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Wednesday Addams watched (y/n) with more interest than she cared to admit. He was seated at his desk reading the last couple pages of her book. He was a quick reader, she liked that, she had only given it to him last night and he was already just about finished.

Of course (y/n) didn't know he was being watched. Wednesday stood silently outside his window, staring in through it. She had started off coming over to see if he had finished but now she was curious how long it would take him to notice her. It would have been ridiculously easy to sneak in and attack him, he was lucky she needed him.

Wednesday was pulled from her thoughts as (y/n) closed the carefully hand bound book and placed it on the desk. There was a smile on his face which Wednesday hoped was a sign that he had enjoyed the book. Usually she wouldn't care what someone thought of her work but this was a boy who held said books fate in his hands.

(Y/n) stood and turned to the window only to spot Wednesday. Instead of jumping in surprise like she had hoped for the boy just smiled at her before walking over to the window and opening it for her.

Wednesday came inside silently and looked around, this was the first time she had been in the boys room. Luckily it seemed that he hadn't yet had time to decorate, as a result it was as dark and depressing as Wednesday's side of her dorm. "In the time you took to notice me outside I could easily have crept in and slit your throat"

"Good evening to you too Wednesday" (y/n) smiled at her before glancing at her book. "I gather you noticed me finishing your book?"

"Indeed I did" Wednesday replied as she walked over to the desk and looked down at it. "I trust you found it satisfactory?"

"I loved every second of it" (y/n) spoke causing Wednesday to quickly look up at him. "Wouldn't chance a thing"

"Really?" She gave him a confused look. "You're not going to ask me what's wrong with me? Recommend that I acquire psychiatric help?"

"Of course not. Granted the story is morbid and I'll be having nightmares for weeks but it was wonderfully written and I'd pity anyone who tries to get you to a psychiatrist"

"As well you should" Wednesday nodded in agreement. "If what you said is true I envy you, I would welcome a good nightmare. I haven't had one in weeks"

(Y/n) took a moment to process her words before shrugging. "I'm sure you'll have one soon enough"

Wednesday sat down in the boys desk chair and turned to look at him. "So what happens now?"

"I'll scan the pages of the book and send them over to my cousin. He'll read it and probably agree to publish it. He loves these horror mystery sorts of stories" (y/n) walked over to the desk and sat on it while looking down at Wednesday. "If you don't mind I'd like to keep this copy"

Wednesday considered his request for a moment before deciding it was best to placate the man who was helping her. "It's yours. I'll bind together a copy of each of the rest of the books for you to read within the next few weeks" Wednesday would never admit it but she was excited to finally find someone who enjoyed her novels.

"Thanks" he smiled once again at her. "Now onto less pressing matters. Do you think I should get a couch for this room?"

"Pardon me?" Wednesday asked, wondering why he would ask her of all people a question like this.

"A couch. A long upholstered piece of furniture designed for multiple people to sit on. I'm thinking red with a couple of cute pillows"

Wednesday grimaced at the idea. "Red I could forgive but cute pillows? That's going much to far"

"Good thing it's my room and not yours" (y/n) smiled before shrugging.

Wednesday grimaced once again but didn't say anything else. "I'm going into town tonight" (y/n) spoke after another moment. "Just to see what furniture they have. Want to come with?"

Wednesday raised an eyebrow as if asking why she would do any such thing. "We can get Chinese food" he smiled at her knowing she wouldn't return the gesture. "Dinner just like Mao used to make"

Wednesday smirked at the mention of the dictator. This boy was starting to figure out how to get to her, she'd give him credit for that. His smile widened when he noticed her smirk. "Some other time perhaps" she spoke as she regained her straight face.

"Alright fine" (y/n) shrugged before standing up. "I'll get you to hang out with me one day"

"Is that not what we are doing right now?" Wednesday asked as she stood up as well.

(Y/n) smiled. "So this is being considered a hang out? I figured you just came here to see what was happening with the book"

"I did. I'm still here though aren't I?" Even if it was to ensure that he did as he promised it was still the truth.

(Y/n)'s smile once again widened. "Good. Look at you being all friendly!"

Wednesday grabbed the boy by the collar and pulled him close to her. " Tell anyone about it and I'll flay you alive" she pushed him away and he stumbled a bit before regaining his balance.

"Sounds like a good time" (y/n) spoke sarcastically.

"It's a shame that was sarcasm" Wednesday frowned as she walked to the window to look out of it. "We could've started right now"

"Do you have some sort of flaying instrument?" (Y/n) asked only for Wednesday to quickly pull a steak knife from inside her pocket. "Ah, of course. Silly me, I'll try not to question you again"

"Good. It'd be a shame to end you just as I'm beginning to tolerate you... that being said the thrill would still overshadow the shame" Wednesday spoke as she placed the knife carefully back in her pocket.

"Oh- I'm sure it would" (y/n) replied, he instantly regretted the slight tremble in his voice that made Wednesday smirk evilly once again.

Word count: 1084

(I'm not sure how I am at writing for Wednesday and Enid. I could definitely be doing better but what are your thoughts?)

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