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(For those in England that don't already somehow know, the word Fries here across the pond refers to what you call Chips)

"Hum dum dum de dee dum" (y/n) hummed to himself as he focused on the drawing he had in front of him on the desk. He worked on it for another moment before quickly ripping it up and crumpling it into a ball. "That was no good"

"What were you drawing?" The boy turned to see Courtney sitting on the stairs staring at him from near the closed door.

"When did you get here?"

"Twenty minutes ago? My phone just ran out of battery so I decided to speak up" she stood up and walked down to stand beside the boy. "Good morning (y/n)"

"If it is a good morning, which I doubt" (y/n) replied as he threw the crumpled ball of paper into his trash can.

"Okay then Eeyore. Want to go get brunch?"

"I am okay with getting either breakfast or lunch. Brunch is out of the question"


"It goes against everything I believe in" (y/n) stood up and grabbed his coat before putting it on. He then grabbed his scarf and put that on as well.

"I'll buy you some stuffed animals" (y/n) turned his head to look at her. "Or more accurately I'll take you to buy your own" (y/n) turned away as he finished fastening his scarf. "So that's a no?"

"Yep" (y/n) nodded. "I won't give up my principals for anything less than a Pooh"

"What is with this sudden obsession of yours with Winnie the Pooh?"

"I've always been obsessed with it. You just don't pay me enough attention" Courtney rolled her eyes and started walking up the stairs. "Whatever. Just come up when you want lunch"


"You know, I'm getting really tired of this whole killer debacle" (y/n) was speaking as he sat across from Courtney in one of the town's restaurants. He ate a fry as he sighed. "It was new years last week. I wanted that to be the first one I had with Wednesday"

"There are always more new years" Courtney shrugged as she glanced out the window. "I'm just happy not to be going to classes"

"Fair enough" (y/n) shrugged as he continued eating. "Have there even been any murders recently?"

"The only other outcasts who lives in town" Courtney shook her head dejectedly. "It was last week"

"Damn" (y/n) whispered. "I'm done waiting around" Courtney quickly looked at him. "Soon enough this guy is coming for us. I say we go after him first"

"How do you expect to find this psycho?" Courtney asked as she crossed her arms.

"I-" (y/n) considered this for a second. He sighed when he realized he had no ideas for that. "I don't know. But I also don't feel like waiting around to be killed"

"Well neither do I" Courtney replied with a shrug. "At least you can turn into a lion"

"Yeah I am pretty lucky" (y/n) nodded in agreement as he finished his fries. "If you need someone to defend you just scream. I'll be there as quickly as I can"

"Yeah... up two flights of stairs right after waking up? I'll be killed by the time you get to me" Courtney shook her head as she sipped her milkshake.

"You assume the murder will be at night?" (Y/n) asked curiously.

"The previous ones were" she replied with a shrug.

"Yeah... I suppose they were" (y/n) shrugged as well as he looked down at his phone and began texting Wednesday.

(Y/n): Any advice on finding a serial killer?

They sat for a couple minutes in silence before the boys phone vibrated.

Muffin: Don't. I have people working to remedy the situation.

"Well that's not ominous at all" (y/n) spoke before reading the text conversation out loud to Courtney.

"Did she send someone to murder the murderer?" Courtney asked as she stifled a laugh.

"That's probably it" (y/n) agreed with a nod as he glanced out the window. "She probably has people following my every step as well"

"No shit" Courtney replied with a laugh as (y/n) turned to give her a confused look. "Wait you don't know?"

"I don't know what?" (Y/n) asked quickly as he looked around.

"She sent Thing to watch over you!" She quickly pointed to the top of a lamppost outside where the hand was watching them from. "He's been living with us the entire time!"

"No way" (y/n) quickly looked up and the hand, now realizing it had been caught, just waved. "Well how about that" he waved back. "I'm gonna throttle that girl, she knows I don't like when she send thing to spy on me. I'd much rather have him serving my every whim and know that he's sending her info"

"You realize if you throttled her she'd probably like it?" Courtney asked as she turned back to the boy.

"I throttle to make myself feel better not to make her feel bad" (Y/n) turned back to Courtney.

"You say that like you've choked her before... have you?" (Y/n) rolled his eyes. "That's not a no!"

"No I haven't" the boy quickly spoke before taking a sip of his milkshake.

"Maybe the first night back at school" Courtney giggled which caused the boy to stop drinking and glare at her. "What? You must be feeling a bit repressed... you know... sexually"

"What kind of person do you take me for?" (Y/n) gave her a fake hurt look. "I'm not some animal"

"Yes you are" Courtney replied as she crossed her arms. "You sometimes are very literally an animal"

(Y/n) was silent for a moment. "Shut up" he quickly grabbed what was left of the girls fries and pulled them over to him. "I am perfectly content with the way things are between me and Wednesday"

"Bull" Courtney replied as she grabbed her fries back. "You-" (y/n) grabbed a couple fries and shoved them in the girls mouth to shut her up.

Word count: 1039

(You guys tired of Wednesday not being here yet?)

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