The Better Birthday Chapter

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Wednesday woke up with (y/n)'s head laying across her sweater covered chest. She ran her hand through the boys hair as she looked down at his sleeping face. She had thought long and hard about what to get him for this day, his birthday. It was only two nights ago that she had finally come up with the answer.

She was quickly pulled from her thoughts as she noticed the boys eyes slowly open and look up at her. "You're really comfy" he muttered as he nuzzled into her.

Wednesday nodded as she kissed the top of the boys head. "It is your birthday"

"Is that the Wednesday way of wishing me a happy birthday?" (Y/n) smiled as he watched Wednesday for a response.

"It's the closest you will get" Wednesday confirmed.

"Well thank you sweet cheeks" (y/n) reached up and grabbed the girls cheeks. "Today is gonna be all about me. Understood?" Wednesday grimaced but didn't argue. "Good girlfriend"

"Don't call me that" Wednesday's scowl came out sounding silly as (y/n) pushed her cheeks together, making her lips do a kissy face. "It's dehumanizing"

"Bad girlfriend" (y/n) replied as he kept messing with Wednesday's cheeks. Wednesday rolled her eyes before grabbing the boys hair tightly and yanking it which in turn caused him to yelp and let go of her. "Very bad girlfriend" he glared as he got up and out of bed.

"Aw, kitten can't handle a little hair tugging?" Wednesday spoke in her teasing voice.

(Y/n) quickly turned back to Wednesday before smirking. He quickly pulled the blanket off of Wednesday before grabbing Wednesday by the ankle and pulling her out of bed before holding her upside down with his enhanced strength. The girl quickly grabbed the bottom of her sweater as it began to slip enough to reveal her shorts, she held it in place so it didn't fall any more than it already had. "Put me down. Now" her calm speaking freaked the boy out but he didn't let it show.

"Aw, can't handle a little harmless payback?" (Y/n) asked as he ran his free hand down the girls covered stomach.

"Let me go" Wednesday spoke sounding much more stern now.

"Apologize" (y/n)'s hand moved up and to the side as he ran it up (maybe down depending on how you look at it) Wednesday's thigh.

"Never" Wednesday spoke as her face began to do red, although whether from the situation or from the blood rushing to her head neither of them was certain.

"Could it be you want us to stay like this?" (Y/n) asked with a smirk as he stopped his hand on Wednesday's hip. "Could it be you like being helpless?"

That turned out to be the wrong thing to say. Wednesday quickly punched the boy in the leg causing him to yelp once again as he quickly steadied himself so he didn't fall over. "Put me down now or I will make sure you don't live to get your presents"

(Y/n) quickly flipped Wednesday so she was once again right side up before placing her down on the ground. "You're no fun"

"I don't try to be" Wednesday replied as she let go of her sweater now that she was sure it wouldn't accidentally come off. She crossed her arms. "If you try that again I will-"

"If you say you'll do something I'm more likely to try it just to see if you really will" (y/n) quickly cut off Wednesday causing her to go silent. "But seriously hon, lighten up. Have some fun... or at least let me have some"

Wednesday stared at the boy as she uncrossed her arms. "Perhaps next time. Perhaps not"

"Good enough for me" (y/n) leaned down and kissed the top of the girls head.

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