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Luckily (y/n) had not woken up during the night to find Wednesday skinning him alive. He took this as a good sign.

The second good sign he had noticed that morning was that placed right outside his door was a stack of three hand bound books. "Ah. Little miss Addams really doesn't waste any time does she?" He picked the books up and carried them to his desk where he sat them down. "I shall read you later" After that he was quick to continue making his way out the door.

Breakfast came soon after that. (Y/n) sat alone at the usual table eating a not so great pancake when he noticed Enid and Wednesday coming towards him from the corner of his eye. The two sat down quietly and they sat there in silence for a while as they ate.

After a couple minutes (y/n) couldn't take it anymore. "So are we okay?" Enid quickly turned to look at Wednesday when she answered.

Wednesday looked up after a moment and stared into the boys eyes. She slowly held up her spoon. "I should use this to scoop your eyes out. Luckily for you I still need you... I also appreciated that Mao joke you made a few days ago"

"I knew you would. I've been waiting to use that one for a while" (y/n) smiled as Wednesday lowered her spoon.

Enid looked between the two before finally speaking. "So you two are good?"

Wednesday glanced at Enid before nodding. "I suppose so"

"Great!" (Y/n) smiled widely at hearing that. "By the way I need your phone number"

"Why?" Wednesday asked as she crossed her arms once again.

"Well first off we're friends. Second and more importantly for you the publisher wants to get in touch with you. He liked the book"

"That's great!" Enid exclaimed proudly before pulling Wednesday into a hug.

Wednesday took a moment to process this before pulling away from Enid. She quickly pulled a pen and small paper from her pocket before beginning to write her number down. She put the pen back in her pocket before sliding the paper over to (y/n).

"Thanks" (y/n) smiled as he took the paper.

"Just don't send me horrific cat photos like Enid does" Wednesday glared at Enid as she said that.

"They're cute!" Enid justified her actions.

"No cat photos. Promise. Well maybe a few of me but that's it" Wednesday sighed before going back to eating.

'She likes you' Enid mouthed to the boy. 'She never forgives this easily even if she needs someone'

"I can tell your lips are moving" Wednesday spoke without even looking up at Enid.

"Sorry" Enid spoke quietly before silently beginning to eat.


(Y/n) looked over his sword with a wide smile. The sounds of swords hitting each other was loud throughout the room as he started making lightsaber noises and swung it around.

"Silence" Wednesday spoke as she walked over and stood across the mat from him. He quickly went silent.

"Good. Now show me what you can do" Wednesday pulled her mask down and (y/n) did the same. (Y/n) quickly lunged at Wednesday only for her to quickly parry it and perform a perfect Riposte which ended with her sword by his neck.

"Ah. That didn't make me look great" he muttered as Wednesday lowered her sword.

"Your stance was all wrong" she muttered as she walked over to the boy. "Front door straight, back foot at a ninety degree angle to the front" (y/n) quickly did as she said and she tapped his foot with her sword until his feet were far enough apart. "Good"

"I feel silly like this" (y/n) whispered to himself as he looked at his feet.

"Legs bent" Wednesday ignored his comment and quickly demonstrated for (y/n) to copy. "Good" she walked over to the boy and grabbed his arm. "Other arm behind your back" she spoke as she put his sword arm in the right position. She walked back to her spot and looked him over. "Better"

"So should we try again?" (Y/n) asked causing Wednesday to nod in response. "Okay then, cool" (y/n) once again lunged only for Wednesday's to parry once again.

"Already swinging your sword better just by having the right stance" she observed as she quickly lunged at the boy. He just barely managed to back out of the way. "Good" she let a small smile out under her mask since the boy couldn't see.

(Y/n) was quick to lunge again but of course Wednesday had seen it coming. She slashed at his sword with enough force that it went flying from his hands. "But I'm better"

"And you always will be" (y/n) replied before pulling his mask off. "These things are uncomfortable"

"They are" Wednesday agreed as she lowered her sword. She motioned for the boy to pick his up and he did. "Let's go again"

(Y/n) nodded as he put the uncomfortable mask on once more. "Come at me Addams" he instantly regretted those words as Wednesday lunged at him.

(Y/n) was quick to parry but Wednesday once again proved her surprising strength as she turned his parry in to her knocking his sword from his hand. "You would do well to work on your grip"

"Yeah I can tell" (y/n) agreed as he stretched his fingers out. "Would you be so kind as to lower your sword?"

Wednesday smirked under her mask as she realized she had the sword to the boys neck. "I could do that. But I could also do this" she quickly swiped up lodging the sword in the bib part of the mask which lead to her sending the headgear flying off of the boys head.

"Impressive" (y/n) smiled with a bit of fear in his eyes. "Scary and impressive"

"I know" Wednesday replied simply as she pulled her headgear off and looked at the boy. "If you'd like we can take a break"

(Y/n) considered it for a moment before shaking his head. "Let's go again"

Wednesday nodded in approval before raising her sword once again.

Word count: 1040

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