Waffle Aftermath

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(If anyone here is a good animator I've got an idea for you. Wednesday Addams singing "hex girl." Maybe (y/n) playing the drums and Enid playing guitar?)

"She's been in there a long time" Enid frowned as she sat across from (y/n) in the waiting room of Courtney's orthodontist's waiting room.

"They have other appointments and even when they do get to her it'll take a while" (y/n) replied as he rested his head on Wednesday's head since she sat next to him.

"I don't see why we had to be here" Wednesday crossed her arms causing (y/n) to roll his eyes.

"You didn't have to be. Enid and I decided to come because she's our friend. You just chose to come with since you don't like the possibility of me and brace face being alone together"

"Is that really a nice thing to call your friend?" Enid frowned but (y/n) just shrugged.

"She knows I mean it with love" (y/n) could almost feel Wednesday's disapproval of that statement. "Platonic love"

"Nice save" Enid spoke as she once again glanced past the room they were in. "I'm getting bor-" she was quickly cut off as the door she had been staring at opened and out came Courtney. She looked completely out of patience as she walked back to the group.

"You okay?" (Y/n) asked.

"My jaw is sore, my gums are inflamed from being stabbed by my broken braces, and these things are working slower than expected so I still have to wear these new braces for another two or three years" Courtney huffed as she walked towards the exit. "I'm just peachy"

"At least they're cute" (y/n) shrugged earning a glare from Wednesday as they all left the building. "What? You want me not to notice her braces then get some of your own"


The group of four were walking down the streets of the town, Courtney sipping gently on a milkshake (y/n) had gotten to cheer her up. The boy also had one. "Feeling better now?"

Courtney quickly glanced over past Wednesday who was between them and to the boy. "Emotionally but not physically"

"Good enough of an answer for me" (y/n) sipped his milkshake after that before offering some to Wednesday. She considered it and nodded, (y/n) put the straw to his girlfriends mouth and she sipped some of the milkshake.

"You two never cease to be cute" Enid spoke as she quickly snapped a picture from over on (y/n)'s other side.

Wednesday stopped drinking and quickly glared at Enid. "Oh she's right and you know it" (y/n) booped Wednesday on the nose causing her to turn her glare on him. "We're the worlds cutest couple!"

Wednesday shook her head. "You are cute. I am an expertly trained torture machine"

(Y/n) smiled and stopped walking prompting everyone else to do the same. "But you're so cute when you torture!" (y/n) cupped Wednesday's face in his hands. He quickly kissed her forehead as she rolled her eyes at his antics. "I love seeing you doing the things that you enjoy"

"Wait who did she torture?!" Enid asked with a concerned look on her face.

"Some bitch" (y/n) replied causing Enid to look at him surprised by his use of the word. "I meant that literally. It was some lady werewolf who liked to bully me"

"We should not talk of such things out in the open" Wednesday spoke causing the others to shut up.

"Right. Let's head back to the school" Courtney spoke as she sipped her milkshake.

Enid held up her phone. "Our Uber is on its way"


"Wednesday Friday Addams get your butt over here!" (Y/n) called out from where he was laying in his pajamas, just about ready to go to sleep.

The goth girl rolled her eyes as she heard her boyfriend calling her name. "I should never have told you my middle name" she spoke as she walked over to the bed where he was laying.

"I like it" (y/n) smiled as he put his arms around her waist and pulled her into bed beside him. "It suits you well"

Wednesday gave him a confused look. "Friday's child is loving and giv-"

"Oh forget the stupid poem" (y/n) quickly replied as he kissed the girl quickly on the lips and pulled her closer. "I think it fits you, just accept it"

Wednesday nodded and placed her head against the boys. "Fine" she stayed pressed up against the boy as he pulled her so she was laying atop him with his arms around her waist. "Just keep in mind that if you tell Enid I will castrate you"

"You seem to threaten me with that a lot" (y/n) frowned before shrugging it off. "But fine. Enid will not hear it from me. Promise" Wednesday planted a soft kiss on the boys lips before going back to just laying down on him.


In the forests around Nevermore there was a murder taking place. The murderer held in his hands part of a device that he quickly stabbed into the werewolves neck causing the young boy to howl in pain as he felt like he was being drained.

A moment later the wolf boy was dead. The murderer pulled off his hood so that he could get a better look at the dead boy as the device continued draining his blood into a container that was connected.

The murderer looked down at his robe and noticed it had a few rips from where the boy had slashed at him. He'd need to fix that.

Word count: 1000

(Some of you may be wondering why the whole thing this chapter and last with Courtney? Well because I like her and I like writing her)

(And I bet you thought I had just dropped the murder side story? Well so did I)

(Favorite part of the chapter?)

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