The Family

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"You can't even stay away like I asked" (y/n) huffed as he walked towards the rest of his family. The seven were stood towards the middle of the quad when he had spotted them.

"You know mom. Never misses one of these. Thinks it makes her look bad" the woman looked like she wanted to hit her son as soon as he had said that but a moment later she was back to looking cheerful.

"Well for the record, calling out the wrong sons name makes you look even worse" (y/n) glared at the woman. "I'm (y/n)! That's Neville" he pointed to the brother who had just spoken.

"Oh don't be so whiny" The mother hissed as she waved it off. "You'll draw attention"

"How about you both just calm down?" (Y/n)'s father spoke as he stepped between the two. (Y/n)'s mother huffed but nodded. The boy did the same but kept his glare aimed at the woman.

"So you going to show us around?" One of (y/n)'s other brothers, Nero, asked as he crossed his arms and waited impatiently.

"Not a chance" (y/n) replied as he mirrored his brothers stance. "I'm getting as far from you assholes as possible. There are designated rooms for visiting families. I'm sure if you ask someone they'll lead you to them"

"That's it? We come all this way and you just decide to say hi and then walk away?" (Y/n)'s mother scowled at the boy.

"I didn't ask you to come!" The response came louder than the boy meant it, causing a few heads to turn in their direction. "In fact I specifically asked you NOT TO COME!"

"I said to calm down!" (y/n)'s dad quickly grabbed the boy by the collar and pulled him away from his mother before once again standing between them.

"I'm out of here" (y/n) huffed before angrily stomping away.

"Well that was quick" Nero muttered.

"Hardly a new record" Their father replied.


(Y/n) quickly found himself back in the halls of the school. He growled as his claws popped out and he quickly ripped a nearby painting to shreds.

"They really do anger you don't they?" The boy didn't need to turn around to know there was a slight smile on Wednesday's face.

"Just the sound of her voice is enough to make my feel homicidal! And the others don't help" (Y/n) roared as he slashed the painting again. "I suppose you like seeing me this angry?" (Y/n) growled as he retracted his claws and took a deep breath.

"I will admit it makes me a bit excited. Just a moment with your mother and you're eviscerating school property? I'm not sure I could ever get you to do that so easily" Wednesday walked up beside the boy and looked at the ripped painting.

"Can you please just be comforting for once in your life?" (Y/n) asked as he punched the painting before hissing in pain and pulling his hand back. "Stupid hard wall!"

Wednesday glanced over at the boy before turning to face him. "To answer your question, no. Even if it excites me a bit I don't enjoy seeing you so distressed. I thought I would but it's instead distressing me a bit as well"

"Thank you" (y/n) whispered with a nod. "I know that's hard for you to admit"

(I genuinely considered at this point having (y/n) ask Wednesday to kill his mother)

"Indeed it is" Wednesday nodded as (y/n) finally turned to look at her. "Are you going to be alright?"

"No" (y/n) whispered and sighed before going back to his normal tone of voice. "No doubt my family have already barged their way into my room and decided to use it as their own. It's nicer than the guest rooms and my mom wouldn't agree to anything worse than I have"

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