (y/n) smirked as he looked towards the stairs.

"Do as you wish" Wednesday's answer surprised the boy causing him to frown.

"Does that mean you're done being jealous of her?"

"Nothing has happened between you two as of yet and I know she could and will do better than you"

(Y/n) frowned and shook his head. "You didn't have to point it out. I like to think I could be desirable"

"You are desirable to me" Wednesday was quick to reply. "And that is all that matters"

"This phone call is an emotional roller coaster" (y/n) groaned as he placed the phone down against a pillow and repositioned himself so he could see it. "I don't know whether I'm insulted right now or flattered"

"Good. That's the feeling I was aiming to give you" Wednesday smiled lightly as she watched her boyfriend.

"I don't like it"

"That's not my problem"


"Thank you"

(Y/n) huffed and glared at Wednesday before realizing she would just like that as well. "I promise you, next time I see you I will force you into the most cutesy dress I can get my hands on"

"You will do no such thing" Wednesday suddenly spoke in a scarlet serious tone.

(Y/n) smirked. "Oh yes I will. Pink with glitter and maybe some cute little bows-"

"Does tormenting me give you some sick sexual thrill?" Wednesday quickly asked before the boy could finish. "Because you seem to like to do it a lot"

"Yes. Yes it does. Just like it does to you to do the same to me" (y/n) replied with a smirk as he waited for Wednesday to deny it, she did not. "It's your fault I'm like this Muffin, or partially at least"

"A fact I am very proud of" Wednesday nodded simply. "I have turned you into a relatively fine boyfriend"

"Ah gee. Fine, fine is great... thanks. I love you too my OKAY little Muffin"

"You've made your point. No need for sarcasm" Wednesday rolled her eyes at the boys silliness.

"There's always a need for sarcasm" (y/n) smiled at Wednesday as he blew her a kiss. "Always!"

Word count: 1041

(Favorite part of the chapter?)

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